Full of food and color

Chapter 108 Orb's Birthday

Chapter 108 Orb's Birthday ([-])

Baozhu curled her lips, disapproving of his words, quickly took off the handkerchief and put it on, and then looked at the furnishings in the private room.

The private room is divided into two parts by a screen in the center, and on one side is a large round table for more than ten people.On the other side of the screen, Baozhu leaned over to see, there was actually a soft couch for the guests to rest on, a long table and long wooden chairs were arranged beside the soft couch, a new tea set and a basket of fruit were placed on it.

She couldn't help laughing, if you add a bathroom, a mahjong table, and a few comfortable sofas, it will be no different from the restaurants in later generations.

Thinking of him making a special trip to celebrate his birthday, he couldn't help but smile, turned around, and thanked him cheerfully and loudly: "Brother He Lan! Thank you for your hospitality today!"

He Lanjin smiled, "How did Baozhu celebrate her birthday in the house?"

Baozhu sat down next to him, resting her chin on her hands, and recalled: "When I was young, I was poor in the house, but every year on my birthday, my mother would think of ways to cook some delicious dishes, and she didn't treat guests to wine, just us in the house! After a pause, he added: "Brother is in school and rarely celebrates my birthday with me, but Brother Sipei always gives me a small gift every year at this time."

He Lanjin smiled knowingly, "Si Pei, I recognize that boy who always follows you when you sell candied haws."

Baozhu nodded, remembering the past, she wrinkled her nose at him, "You were so hateful back then, you only bullied people, and you still wanted to fight with him!"

He Lanjin's complexion was bright for a moment, he shook his head and sighed softly, "The days go by so fast, it's only been three years since I met you, but my temperament has changed a lot in these years."

Baozhu nodded vigorously at him, "When I saw you again in the temple, it seemed like a different person in the blink of an eye, and I can't find the shadow of that time again."

He Lanjin laughed loudly, "You sound like a grown-up no matter how you speak, no wonder your brother always says you're smart!" He poured a glass of rice wine from the jug and took a sip, "I My mother has been very restrictive to me since I was a child. She invited my husband to come and force me to study from morning to night. At that time, I was only thirteen or fourteen. I was at the age of fun, and I ran to play all day long. , Going up the tree and down the river, touching fish and picking out bird eggs, the skin was terrible. After returning to the county, my mother finally stopped forcing me, and instead sent me to the county school. Seeing others working so hard, I gradually understood my mother painstaking efforts."

When he said this, Baozhu couldn't help but think of Jide, with crooked eyebrows and smiling eyes, "Speaking of which, my cousin was also, when he was young, he was extremely naughty and hated by others, but in the past few years, he suddenly became sensible!"

While talking, the door was knocked lightly, and Xiao Er led a few guys to file in. They were placed here one by one, and the Xiao Er next to him introduced them one by one. When it came to the signature dish, fried eel in spicy red oil, Baozhu couldn't help but opened her eyes wide to look at the dish, seeing that the dish was black and shiny, tender and delicious, a strong spicy smell came from the tip of her nose from a long distance away, before she could take a closer look, Xiaoer introduced the next signboard The dishes made her dizzy for a while.

He Lanjin's expression became a little serious after the second boys retreated: "Baozhu also opened a restaurant, and I brought you here with the intention of letting you learn more, and maybe it will help your business in the future." Yi." As he spoke, he picked up his chopsticks, "Baozhu, try the dishes of Koufulou and see what you can cook."

Baozhu was a little unconvinced, she curled her lips and said, "I know how to do it!" After a while, her face sank again, and she said in a muffled voice, "What I cook is home-cooked food, how can it be of the same level as Kou Fu Lou?" Pointing his arm to the abalone belly soup in front of him, he grinned and sighed, "Ordinary people can't afford such a precious material!" Then he pointed forward, "Here, that dish of boiled raw shrimp and soy sauce Emerald snail flowers, stir-fried sea crab with ginger and scallions, these three dishes cost two and a half taels of silver, this meal is worth more than half a month's income of my shop!"

She glanced at the "rich man" who looked indifferent beside her with some resentment, and asked, "How much money did you bring?"

He Lanjin glanced at Bao Zhu in puzzlement, "I don't have any money, I have ten taels of silver on my body, and it's always enough for us to eat."

Baozhu stabilized her mind, picked up her chopsticks and went to pick up the vegetables bitterly, and decided not to argue with him on the issue of money, and just bury her head in hard work, and must not waste ten taels of silver.Uh...Of course, he couldn't disappoint his kindness. He specially invited her out on his birthday. In fact, he wanted to broaden her horizons.

Thinking about myself, ever since I started a business, relying on the skills I learned in my previous life, I have been concentrating on building a car behind closed doors, and have not combined the dishes with the tastes of the people in the county at all.Freshness is of course important, but if you consider the tastes of the ancients, you can also add current dishes, which will be of great help to the business of the shop.

I also thought about it, for a restaurant as big as Koufulou, it costs hundreds of taels of silver just for purchasing every day, and my small fast food restaurant only spends a few hundred taels a day to buy vegetables and meat. The business is doing well, and the money is snowballing more and more, but the rent and taxes can be deducted, and there is still a lot of room for money in the house. So far, most of the money earned has been sent to the house, and only Two or three consecutive emergency.

