Chapter 151
In the early morning of the second day, Baozhu went to post a notice of one-day closure. The adults were busy setting up tables and chairs. She and Liang Dongzhaodi prepared ingredients in advance in the kitchen, and some cold dishes began to arrive on the plate.

As noon approached, relatives came one after another, and Chen Cuixi couldn't greet the guests alone, so Wang and Baozhu's two concubines helped to entertain the guests.

This time Wei Sipei also came, Wang saw him at a glance, smiled and waved, "Auntie is busy today, I don't care about you, find a good place to eat before going back!"

He smiled and nodded, saying that this year he had been working as an apprentice in the county medical center, and he didn't bother to go back to the village, and asked her how she was with Baozhu's father. The happy Wang patted him on the shoulder and said he was sensible, and sent her away again. He hurried to find a place to sit, the banquet didn't open until noon, so he went to eat some peanuts and drink some tea to cushion his stomach.

As soon as Si Pei was sent upstairs, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Chen and Liu's old couple entering the door. Mrs. Wang hesitated, thinking that there are many relatives and friends now, and Yantou Village alone would be better. Turning a blind eye to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and letting others see it would make fun of the Chen family. Thinking this way, he finally walked up to him with a smile and called, "Dad and mother are here."

Chen Liushi pretended to be deaf and became dumb, pretending not to see Wang, and walked straight inside with lowered eyelids, Wang's arm was stretched out in mid-air awkwardly, Chen Erniu came after him with a straight face. The son nodded at Mrs. Wang and went in with the old woman. Chen Cuixi was not far away, and he was talking with some relatives in front of him. Naturally, he had a panoramic view of this scene, and he felt extremely disdain for her parents in his heart. The stalemate between the two families is such that her sister-in-law still knows how to greet her now, but the old one doesn't even have that kind of heart, and the happy life makes others look like a joke.

After thinking about it, it is the parents who are the real ones, and hurriedly stepped forward, smiled and pulled them to stop and talk, "Dad and mother are here, how is the house recently, why didn't Tieshan's daughter-in-law bring her beautiful baby?"

Since Chen Liu entered the door, she raised her eyes and looked around all the time, while returning to her, "everything is fine in the house. I'm busy with work in the field recently, so don't ask the third child to come. We are all a family, dad It’s enough for my mother to come here, how many mouths do you need if there are so many people in the house?” After a pause, he curled his lips and said: “There is nothing delicious in the restaurants around the county. Also very average!"

Chen Cuixi smiled and pulled her around, "Is it the first time for Baozhu's parents to come back to this store? How are you doing, isn't it pretty?"

Mrs. Chen Liu snorted, and said with a straight face, "Mother, it's nothing. It's not as good as your sister-in-law boasted in the village, and the place is not too big, and the decorations are very simple!"

Chen Cuixi knew that her mother's pink eye disease had happened again, so she laughed a few times and then said nothing. Instead, Chen Erniu sighed and said with emotion in his heart, "I think it's okay, everyone looks like your mother." Such a high level of vision? Think about us as a villager, with such a poor house, how capable we are to open such a magnificent restaurant in the county? Speaking of which, Baozhu’s daughter is capable, and I have watched that child since she was a child. It’s someone who has an idea, and the days in the future will not be bad!”

Baozhu came out of the kitchen, and went forward to greet grandpa and grandma with a smile, Chen Erniu nodded in relief, Chen Liushi only responded dryly, and began to complain that the light in the shop is not good, and the place is too small, who knows what to say After talking for a while, I realized that Baozhu didn't even look at her, and had already discussed with her aunt face to face. She said that seeing that there are so many dolls here today, she had discussed with Brother Liangdong just now, and that each table would be charged more. Serving a large plate of fruit platter, the money is on her head, and she is regarded as a little snack for the dolls before meals as a sister.

The nephew and niece are so careful, Chen Cuixi is happy and there is no time, she hurriedly patted her with a smile, saying that she is asking her to worry about it now, Baozhu smiled and shook her head, "Brother Jide treats me like his own sister all the time, he is very happy today, this one Do you want to give him a good face if you want to be a girl?" After speaking, she nodded politely to Mrs. and Mrs. Chen and went into the kitchen.

The annoyed Chen Liu immediately pouted at her back, and before she had time to say something nasty, Chen Cuixi put away her smile and pointed upstairs, "Dad and mother, go upstairs and sit first, I have to work here for a while." Miles." After speaking, he laughed and went out of the gate again, "Oh! I hope his third aunt will come!" The two exchanged greetings while holding hands.

Chen Liu's brows were deeply frowned, she gritted her teeth and remained silent for a while, Chen Erniu sighed, "Let's go, go upstairs! I don't see the third child is busy!" Seeing her not moving for a long time, she complained angrily, " If your grandson holds a banquet, you have a big opinion, how can you say it badly, and complain in front of the third daughter? Don't you know that the two families have gotten closer these years?"

Chen Liu raised her chin, "Oh, are you blaming me? They say you don't want to come today, but you're better off calling to come up. You'll be bored, but you still have to look at your daughter's face!"

