Chapter 126
On the fourth day of March, when it was still dark outside, Mrs. Wang and his wife got up. This is the first day for the new daughter-in-law to get married in the house. I got up early to serve tea for my in-laws. Mrs. Wang went to work on the stove. Sangu and Jide are also there, and it is the first meal for the new daughter-in-law to enter the house. For breakfast, four vegetarian dishes are specially prepared, and a basket of steamed white flour steamed buns steamed last night is heated in the pot. Changing clothes in the house, Baozhu went into the kitchen grinning, and pulled Wang's arm and grinned.

Wang shi smiled at her, "Why don't you sleep more!"

Baozhu curled her lips, "Didn't father, mother and second brother wake up early? There is an extra person in the room, and I am so happy that I can't sleep!"

Wang smiled happily, and after a while, she told Baozhu, "From now on, I will have a good life with your sister-in-law, do you understand?"

Baozhu nodded, and murmured like a little adult, "Don't worry about me, mother, I'll get along with my sister-in-law first!" She turned around and went to the yard to help her second brother feed the baby chickens.

Mrs. Wang went back to the house with a smile, thinking in her heart, in the future, when we are together every day, what is the nature of the daughter-in-law that can be concealed from others?After watching for a while, I can get a general idea, if it is really a filial girl, it would be worthwhile to suffer all the anger in front of her father.Taking a step back, even if her temperament is not as she likes, as long as she lives a life of her own duty and does not cause trouble, she has nothing to say, and she was not expected to be a county girl who wakes up early every day and greedily serves her food and drink.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Chen Tiegui fidgeting back and forth in the room, knowing that he was becoming a father-in-law for the first time, and his heart was nervous, so he scratched him with a smile: "Songyang!"

Chen Tiegui glanced at Wang, and sat down in the hall resentfully.

Changed clothes and just came out of the house, and it was just getting dark outside, Mrs. Wang walked a few steps towards the stove, listening to the sounds in the south room that seemed to be talking, guessing that the eldest couple was going to get up, and hurriedly laughed haha I went down to the porch on the south side, and I heard the sound of Pu Suosuo putting on clothes. He knocked on the window, and shouted in with a smile: "I was busy last night, and I drank some wine, and I will sleep with Linglong a little longer today. What time is it?"

It was quiet inside for a while, and Runze came out neatly dressed and opened the door, rubbing his head, "It's not too late, so get up early so your parents won't wait."

Mrs. Wang glanced at him and scolded him in a low voice: "It's fine if you're used to getting up early, let Linglong sleep with her full stomach, what does it matter if she wakes up early or not? Once your sister goes to the county, the house is not a mother's house every day." Getting up early to cook?"

There was a tinge of self-blame in Runze's eyes, "Mum, you've worked hard." He glanced at the room, "From now on, there will be more Linglong in the house to help, so Mother can relax."

Saying that, Linglong also stepped out of the room, her face was a little red, she gave Runze a shy look, she quickly turned her head away, and greeted Wang with a smile.

Mrs. Wang quickly helped her up, nodding her head and looking at her daughter-in-law, smiling from ear to ear.

Baozhu came over with a basin of water, and pouted at Runze, "Hurry up and wash with sister-in-law, the food is ready!"

Linglong hurriedly came to pick up the basin in her hand, but was shaken by the weight of the wrist, Runze hurried over to help her, smiled and told her to be careful, Linglong's face turned red again.

Seeing the two of them flirting with each other, Baozhu tactfully dragged Mrs. Wang to the kitchen, and when the meal was ready, she went to wake up her younger sister, Xiujuan, who had been sleeping in the same room where Baozhu used to live since her adoption. In Li, she was not very old, but she learned things early on. Maybe she was beaten and scolded a lot when she was young. She cherishes everyone who treats her well now. Mischievous, but Xiujuan's baby is very well-behaved in the house on weekdays, and has never made her and her father angry. She knows to do some work within her ability every day at a young age.

Wang is relieved to be relieved, but she often sighs, saying that Xiujuan's daughter is not close to her and her father after all.

Xiujuan has also reached the age of understanding things, knowing that Wang is not her biological mother, even though she is obedient, she also understands her adoptive status, and never goes to Wang and Chen Tiegui to please her, that is to say, she has been taken care of by Baozhu since she was a child. He is very dependent on her, when Baozhu came back these few days, he clings to her tightly, sleeps with Baozhu at night, and follows her every step of the way during the day.

Baozhu combed her hair and led her into the main room. Seeing that everyone was sitting, the eldest brother and sister-in-law hadn't entered the room yet, so she poured a cup of tea to Mrs. Wang with a smile, and knelt and half-kneeled to offer tea to her. After these days, mother will drink a sip of my respected tea today, and the whole year will be smooth!"

Everyone in the room was amused by her, Chen Cuixi patted her with a smile, "Hurry up and learn from your cousin, don't let your sister-in-law see the joke!"

Chen Tiegui himself sat upright, and the shoulders teased by her relaxed slightly, Baozhu stuck out his tongue, just returned to the chair and sat down, Runze and Linglong walked into the room, Runze explained something in Linglong's ear, and patted her on the shoulder , went straight into the seat.

Linglong gently placed the tea tray in her hand on the table, bent her waist slightly, raised her cuff with one hand, and slowly poured two cups of tea, raised her head, and poured the tea up her head with a smile.

Chen Tiegui coughed slightly, and reached for a cup of tea, "There are no such rules in our house, just eat after drinking, your mother has cooked several dishes today, don't wait for it to cool down."

