Full of food and color

Chapter 129 Buying New Clothes

Chapter 129 Buying New Clothes
That night, Baozhu gave Zhaodi the pattern she had drawn, saying that these were the clothes that the six people in the shop would wear every day, and asked her to rush to make them as soon as possible.

Zhaodi blinked, not quite understanding why her sister made everyone wear the same clothes, took a closer look at the drawings, and was a little relieved that the styles were not too complicated.

Clothes for both men and women are simple double-breasted robes and underskirts, with bags tied around the waist, and the cuffs are changed to narrow openings for the convenience of work. Apart from the need to embroider a few words on the chest, there is nothing else besides difficulty.

Then he patted his chest and replied, "At first I thought it was such a complicated pattern, but I can make it so simple! If my mother is here, it will definitely be better than what I made!"

After thinking for a while, he realized that the words just now looked very familiar, and immediately grinned, "Isn't this the signboard of our shop? Baozhu wants to embroider these four words on clothes?"

Baozhu nodded with a smile, "It's more than that, these words must be embroidered on everyone's clothes, and I will write the extra words for you later, for example, my third aunt, I will add a steward on my chest, you and Tang Bao The clothes of the other three uncles were embroidered on the running hall, and my cousin and I embroidered on the cook."

This idea still comes from the creativity of later generations. I want to make Chen Ji a bigger and more professional brand. In the future, I must use the business model of later generations. Uniforms are only one of the links. There are still many areas to be improved. Now I can only slow down Slow down and plan step by step.

Zhaodi frowned and pondered for a long while, but she still didn't turn her head around, and wondered: "The waiter is the waiter, and the cook is the cook. Why do you need to embroider the clothes? Are you afraid that the guests won't know?"

Baozhu thought about it for a while, and explained to her with a smile: "That's the reason, so that customers can understand at a glance, that is, our shop is small, including you and uncle, there are only six people, if it is a big shop, there are foremen and ministers!"

Zhao Di nodded her head in a daze, although she couldn't understand the benefits of doing so.But the left and right are requested by the girl, and she has to do it with all her strength. The girl reads and practices calligraphy, and she knows a lot more than she does. There must be her reason for embroidering words, so she should worry about those words first. It can be embroidered to look better.

In early summer, the weather was already extremely hot. In the spare time in the afternoon, Liang Dong and Tang Bao were sitting under the willow tree at the door to enjoy the cool air. From a distance, they saw He Lanjin coming leisurely, waving a paper fan. Liang Dong saw it at a glance. After seeing him, he hurriedly stood up from the chair, and called him with a smile, "Brother He Lan, why are you here on such a hot day?"

He Lanjin came over with a smile, closed the paper fan, and looked left and right, "I haven't come here for a long time, come and have a look now."

Tang Bao also stood up, knowing that he was also one of the owners of the shop, he didn't dare to neglect him, greeted him respectfully, moved the chair towards him with a smile, "The wind at the entrance of the alley is the most Let's go, He Lango sit down and rest for a while." Then he ran into it and called Baozhu.

He responded, sat down with a smile, and asked Liangdong, "How's the business going?"

There was a grateful smile on the corner of Liangdong's mouth, "It's fortunate that brother Helan paid the money back then. Since I changed this place, the business has been much better than before."

He Lanjin waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile: "Don't keep thanking me, I really can't hear it."

Liangdong was originally a dull person, knowing that He Lanjin was Baozhu's great benefactor, he was grateful in his heart, every time he saw him, he always had to say a few words politely, and then he didn't know what to say. It's different, he is a wealthy son in the county, and he really doesn't know how to deal with him. The two of them were speechless for a while, and after a long while, they heard He Lanjin say: "There were a lot of things at home a while ago, and these days I just Come and take a look when you have time, I know the business is good, so I am relieved."

Liang Dong nodded, "My sister's culinary skills are still very good. Brother He Lan, you can just rest assured and go to school. There will be a sister in the shop, and you will definitely not lose money."

He Lanjin sighed, and didn't explain anything, just chuckled, "I know Baozhu's craftsmanship, so I shouldn't worry about it, the little girl can always take care of her own business."

As he said that, he had no intention of going to the second floor, and saw a round head staring at him without blinking. Seeing that he was looking up, he suddenly shrank back, Liangdong followed his gaze, Smiling and shaking his head, "That's Baozhu's uncle's cousin, Zhaodi, who has been helping out in the shop since this year. She is very mischievous and has become everyone's joy." It’s also very easy to work with.”

He Lanjin smiled, "I don't care about the shop's business, Baozhu can use whoever she likes, I just look at that girl who looks familiar."

Liang Dong was still a little apprehensive, seeing that He Lanjin didn't seem to care about it at all, he felt a little relieved, saw Baozhu coming out of the shop, and left with a smile, saying that he was going into the kitchen to prepare, and that there should be guests later up.

As soon as Baozhu saw He Lanjin, she smiled and complained to him, "How many times did you tell Tang Bao to go to school in March? Why didn't Brother He Lan come all the time?"