She didn't restrain her voice at all, she opened her mouth arrogantly, and immediately there were several admiring gazes from around, Chen Erniu's old face was almost humiliated, he dumped her angrily and went upstairs by himself .

Mrs. Chen Liu came to the county this time and dressed up meticulously. She put oil on her head, inserted a silver hairpin, and her clothes and shoes were brand new. She was no more nervous than when she came to the county. The place where the banquet was held was owned by the boss's house, and their house has people in the county since then!Then I went to see those poor relatives who were dressed as farmers, and I still felt a sense of superiority in my heart. I found a place with a lot of people and chatted with them, saying how my eldest grandson was at her insistence. He passed the examination for scholar, and this time his grandson was still the top scholar, and he was also influenced by the eldest grandson. He also said that Chen Ji was able to open so big, and the eldest was often helped by the house in the past.

Chen Cuixi saw it, so she let her old mother go, even if her mother blows out a flower, the shop was built by Baozhu's hard work, and it has nothing to do with her old Chen's family.

Chen Liushi is talking about being proud of the spring breeze, her posture is enough to make people think that she is a noble lady, even if she is not, the house must be first-class in the countryside, but don't ask her about the situation of her house. But she faltered and faltered, and only said that she had raised a patient in the house a few years ago, and she slowly slowed down in these years.

No matter how glamorous the clothes are, there is not even a new house built in the house, so you have the nerve to be arrogant in front of the big guy?The big guy saw it, and when she opened her mouth to say it, she just took it as a joke.

Chen Liushi's talk was on the rise, and gradually he saw the strangeness in other people's eyes. He was annoyed and annoyed at the ignorance of these relatives, and at the same time complained that the boss would not help his own house after the separation. In the house, the big restaurant was opened in the house, and she didn't see some money for the old house to build a new house, which made her lose face when she went back outside.

After thinking about it, it would be very boring to talk about it, so I casually slapped a few haha ​​and went to sit on the second floor.

The banquet started at noon, and the Chen family was so busy that their feet didn't touch the floor. Mrs. Wang and her two sisters-in-law were dragged into the kitchen to help, and the hot dishes were served one after another.Jide is the protagonist of this event, and he was forced by his mother to say a few words during the banquet.

He held up a cup to offer a toast to everyone, and said a word of thanks, saying that he was selected as a scholar, first of all he could not do without the hard work and support of his parents, and then he went to toast his mother.He also said that these years of schoolwork are inseparable from the teacher's cultivation, and he left the table to respect the teacher, and then said with a smile, the future goal is to be admitted to the Juren to become a high-ranking official. If there is such a day, he will definitely return to his hometown to make a living a parent officer.

His not-so-flashy speech won the hearts of the people present, everyone clapped their hands and applauded, and the banquet was also a joke, amicable.

The banquet went smoothly, and Chen Cuixi felt relieved. Her husband was not at home, and she lost her biggest support. It was inconvenient for her to do things with orphans and widows, and her husband and brothers were unreliable.But since Da Baozhu came to the county, when he returned to the house, Mrs. Wang and the others came forward to solve everything. The relatives in Wang's house were even more enthusiastic. The younger sister-in-law didn't even bother to eat a mouthful of hot food, Zhaodi Liang Dong Runsheng and the eldest children were also very sensible, the half-year-old children hadn't confiscated their playfulness, but they also knew that this scene was big, You can't let your own temperament do it, and do what you are supposed to do.

Not to mention Baozhu, she was the one who contributed the most from the beginning to the end, borrowing tables and chairs, arranging wine and dishes, and all the unknown delicacies at the banquet were all researched by the baby all night. Not to mention those relatives, but myself, I have never eaten such a unique food before.This time, the banquet gave her a big face.

So before Jide and Baozhu failed to do that, she decided not to blame her sister-in-law and elder brother for this matter in the future. Even if there is something wrong with the family, she has been kind to herself from the beginning to the end, just say The bonus money at the end of the year really didn't hurt me after a year.This time, the matter was done decently and satisfactorily, which made her deeply happy, and she was even more grateful that she didn't tear up her face when the marriage failed. Such a good banquet?Where did those obedient and sensible dolls around her come from?Where did those kind relatives come from?
After the banquet was over, Chen Tiegui and Runsheng went to work in the house first. Because Wang missed his daughter, he stayed in the county for a few days, and went back to the house when the farming season was busy.

When she was leaving, Chen Cuixi gave her ten taels of silver, saying that it was the money for this meal. After a rough calculation, the seven taels back then was nothing. If Baozhu Wa'er is asked to pick it up, how will she behave in front of Wa'er after she becomes a nun?
Wang thought about it, and didn't insist anymore, so she took five taels from it, saying that it was the remaining five taels, let alone Baozhuwa's money, even if she and Chen Tiegui's brother and sister-in-law paid for her nephew, like Jidewa. Confident, they felt relieved and were willing to pay half of the money to their nephew!And talking about the things she helped in the Baozhu shop in the past few years, there was no more talk, and there were a lot of talking, and the third aunt Baozhu agreed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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