my fox girl

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Time seems to be stagnant, and it seems to lose its meaning of existence.

After an unknown amount of time, various noisy voices began to appear in Yang Ming's ears, and then gradually became clear.

It seemed to be the sound of an instrument, mixed with vague conversations.

"The patient's cervical spine was broken, and there was a lot of congestion in the back of the brain. Surgery needs to be arranged as soon as possible."

"Such a serious injury, doctor, can he still be saved?"

"I don't know about this, but the brain was severely injured. I don't know if there is any damage to the brain function area. If it is damaged, it is likely to cause hemiplegia or language barriers. Please be mentally prepared."

"Don't be paralyzed, what's the difference between being paralyzed and being dead? Why don't you treat him as much as possible and let him have a language barrier?"

"This gentleman, can you please go out? Don't add a psychological burden to the doctor, and don't affect our operation."

Listening to the noisy conversation, Yang Ming wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't.
This feeling of entrusting one's life to someone else's hands is really unsettling.

At the beginning, he tried to struggle a few times, trying to tell the other party that he had a very strong desire to survive and that it was necessary to rescue him.

And I don't want any language barriers, just say ababababa, it's no different from being dead.

But I tried a few times and found that I couldn't do it, so I gave up.

Consciousness became blurred again, drowsy, as if having a very long dream.

In the dream, taking advantage of the fact that his wife and children had returned to her mother's house, she planned to go out and find a few buddies for a drink and get together.

The first stop was to go to Lin Yi's house. It was the most difficult thing to call that guy out. He didn't show up for more than half a year, and he couldn't make a call, so he simply went to his house to call.

As soon as he walked near the family courtyard behind the middle school, he saw a figure in green clothes from the back, who looked familiar, as if he had seen it in Lin Yi's circle of friends.

After walking a few steps quickly, I saw the side face of the other party. This woman seemed to be Lin Yi's sister-in-law.

This night, a girl from every family actually walked the night road alone, and went into that dark alley, just looking at it felt very dangerous.

I wanted to ask what the other party was doing, but I didn't know how to address her, so I simply called Miss Sister a few times, but the other party didn't even pay attention to me, and didn't even turn around to take a look, just walked into the dark alley on my own.

Although you don't care about people, but because you are a sister-in-law, brother will follow you and take care of you, and then you can use this excuse to call Lin Yi out.

Well, kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking like this, he also followed the other party into the alley, following behind him from a distance.

He thought about taking a few quick steps to catch up and ask her what she was going to do, but no matter how fast he walked, he still kept a long distance from her.

The figure of the other party is like a ghost, if he walks fast, the other party also walks fast, if he walks slowly, she also walks slowly.

Walking through a dark corner, he found that he couldn't see the figure of the other party. He was looking around when he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, even accompanied by a clicking sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blackness in front of his eyes, and he fell straight to the ground.

Everything happened so fast that he didn't even have time to turn around to see who was attacking him. In just a short moment, his consciousness sank.

It's just that at the moment of being attacked, I instinctively felt that the opponent didn't use a weapon, but was unarmed.

Because the touch of the heavy blow on the back of his neck was soft and warm.

It seemed that only a hand knife was used, and then fell down by itself.

This man is definitely a trainer.

When I woke up, I realized that I was thrown in the garbage dump. I wanted to get out of the smelly and unpleasant environment, but I felt that I couldn't lift up my whole body, and I couldn't even lift my head.

The neck is like broken, it hurts, it hurts.

With all his strength, he took out the phone from his pocket with trembling hands and called Lin Yi.

I want him to come and save me.

In the end, the guy even asked him to open the car home and pick a car he liked.

Consciousness stays here, but the following things can't be dreamed of anyway.

He only felt the dead silence around him, and in the darkness, he walked step by step, not knowing where he was, so he could only wander around aimlessly. After an unknown amount of time, he saw a light in front of him, which was the light he longed for. , he stepped forward towards the light, as if he thought the walking was too slow, he ran again.
The light was getting closer and closer to him.
The moment he walked through the light, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a clicking sound in his ears, as if someone was eating something.

He looked around, white walls, white quilts, white instruments, everything was white.

This is a hospital ward.

The anesthetic seemed to have lost its effect, and there was a burst of pain in the neck, and he was still unable to move, as if he had been immobilized by something.

Yang Ming sighed softly and closed his eyes
It seems that the things in the dream are all true, and I was really plotted against by someone, that person did not speak martial arts, and attacked me, a comrade in his 20s, sneakily.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Lin Yi also faintly heard the sigh just now, and then he stopped chewing the apple in his mouth. He moved to Yang Ming's side, looked at his black face, and saw that he closed his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable. asked for sure,
"Are you awake yet?"


"Don't be, just say a few words and listen."

"say what?"

The enunciation is clear, and although the voice is a little short of breath, it doesn't look like a language barrier.

And Lin Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it. There was no hemiplegia or language barrier, and the situation was much better than he expected.

At least the whole shadow is still there, it's a bit miserable, the back of the neck is broken, according to the doctor, it will take at least half a year to recover.

Just like this, it may not be possible to fully recover as before, maybe in the future, he will be like a certain sketch actor, tilting his head all day long.

This is still a bit better, if he looks at people with his head tilted every day like the second son Wu who has a cerebral thrombosis at the entrance of the village, then it will be really terrible.

"How do you feel now?"

"not so good."

Yang Ming felt it. Not only did his neck hurt, but he couldn't even move it. It was very uncomfortable.

"Well, I can see it."

Lin Yi nodded approvingly. After more than five hours of surgery, there was a plaster cast on his neck, steel needles, gauze on his head, and six stitches on the back of his head. Just looking at it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Is that the hospital you sent me to?"

"Nonsense, who else could it be if it wasn't me?"

Hearing this, Yang Ming tried to turn his neck to look out the window, but found that he couldn't even do such a simple movement, so he squinted and saw that the sky was bright outside.

Inexplicably moved, he paused for a moment, then licked his lips and asked, "Did you stay here with me all night?"

"That's not true. I went home after you had the operation after two o'clock last night."

Lin Yi took a bite of the apple, then pointed to the fruit basket by the bed, "Do you want to eat apples?"


Yang Ming opened his mouth, glanced down at the collar on his neck, and then looked at Lin Yi expectantly, "Do you want to feed me?"

"Don't eat if you don't want to eat. Tell me, what happened last night?"

"I didn't say no."

"The business is important."


Yang Ming was silent for a while, leaning against the head of the bed, that horrible and unbearable memory appeared in his mind again.

"This matter has to start with your aunt."


(End of this chapter)

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