Full of food and color

Chapter 133 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 133 The Uninvited Guest

Baozhu listened to Tang Bao's description in a few words, but couldn't figure it out for a while, so she hurriedly straightened her hair, took off her apron, and went upstairs.

Chen Cuixi was not at ease, she followed up in two or three steps, and said in a low voice, "Gu Gu will go up with you to see, don't come here to cause trouble."

Because the second floor opened at the end of August, these days they are busy all day without touching the ground. Even Jide is often recruited by Chen Cuixi to help with some work. The Chen Ji breakfast launched has a unique taste and a reasonable price, and it has already been buzzing in the county.Just a few days ago, even the magistrate of the county government praised the shredded radish pancakes made by Chen Ji Shop in public.Speaking of which, this matter is not a big deal at all, the magistrate of the county government naturally wants to eat and drink, and often takes his family members to the restaurant in his spare time, but it is not the case when those words fall into the ears of caring people.

The two of Baozhu went upstairs, and at a glance they saw the two sitting and waiting in front of the window. She cheered up and stepped forward with a smile. The fat middle-aged man couldn't help raising his head to look at her carefully.

Looking closely at his facial features, high nose bridge, pointed chin, the whole person looks extremely shrewd, the eyes are not big, but the eyes are full of cunning calculations, being swept up and down by such sinister eyes, Baozhu still feels a little disgusted, she slightly lips, decided to get straight to the point, and said politely, "The two uncles are very tense, I don't know why you are here today?"

The two of them are obviously in a master-servant relationship, and they stood with a rigid expression of listening attentively from beginning to end. Baozhu sighed inwardly, and her eyes fell on the person on the chair, but he did not rush to answer, but lowered his head and stretched out his eyes. He showed five fat short fingers, and showed a jade wrench on the thumb that was as wide as a knuckle, rubbing it up and down and playing with it.

Chen Cuixi didn't like his manner very much, "Ouch" came to him, "This is very strange, I heard from the staff that two distinguished guests called my niece by name, how come they didn't speak when they saw her?" ?”

The man smiled, picked up the tea and took a sip, and was about to speak when his brows frowned, and immediately put down the tea bowl, looking at the tea stalks and broken pieces inside, thinking about it, it was such a poor shop, these few days In the past few months, he has been showing off the limelight in the county, so a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. At first, he wanted to take advantage of the situation to sarcasm, but then he thought that the other party was just two women and Taoists, so it was very boring, so the next sentence would be straight Dao explained the purpose of coming, "I am Ye Deren, the chief executive of Kou Fu Lou, and I am here today mainly to discuss cooperation matters with Chen Ji."

Baozhu frowned slightly, which still surprised her a little. Koufulou was a prosperous store in the county, but now it suddenly came to discuss cooperation matters, which made her treat it cautiously, took a step forward, and said sternly: "How do you want to cooperate?"

"Fresh!" Ye Deren gave a thumbs up, "Since the little girl's family is so neat, let's not talk about those crooked ones, just count them—" He stretched out a few fingers.

Baozhu was stunned, and quickly thought of a possibility. Since he is from Koufulou, he wanted to cooperate because he saw that the business of his own store was good, so he wanted to buy it. In the future, the fast food business in the county will be dominated by his family alone. , if they intend to buy their own shop, according to his figure, is it possible that their own sign is only worth 40 taels?

Ye Deren seemed to see her hesitation, he twitched his goatee, and said disdainfully, "40 taels of gold."

Baozhu opened her mouth, and subconsciously calculated quickly in her heart, 40 taels of gold is equal to 150 silver, when I bought the shop at the beginning, I spent [-] silver, and the amount given by the other party was not much, but it was not a small sum of money. Even Chen Cuixi was quite surprised, knowing that her shop was worth so much money, she was still a little proud, but—after only a moment, she came back to her senses, the other party was going to buy her shop now, It also meant that the career she had worked so hard for had to be handed over to her. Even though the other party offered a big price, she was somewhat tempted. With the four hundred silver, not only would she be able to immediately repay He Lango's favor, but the rest It is enough for her to set up a bigger shop.

But in fact, how can the other party do business without capital? Ye Deren stretched out his hand and knocked on the table, while looking at the expressions of Baozhu and the two of them proudly, "40 taels of gold is not a small amount, the reason why the owner asked such a high price It turned out that there are some requirements." He paused, then turned serious and said to Baozhu: "Within ten years, you can't continue to operate restaurants in Tianchao."

Sure enough, conditions were added. Such harsh conditions were tantamount to expulsion. Four hundred dollars was exchanged for Chen Ji's disappearance. In addition, she could not touch the catering industry for ten years. How could it be a loss-making business?Not to mention whether it's a good deal or not, compared to the hard work she put into Chen Ji's fast food in the past two years, she subconsciously rejected it in her heart.

After a short while, Chen Cuixi obviously recovered from the initial dizziness, and before Baozhu could speak, she winked at Baozhu and sneered and refused: "This business can't be done! If you really want us to rest from now on , two hundred gold is about the same!"

