Full of food and color

Chapter 140 Going to be an Apprentice

Chapter 140 Going to be an Apprentice
Wei Sipei took out a bag of snacks from his arms and handed them over, "Peanut kernels."

Zhaodi accepted it with a smile, and asked him: "Brother Sipei, how are you staying in the room this time? Does Ximei still want to play with you?"

Wei Sipei glanced at Baozhu, said with a smile: "Sometimes I come, but I go out with my father all day long, so it's not often."

Zhaodi approached Baozhu's ear mysteriously and said, "Brother Sipei, I'm afraid you will be unhappy!"

Baozhu blushed, gave her a reproachful look, and dragged her to the outside, "Go and come back quickly, the shop is too short to be taken care of!"

Wei Sipei smiled, nodded to Liangdong, turned around and followed the two of them out the door.

March is the most vibrant time in early spring. The willow trees on the street have just sprouted buds. Although the air is still a bit cold, it is not like the harsh wind of midwinter. It blows on people's faces and makes people feel refreshed .

The three of them left the alley and turned to the right, the first one on the street was a teahouse, Baozhu stopped walking, "Don't go too far for this one, let's just go here."

Knowing that she was worried about the shop, Wei Sipei nodded with a smile, "I just came to see you today, and I have to do some things after I stay here soon."

As soon as the words were finished, a person came straight from behind. The person stepped forward and patted Baozhu's shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Send a message for the chief steward. I don't know what Miss thinks about the previous discussion?"

Baozhu glared at him, "Didn't you say it last time, why don't you chief executives give up?"

After hearing her words, the man turned around and disappeared at the corner of the street without answering her.

Zhaodi muttered angrily, "It turned out to be a person from Koufulou! Just after leaving the shop, that person acted suspiciously and followed us all the time. He really isn't a good guy!"

Baozhu smiled, "Don't worry about it." He went straight to the second floor.

The three sat down, ordered a pot of tea and two snacks.Wei Sipei looked around and said with a smile, "It's quiet here."

Zhao Di shook her head, "It's early in the morning, the business of the teahouse is slow, and there is no storyteller, when we used to come with Brother Jide at night, there were many people!"

Wei Sipei nodded, and couldn't help asking: "Who was that person just now?"

Baozhu sighed, and told him about what happened to the shop at the end of last year, and he listened quietly. After Baozhu finished talking, he frowned and said: "First invite a famous chef from Luoyang, and then go to Distributing menus at the door of the shop, and asking questions again this time, I’m afraid it won’t stop in the future.”

Baozhu nodded, "I think so too, but I don't know what they will think of to suppress Chen Ji in the future."

Zhao Di pouted, "We are really doing business, I'm afraid they will do something!"

Wei Sipei said with some worry in his tone, "Have you heard about the unjust case in Jingyang County?"

Baozhu shook her head, listening to him speak slowly.

"It turned out that there was a conflict between two merchants, and one of them had the intention of harming others, so he poisoned the rice jar of the other family at night. The person was poisoned to death the next day, and the whole family of the implicated family was imprisoned." Well, the person who poisoned him was originally in collusion with the yamen servants. After they entered the cell, he tortured them brutally, beat and scolded them all day long, lynched them, forced them to eat shit and drink urine. killed."

Bao Zhu couldn't calm down for a long time, thinking about the society in her previous life, although there were various injustices, but the technology at that time was already extremely advanced, with various advanced detection equipment, DNA testing, fingerprint testing, etc., wanting to do bad things to blackmail others One, most of them still have to cocoon themselves.

After a while, he frowned and sighed: "There is not even a trace of justice!" He asked him again: "What about the end? Can you find out the yamen servant who committed the crime and the confused county magistrate?"

Wei Sipei sighed slightly, "It's just a private rumor among the common people, how can anyone dare to question it?"

Zhaodi slapped the table and stood up, "It's broken, I have to talk to Dad and Brother Liangdong to check if there is any poison in our rice vat!"

Baozhu stopped her, dumbfounded, "Cousin said wind is rain, how can it be so mysterious? Let's be more prepared in the future."

Wei Sipei shook his head, "It's not an option to always be on guard like this." After a pause, he asked, "Does He Lan know about this?"

Baozhu shook her head, her tone a bit embarrassed, "He is always busy, and it's not easy to meet him every day, and I already owe him a lot, this time, I really don't want to bother him anymore."

Wei Sipei hummed, and warned: "Check and check the ingredients you use every day, maybe we may not encounter such a thing, that unjust case reminds us, it's always good to be careful."

Baozhu was still calm, but Zhaodi was disturbed by what she heard, and couldn't help interjecting: "Speaking of which, we don't have any influence in the county, and we don't have money like those rich households in the house. If someone It’s getting dark, I’m afraid I won’t be able to turn over!” After a long while, he pulled Baozhu’s arm again, “Why don’t we pack up the bed tomorrow? Sell the shop and go to a place without Koufulu for business! My father and I went with my sister !"

Wei Sipei pursed his lips when he saw that she was facing an enemy, and said in relief: "The unjust case is just an extreme example, it's just two shops competing for a source of customers, why would they always think about killing people?"