Take a silent look at Koufulou's exquisite table and chair arrangement, even the dinner plate is made of special ceramics, with the words of Koufulou printed on the side of the plate.I sighed again in my heart, it seems that throughout the ages, no matter where you are, money is an indispensable good thing.If you don't have considerable financial resources, how can you afford to open such a large restaurant?Think about your own business, when will it be bigger and better?
After eating five minutes full, she temporarily put down her chopsticks, and poured herself a glass of rice wine to drink. Seeing He Lanjin's surprised eyes, she smiled and said, "A little rice wine, I won't get drunk. I'll... er, I'm drinking well!"

He Lanjin nodded, "After eating for a while, does Baozhu have any thoughts?"

Baozhu drank two cups in a row, her face flushed slightly, she took out her handkerchief and wiped her sweat, "Of course I have an idea, now that the customer flow of fast food shops is also stable, I want to make the shop bigger , thinking about finding a bigger shop at the end of the year, but I don’t know if I can save enough money at that time, my eldest brother will get married in March next year.”

He Lanjin snorted disdainfully, "Those girls in the county town are all as pretentious as Mrs. Wu, and I despise them the most. It's just an extra mouth for Mrs. Wu to marry into your house." He sighed With a voice, "Do your parents work hard all year round?"

He spoke quickly, and in front of Baozhu's face, his evaluation of her future sister-in-law was considered unreasonable, but Baozhu didn't annoy him, knowing that he was genuine.He just hummed, and didn't comment much on Mrs. Wu.

"Farming is extremely tiring, all year round, no matter how hot or cold it is outside, parents get up early in the morning and bend over to do the work for the whole day, every year is like this, and when there is a disaster year, it is even more useless. Farm." Talking about the hard work of her parents, her eyes were slightly red, "I started thinking about doing business early on, just to make my family's life better, but it's a pity that my parents are still farming in the house."

With a move in He Lanjin's heart, he suddenly felt an inexplicable respect for her, and patted her on the head lightly, "No wonder I have to go out early to sell candied haws. Baozhu is also a sensible person." He smiled again and asked her: "Baozhu Don’t you want to find a big shop, I can help you a bit.”

Baozhu blinked at him, he thought for a while, and said: "Of course I don't know anything about cooking, but I can pay for it. Baozhu just goes to the shop, and I will pay for how much money is needed, and I'm considered an entry." Members. In future business matters, it is good for Baozhu to decide, if there is a surplus, it will be divided according to the contract."

Baozhu stared at him blankly, these words really surprised her a lot, she didn't know how to answer for a moment, and after a long while, she regained her composure and thought about it carefully, if he joins, the new shop will naturally be better than the old one. The expected scale is quite large, but he has so much money, he can hire some good cooks to run the business himself, invest all in himself, but only take the share, isn't it too much of a loss?What's more, it involved management rights, sharing and other details. She was a little confused for a while, knowing that he had good intentions, and hesitated for a while, not knowing how to reply to him.

He Lanjin chuckled, "There is no rush for this matter. The lease of the shop in Liushu Lane will expire at the end of the year. If Baozhu is still interested, we can discuss it carefully."

In fact, what he mentioned just now was a decision he made on the spur of the moment. Now that he thinks about it, it is really a good idea. Baozhuwa's business is safe and hard, if you invest money in her, it may not be a good idea. will lose money.

Baozhu smiled back at him, "Of course I am willing. It's too late to be happy about such a great event! But how you look at it, brother Helan has also suffered a big loss. If I really want to partner, I have to give half of the money." Come on."

He Lanjin smiled happily, and gently brushed Baozhu's face with a slightly alcoholic breath, "Baozhu's words are wrong, if the business is good, what's wrong with being a shopkeeper who throws his hands away and waits to collect money?" ? I'm too lazy to take care of those business matters. I have to study all day, how can I have the energy to open a restaurant by myself?"

After Baozhu thought about it, she still insisted on her own idea, and decided not to mention the partnership with him for the time being, but will discuss it in detail at the end of the year.

He Lanjin put down her chopsticks early on, and when Baozhu's belly was rounded, it was already dark outside, she stood up with a smile, "It's a bit late today, my aunt is probably thinking about me right now." Well, I'm going back to the house now, I'm very happy today, thank you Brother Helan."

When he went out, he beckoned a donkey cart from the street. Baozhu smiled and said that there was no need to be so careful, but he insisted, "It's better to have someone deliver it at night at the girl's house."

The donkey cart stopped at the entrance of the alley, and Baozhu got out of the car with a smile and said goodbye to him: "Brother Helan is easy to go, you have so much money to eat today, come to my shop for free food in the future when you are free! There are also home-cooked dishes Good!"

She watched the donkey cart drive away before turning around.Unsuspecting, a long and narrow black shadow in the shadows came into view, accompanied by an angry voice, "Hello! To celebrate your birthday, my mother came back early in the afternoon and prepared a table of dishes. You are fine, run to Eat with someone else!"

In the moonlight, there was a strong resentment on that face, "Hmph, thanks to the fact that I waited for you at the entrance of the alley for an hour, I was afraid that you would not be able to see the road clearly when the alley was dark. Unexpectedly, someone even hired a car to take you off. ! Count my worries in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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