Ye Deren was not surprised at all, and said leisurely: "You are from Yantou Village. You used to open a half-sized shop in the snack street of Liushu Alley." He glanced at Baozhu with deep meaning in his eyes, "There are six acres in the house. Land, it’s just enough to make ends meet, and the total earned in Liushu Alley is less than 20 taels!?” Although he was asking, his tone was very certain, as if he knew all the sources of income in front of Baozhu. My heart tightened, and I heard him sneer, and continued: "The reason why I came to the west of the city this year to do business, I don't know if I met a rich man on the way, and stole some money."

After finishing speaking, she smiled and showed her yellow teeth, "Little girl, am I right or not?"

Baozhu thought for a while, took a deep breath, and decided to ignore the source of the money he was referring to, "Since you have investigated everything, why are you asking us?" After a pause, she shook her head and said, "But no matter how you Said, what I mentioned today, I absolutely cannot agree to it."

Ye Deren straightened up, showing an extremely regretful expression, "Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to do business with my boss after I go back." He persuaded again and again: "Forty gold is enough for you to go back to the village to eat and drink without worrying about it. Chen Ji Fast Food handed over the craftsmanship, I think the owner will always express some gratitude, such as relocating a big house for your family in the county, and offering some fertile land."

Baozhu sighed inwardly, and her tone became firmer, "I will slowly earn money from the house and the land, the shop is not for sale, and the craftsmanship is not going to be passed on, Uncle, please go back."

Ye Deren shook his head and stood up sighing, patted his buttocks, looked around, and sighed: "There are still some cooperation matters that I wanted to mention today. Since the matter of buying a shop is not successful, the girl can still consider coming to Koufulu for development. "He smiled and made a gesture, "One gold per month, five taels of silver more than the best chef in the county."

Baozhu was about to refuse, but he quickly waved his hand, "I have also brought what I should bring today. As for the one I will talk about later, girl, don't rush to refuse, so you can think about it for a while, the boss is waiting for your letter." Boy, let’s take my leave today!” After speaking, she shook her head and went downstairs.

Baozhu pursed her lips and stared at his back until he walked out of the gate, and her shoulders collapsed. Chen Cuixi hurriedly stepped forward to persuade her: "Isn't it just a blessing building? We do business according to our duties, and we are afraid of it What are you doing?"

Baozhu shook her head, if she had been doing business in the county all these years, if there was anyone she could talk to or give advice to, then only her aunt would be the only one, and she didn't intend to hide it from her at this time, "Listen to what he said last Son, there is a hint of threat."

Chen Cuixi curled her lips, "You mean, what else can they do to our shop? Could it be that there is no law in our county?" But the words came out of his mouth, and the more they went on, the more they disappeared. Confidence, in the past few years in the county, she has heard little about the nasty things done by some individuals relying on their power and power?

Zhaodi stepped on the wooden ladder and went up the stairs. Seeing Baozhu's face turned pale, she took her hand and asked, "What did you say just now?" Nodding his head, he looked anxious.

Because the two big guys could see that the two people were unusual, even though the shop was closed, the crowd still did not disperse, Tang Bao and the others all came out of the kitchen at this time, Baozhu went downstairs to gather the big guys together At the office, I explained in detail what happened just now.

After finishing speaking, he smiled wryly and said: "Anyway, the conversation has collapsed today, and I don't know what will happen next."

Jide walked in in three or two steps. He saw the big guy coming back to the house late, so he came to the shop from the house to look at it. When he stepped into the threshold, he happened to listen to Baozhu and the others talking, so he stood quietly at the door and listened. .

At this time, seeing Baozhu's small shoulders trembling slightly, whether it was because of the cold weather or excitement, and seeing her little face full of worry, I felt a little distressed in my heart. When the shop encountered such a big event, my sister this year He was only twelve, and the girl next to him was doing embroidery in the house at this age. He stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder lightly. He didn't know where he came from, took a deep breath, and said softly, "No matter what happens, Nothing, my mother and I are standing in front of you to protect you!"

Zhaodi's eyes were red, "Oh my God, is our shop going to suffer?" After she finished speaking, Chen Cuixi immediately gave her a cold look, she quickly covered her mouth, and imitated Jide's tone and said, "And me and Daddy , no matter what happens, I will protect her in front of her!"

Tang Bao also took a few steps forward to express his opinion, "Since I came to our shop, Bao Zhu and my aunt have treated me like a family. There is nothing to say. Even if there are big things in the future, I will guard our shop and never leave!"

Liang Dong stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder, then turned to face the crowd, "From now on, Tang Bao and I will stay at the shop overnight."

The second uncle Baozhu waved his hands, "You two little ones can do anything, go back and rest, I'll do the night watch!"

Chen Cuixi nodded, "Don't look at the size of their restaurant, they might actually do such a third-rate thing, so you have to be on guard, in case someone comes to sabotage at night, someone will always let some Heart."

(Hehe, Grasshopper started saving manuscripts again today, starting from the [-]st of next month, it will be updated twice a day for eight days.)
(End of this chapter)

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