my fox girl

Chapter 362 Save Me

Chapter 362 Save Me
Seeing Yu Shuhui leave, Lin Yicai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go into the bedroom, then turned back, picked up the lunch box on the coffee table, and ran into the bedroom excitedly.

Sunset slants.

Lin Yi waited for her to drink two small bowls of soup, but he couldn't drink anything. Most of the two soups were left in his own stomach again.

All kinds of messy ingredients and some medicinal ingredients were mixed together, but they didn't overwhelm the main ingredients and cover up the deliciousness of the main ingredients, but even so, Lin Yi still felt that he didn't taste much.

After all, it is a soup for pregnant women, so it is lighter.

After cleaning the lunch box and putting it on the coffee table, waiting for Yu Shuhui to come to pick it up tomorrow, Lin Yi went back to the bedroom and lay down on the big bed, lifted the quilt, and rolled into it.

Pushed it twice, but there was no response. When I looked up, the little fox demon was pretending to sleep with her eyes closed.

Seeing this, Lin Yi hugged her directly from behind, lifted the hem of her maternity dress, slipped his hand in, and gently stroked her round belly, before reaching down unconsciously.

Immediately, she felt her body tremble suddenly, and then a small hand grabbed her wrist, panting slightly and angrily said: "I, I want to sleep, don't bother me."

"Aren't you coming?"


Xiao Bai gently turned over and lay flat on the bed, his eyes were looking at the ceiling, the blushing on his cheeks did not fade, but he still said in a very serious tone: "I, I thought about it for a long time, and I still don't want it. ,this is not good."

"Are you afraid of affecting the baby?"

She said so, but Lin Yi felt that she was actually afraid that her mother-in-law would run over suddenly and make a surprise attack.


There was an indistinct hum.


Lin Yi hesitated when he heard the words, and asked, "Then shall we go to bed?"


"Okay, sleep."

Lin Yi sighed, feeling a little lost for some reason, obviously he had been hesitating before.

The afterglow of the setting sun has faded, the sky has turned overcast, and the room looks even darker.

The room was quiet for a long time. Hearing Lin Yiyun's even breathing, the little fox quietly raised his eyes to look at him. Seeing that he closed his eyes and shrank his body into his arms, he hesitated for a moment and called softly: "Husband, Are you asleep?"

"I'm about to fall asleep, what are you doing?" Lin Yi opened his eyes and looked at her.

Being stared at by Lin Yi, she inexplicably felt a little uncomfortable, and a faint blush appeared on her small face. She quickly looked away and looked in the direction of the French windows on the balcony.

After a pause, he said in a casual tone, "I just want to ask if my mother will come over today?"

"I don't know, but I saw clearly just now when I was lying on the balcony. As soon as she came downstairs, she followed Xiao Yu. She must have gone to play mahjong. If there is no accident, she probably won't come here again today."

As he spoke, Lin Yi propped himself up on his arms, looked at her and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"I, I just wanted to ask."


Lin Yi moved his face closer, expressing doubts about her words.

"Well, it's true."

"I don't believe it, I think you want to recruit me."


Xiaobai opened his mouth, wanting to deny it, but couldn't speak out, and simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, showing an attitude of neither admitting nor refusing.

"what do you mean?"

Seeing this, Lin Yi nudged her twice, but without responding, he stared at her for a while, and finally chose to lie down and close his eyes to sleep.

After being quiet for a while in the dark, she quietly opened her eyes again, looked up at Lin Yi, then bit her lips lightly, stretched out her little feet to hook his legs and rubbed them lightly.

"What are you going to do again?" Lin Yi asked.

"I want to recruit you."

When the weather gets warmer, in March in Yangchun, Liu Jian's daughter is a little over three years old, and it's at a stage where she can take care of her better. At least she doesn't cry all night long like before.

As for Yang Ming, the girl who was born two years ago was also a girl, and now she is a little over one year old. Although it is difficult to take care of her, but with the help of his parents, it can be regarded as leisure.

When everyone was free, Lin Yi seemed very busy. The wife's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and now it was very difficult to turn over while sleeping.

Not to mention getting up every morning, if there is no one to support her, she will have to sit up in bed for a long time before she can sit up.

But even so, she was still very happy, rubbing her stomach and talking to herself every day, her face full of happiness and anticipation.

Lin Yi asked her what she was doing, and she said it was prenatal education.

Prenatal education is just rubbing your belly and reading, Lin Yi thinks this is not good, other people's prenatal education is to listen to some soothing music, or read a storybook to the child, to her it is a mouthful.

Reading is very tiring, and if you don't read, you can't make up a story, and letting Lin Yi read the story is almost the same as reading it by herself.

The little fox demon realized this, and started pulling Lin Yi to read stories every day,
After listening to Andersen and One Thousand and One Nights for a few days, I feel uncomfortable and feel that these stories are too exaggerated.

I simply limited the subject matter by myself, it must be a fairy tale, and it cannot be too complicated, otherwise the baby will not understand, and it is best to involve the romantic love of gifted scholars and beautiful women, because she likes this.

Faced with such a bullshit request, Lin Yi wanted to refuse. He didn't know how to tell shit romantic love stories, he didn't know what a gifted man and a beautiful woman are, and he didn't know how simple a love story between a gifted man and a beautiful woman can be.

After all, love itself is very complicated.

But considering the hostage in her belly, she complied. Besides doing housework and taking care of three meals a day, she had to hold back her energy to make up stories and tell them to her.

At this stage, it was the most stressful time for a pregnant woman. Every day, she felt tired even thinking about her pregnant belly. Lin Yi didn't know if she would be tired as a fox demon, but he felt sorry for his daughter-in-law.

Now he is looking forward to the early birth of the child, so that she can relax, and he can relax too, without wasting his brain cells thinking about the story.

It doesn't matter whether the child is a boy or a girl, and I haven't been checked in the hospital. The feeling now is like waiting for the lottery, full of mystery.

"In the end, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua lived happily together and gave birth to a bunch of dolls. Well, that's basically it."

After telling the nonsensical stories, Lin Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and looked out the window. It was pitch black, and night had fallen, and rows of lights were lit up in the opposite buildings.

"Lie down obediently, and I will cook."

With a warning, Lin Yi was about to get up and go to the kitchen to prepare dinner, but she suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Husband, I haven't kissed yet."

"Well, give you a kiss."

Lin Yi leaned down and kissed her on the lips, and straightened the slightly messy hair on her forehead before turning around and leaving. Just as he reached the door, the phone rang suddenly.

Lin Yi took out his phone and took a look. It was Yang Ming's call. He pressed the answer button and answered the phone that kept ringing.

Before he could speak, Yang Ming's voice came from the receiver, very weak.

"help me."

There are only two short words, but they are full of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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