"Brother Si Pei is right." Baozhu shook her head and said, "It's so easy to open such a shop, and everyone's hard work is in it, so how can you just leave?"

After they talked about it, Zhao Di felt a little relieved, thinking about it, it was the same thing. Front mouth Fulou invited a famous chef from Luoyang, but didn't snatch all the guests away, so she nodded, "Sisters are not afraid, I will be a sister We won’t hold back and let them toss, as long as our food is delicious, even if we invite a famous chef from the capital, we won’t be afraid of him!”

Hearing her bold words, Baozhu and Baozhu looked at each other and smiled, and they both felt much relieved.

Wei Sipei saw that the two of them were relieved for a rare moment, so he changed the subject with a smile: "Last year, my father went to Helan's mansion to see Master Helan's illness."

Baozhu looked at her with a smile, "I already know. Brother Helan didn't mean to mention such a thing when he came back last time. He just said that it was a doctor surnamed Wei in Xiatou Village. I guessed it was Uncle Wei right away."

"En." He nodded, "A few days ago he sent someone to pass on the message that he wanted to invite my father to sit in Renjitang."

Baozhu was slightly taken aback, "Is there such a coincidence? Renjitang was opened by his house?"

Zhao Ditong was surprised, "Brother Liangdong bought me the medicine that time was from Renjitang!"

Wei Sipei smiled, "It was opened by Helan's mother's natal family, and there are more than ten semicolons in the entire Yanzhou mansion. Because he took care of Master Helan's illness last year, he praised my father's medical skills a lot. Then I sent someone to invite me.”

Baozhu smiled heartily, and said firmly: "His house can do business, so Wei Bo must not be willing?"

Wei Sipei nodded, glanced at Baozhu, and said with a smile: "Father is used to living in the countryside, and he was thinking about treating the neighbors, so I begged him to recommend me to Master Helan."

Baozhu snorted, with some anticipation in her eyes, "Did Uncle Wei agree? Can you be willing to leave you so far away? Speaking of which, it would be a good thing if you really came to the county. We can get together often in the future." .”

Wei Sipei narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Father only said that if I can study in the medical center for a few years and identify more cases, it will be good for my medical skills."

Zhaodi clapped her hands and giggled, "That means you agree? When are you going? Today?"

Wei Sipei nodded, "The previous ones have already received the letter, and they will go to Mrs. He Lan in a while. She wants to ask me something. If it can be done, this one will go to the medical clinic."

Baozhu curled her lips, "It must be to test your medical skills!"

Wei Sipei waved his hand, "What I'm talking about is that we don't know the outcome yet. I originally wanted to wait until the matter is settled before I tell you, so that you will be happy in vain."

Baozhu smiled triumphantly, "Isn't that a sure thing? You have been studying medicine with Wei Bo since you were a child, and you have identified herbal medicines early, and you have been going out to see doctors all these years. I have confidence in you!"

At noon, Baozhu called him to eat, "You can't go to the interview hungry!"

Wei Sipei raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Interview? It's a clever use of the word."

Baozhu smiled, and led him to the shop, and felt that his hands were cold, so she shook them subconsciously. Zhaodi saw all this behavior, she smiled, and walked to Baozhu's ear and said : "Brother Sipei blushed just now!"

Only then did Baozhu suddenly come back to her senses, and hastily let go of his hand.

Thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. No matter how long we were separated from him, every time we met, I couldn't say a few words, and the sense of alienation that I hadn't seen for a long time often seemed to suddenly disappear. I just felt that every word and every smile on his face So familiar and friendly, he accidentally forgot about the male and female defense, and took his hand triumphantly.

When they returned to Chen Ji, Liang Dong's eyes lit up when he heard the news, "It's good now, anyone in the shop who has a headache will go to Renjitang to find you." He went upstairs to sit, and prepared two signature dishes with huge portions for him at the stove, saying that today was an important day, so he had to eat enough.

Ever since Wei Sipei came in, Chen Cuixi was not very happy, although she didn't show it on her face, she was a little cold inside and out, now she saw the three of them going upstairs, she let out a long sigh.

Baozhu's second uncle was passing by, paused, and asked, "Why is Ji Deniang sighing?"

Chen Cuixi shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that my heart is not going well."

Wang Fulai knew that she often complained in private because of Baozhu's inability to be his daughter-in-law, so he smiled to comfort her, "Jide's baby is promising, and he might do well in the exam in the future. Dafu's."

Only then did Chen Cuixi smile brightly on his face.

After lunch, Wei Sipei came back to report the good news not long after he left, saying that he had met Mrs. He Lan this afternoon, together with several old doctors from Renjitang, and they had tested some of his medical theories on the spot. Common sense left him to look at a few cases, and finally he was relieved, saying that although his medical skills had been inherited from Wei Yuan, it was just that he was still young, and he was an apprentice in the Renji Hall first, taking care of food and lodging. The wages are four hundred dollars a month.On the first day of this day, let him go back to the house to prepare, and start work tomorrow.

(There is another chapter to be published in the afternoon, probably between 5-6 o'clock)
(End of this chapter)

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