Linglong was stunned for a moment, then picked up another teacup and handed it to Wang Shi, and said softly, "Daughter-in-law should always serve tea to parents in person." , "Okay, your father already said that we don't have those rules in our house, we are all from our own family, and we don't engage in those rules and ostentation." She picked up the tea and drank it, put down the teacup with a smile, "Father and mother have already Drink it, Linglong go sit down and eat."

Chen Cuixi also smiled and Zhang Luo said, "The food is cold, Linglong sit down quickly, your parents are happy today." Glancing at Runze, she said with a smile, "It seems that they are a pair of jade, and your mother gave birth to a baby earlier Just happy!"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Runze's face, and Wang hurriedly waved his hands, "How can it be so fast? It can't be a year or two?" As he said that, he also looked forward to it in his heart.

Baozhu and the others went back to the county after breakfast. Mrs. Wang was busy with her marriage and had no time to take care of the work in the field. I went to the field with my husband to loosen the soil.

After breakfast, Mrs. Wu went back to the house, saying that Run Ze would be leaving later, and that she would make him some clothes before driving him away.Seeing this, Mrs. Wang felt relieved. Seeing that Runze had eaten breakfast and then went to study in Runsheng's house, she angrily entered the house and scolded him, "The daughter-in-law has just passed the house, so leave the house alone?"

Run Ze closed the book, shook his head slightly, "It's more comfortable to read alone."

Mrs. Wang knew that he was worried about the failure of Zengsheng last year. Before that, he felt ashamed because he was not selected as a scholar. Because his father said a few words, he didn't come back to the house for a year. This time, he finally won the scholar. , and have to work hard to take the Zengsheng test, there is no day to relax.Mrs. Wang sighed in her heart, if the boss is really ignorant, it would be fine to have fun every day, but he has worked very hard since he was a child, and he never slack off in studying. Thinking of this, his heart softened and his tone softened A lot, "Why do you want to accompany me to say a few words?"

Runze pursed his lips and remained silent, while the impatient Wang sighed. After a long while, he opened his mouth, "I'm not as talented as brother Jide, and I failed the extra-birth test last year. If I don't work harder, I really don't have the face to face it." Father, mother, and younger sister." He clenched his fists slightly, "Besides, after these years, I have also gotten used to the life pattern of studying and studying outside the two meals."

Wang sighed, "Since we've made up our minds, tell her about it in the evening, Linglong will definitely understand." After a pause, she persuaded him, "Don't just compare me to your Jade brother, my son, How many people are there with such conditions? Are they all ordinary people? Don’t underestimate yourself, tell me, you are smart in reading, better than the others!”

Runze smiled wryly, and couldn't help but think of the top students from the Provincial Academy in the same period last year. They were the three who got the quota for enlarging students. He put in a lot of hard work, and he only got No.4 last year, just passing by that quota. However, the irony is that those few people don't study hard every day like him. If you want to talk about hard work, who in the academy can compare with yourself?He has been successful in studying since he was a child, and he has always been praised by his teachers. He has a bright mind and is willing to work hard, but since he went to the provincial capital, he realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. He sighed unconsciously and knew something. Er could not explain it to Mrs. Wang, and even if she did, it would only increase his mother's worry for herself, so she tried her best to smile and advised her not to worry, saying that she was going to study.

Mrs. Wang stopped persuading him, thinking about herself, why didn't she want her son to be more promising? The size of the bride price for marriage this time, five consecutive betrothal gifts, is a bit shabby in the village, and it's even less worth mentioning in the county. She felt earlier I have tried my best in the house, and I am worthy of it. When my daughter-in-law comes in, I still feel that I have lost her. If there are conditions in the future, I should compensate the eldest daughter-in-law, but the income from farming in the house is small after all, and the big head is still a treasure The money the baby earned in the county.

Selfishly speaking, she still feels sorry for the money earned by her daughter, and she doesn't want to use the hard-earned money earned by her daughter to compensate the eldest daughter-in-law in the future. The eldest should be somewhat responsible after studying for these years.The whole family could not just live by precious pearls. The family money spent on studying should be returned to the family in the future. She and her husband did not expect to enjoy any blessings from him, but only hoped that the eldest son would have a better future. Even if he fails the exam, he will be a teacher in the future, and he can lead his wife to live a good life, so he can feel at ease.

Sighing out of the room, he went to Linglong's room to talk to her, saying that Runze is married now, not like before, and wants to get a good reputation in the future. The second room is studying, if you ask her to be considerate, don't worry about him.

Linglong smiled and shook her head, saying that since she is studying, she must have no other distractions, if she takes care of both, it will delay her future.

Seeing that she was so tolerant and magnanimous in this matter, Mrs. Wang felt a little relieved.

Waking up early the next day, Mrs. Wang went into the stove to cook, Linglong followed closely, and said with a smile that she could help. Mrs. Wang wanted to ask her to do some work. Didn't the two get close from the firewood, rice, oil and salt in the daily stove?But look at her slender and white fingers, how can she look like a worker?

After just one glance, she was dismissed and told her not to go to work, if she wanted to learn, she could just watch and learn slowly.I'm glad that my daughter-in-law didn't show her contempt for the house like her father did when she entered the door. This gave her a dose of reassurance, after all, she had already worried about falling out with her family.From the looks of it now, she behaves elegantly and is a dignified and gentle girl, which is already very reassuring for her. As for those who help her with work and share her worries, she will have a good impression of her if she can do it. Don't blame her, what can she be expected to do as a daughter raised by a wealthy family in the county?If she really has the heart, she will learn slowly in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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