He smiled wryly and shook his head, "Since March, my father has been ill, and he stays with him by the bed every day, and even missed the government examination a while ago."

Baozhu closed her smile, frowned and asked him, "Is Uncle feeling better now?"

He nodded, "I took some medicine at first, but I didn't get much better after hiring several doctors. Fortunately, I asked around and found a doctor with a good reputation in Xiatou Village, our county. I took several medicines and then got an injection. , I have been able to move around normally in the past few days."

Baozhu's heart moved, and he asked: "The doctor in Xiatou Village, is that man Wei Bo?"

He snorted, then laughed, "It turned out that Baozhu knew her."

Baozhu smiled and nodded her head, "Naturally, Wei Bo taught me how to read and write when I was a child. It's definitely right to see Wei Bo when I'm sick." Saying that, she beckoned him into the shop to have a look.

He Lan followed Bao Zhu into the shop, and her first impression was that it was clean and tidy.The floor is spotless, the tables and chairs have been wiped clean and bright, and a small vase is specially placed on the table. The old wooden tables and chairs in the lobby have been replaced with new ones in batches. Tied a butterfly to end it.

It was only then that I noticed what each of them was wearing, and when I looked closely, they were all green cloth clothes, with the words Chen Ji Fast Food embroidered on the chest, and even the division of labor of each of them was clearly embroidered in small characters. He couldn't help but burst out laughing, because many uncles and uncles in the family have settled down in the provincial capital all year round. He often has the opportunity to go to the provincial capital to play. He thought of the big restaurants in the provincial capital. They are all dressed in the same way, and they are called work uniforms.

I thought that there would be such a trend in the restaurants in the county in a few years, but I never expected that the first time I saw it in the county, it was actually a shop opened by a little girl like Baozhu, which was different from the provincial capital. Yes, in addition to the same style, the uniforms also have more signs and positions.

At this time, I looked at her differently in my heart.

Seeing that he lost his mind looking at Baozhu's clothes, Chen Cuixi explained to him with a smile: "Baozhu's son thought about it on his own when he had nothing to do. He said that everyone in the shop was well-dressed, and the customers were pleasing to the eye. , and again, it is also the characteristic of our shop, if we open a branch in the future, we will still wear it like this!"

They sat around a small square table, and Baozhu asked him with a smile: "Brother Helan, do you think it's okay to dress like this?"

He Lanjin nodded, and tapped the folding fan on the table slowly, "This idea is very good. Speaking of which, I have seen such unified uniforms in restaurants in the provincial capital."

Baozhu smiled, the ancients naturally had the wisdom of the ancients, and at best, she only got the glory of the later generations. The craftsmanship was trained in the school and her own long-term practice. Well, I can't rely on clothes alone, so I don't feel disappointed.

He also told him about the business of the shop this year, and after chatting about it for a while, Zhaodi came out from the kitchen, brought a plate of watermelon, and said with a smile that it was hot today, everyone should eat some watermelon to relieve the heat.

Baozhu took her to sit down, and looked at He Lanjin with a half-smile, "Does Brother He Lan recognize her?"

He Lanjin stretched out his hand to pick up a watermelon, and said with a smile: "Why can't I recognize it, I saw it once in the attic just now."

Zhaodi stared at his movements without blinking, and after a while, exclaimed: "How can your hands be so white and thin?!" Then she lowered her head and peeked at her own hands, and sighed with her mouth flattened.

Chen Cuixi also followed her to see, secretly sighing in her heart that Zhaodi was bluffing and not steady at all, how could she ask like that in front of others?He laughed and smoothed things over, "My son, your elder brother's house is rich and expensive, and he can't do work all day long. How can his hands be as rough as yours?" After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Only you brother Runze , study all day long and don't go to work in the field, my aunt looks at that hand is whiter than a girl's."

But Baozhu felt that Zhaodi had a simple and honest personality, and she had no intentions. She often said some witty words to make people laugh, which was very attractive, so she laughed along with them.

He Lanjin was slowed down by their laughter, and felt a little embarrassed on his face. He coughed twice, and was about to speak when Zhaodi frowned, "Listen to my sister, you have become a good person now. I don't care about you anymore! I can't bully my sister in the future!"

Chen Cuixi hurriedly stared at her, and explained to He Lanjin with a smile, "My cousin niece is talking naughty, little brother He Lan, don't pay attention to her." Then he blamed Zhao Di, "Talk to your elder brother He Lan, What does it look like?"

Zhaodi made a muffled sound, pouted her lips, glanced at He Lanjin, and muttered in a low voice, "Thank you for the shop. Anyway, Baozhu said you are a good person, so I also think you are a good person!"

He Lanjin shook his head and laughed, "I see that you two sisters really have a very good relationship."

(Hee hee, do you want the lovely Zhao Di to match He Lan or Liang Dong? Datou and Tang Bao can also be considered...)
(End of this chapter)

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