Chapter 154
In the blink of an eye, it was mid-May, and the business of the shop had been improving recently. Because Koufulou no longer had trouble with Chen Ji, the incident that happened a while ago was gradually forgotten, and the business of the shop has always been smooth.

In just a few tens of days, Zhaodi has already made a few small cakes for breakfast under Baozhu's guidance. The day is too tiring, I have been here for a year and a half, and Cheng Riguang has started, and this year I will take the initiative to do some work. I can't do the cooking next to me, so at least I have to make breakfast myself.

It's just that at the beginning, the pancakes she kneaded were not delicate enough, with different shapes and sizes, and even the fillings of each pancake were unevenly distributed, which made Baozhu, who has always pursued perfection, very black.

Strictly speaking, Zhaodi can't be regarded as ingenious, but she is brave and energetic, and she is strong and not afraid of being tired. Baozhu originally planned to let her be a helper in the shop at will, so that she can feel at ease and don't have to be like her own disciple. Brother usually stays on the stove every day, walking around the shop at will, taking a rest whenever he wants.

Think about how she tried to learn breakfast for a few days at the beginning of the year, but she still couldn’t stick to it, so she didn’t pay much attention to her rhetoric at the beginning. When she got motivated and wanted to learn how to make pancakes, let her do it. Well, it's not surprising that I can't learn it.

Every morning when I got up early to make pancakes, I would give a few pointers to Zhaodi, teaching her how to mix the stuffing and control the heat, but she seemed to be interested in it, knowing that Baozhu disliked the ugly pancakes she kneaded, so she didn't mix them with breakfast pancakes , scoop some flour wisely by herself, and practice making pancakes on the chopping board next to her from morning to night every day. Every day, she explained some key points to her in detail, and even Liang Dong took the time to point her out. She practiced for a few days by herself, but she also made a lot of progress. Since the small cakes she completed independently were praised by Baozhu, It was allowed to let her choose the main beam by herself. From then on, she seemed to have received great encouragement. She got up all day before dawn and went to the shop to prepare. She said that it had been a year and a half since she came to the shop, and she finally had the time to show her skills. up.

Uncle Baozhu still does some chores every day, and takes care of the pigs in the backyard properly. Seeing Zhaodi getting more and more excited, he has a smile on his face all day long.

In the past few days, Zhaodi discussed with Baozhu again, saying that the existing breakfast pancakes for breakfast had already been learned, and asked Baozhu to add a few new tricks to sell, saying that a few more tricks were nothing more than moving on the stuffing Brain, I have my own way.

Baozhu smiled and asked her to do it by herself, there is no other requirement, as long as the taste is good and the guests like it, it is not limited to pancakes, if there are other pasta and porridge, it is also acceptable.So Zhaodi spent a few more days, racking her brains in the house during the night to think of ideas.

When she had a new idea, she went to discuss it with Baozhu, and then integrated Baozhu's thoughts. In this way, within a few days, the two selected three most suitable ones, and Baozhu cleverly named them according to the characteristics of each: Sesame Crispy rolls, apple omelette, white kidney bean steamed bread.Generally speaking, Zhaodi is very receptive to new things, and Baozhu only needs to explain a little bit, and she will understand it.

The style was decided, and within a few days Zhaodi was busy shopping again.The two of them had been busy for several days. The three new items had been tried and tasted by the two of them earlier, and they were grandly launched half a month later.

Amidst the anxiety and anticipation of the crowd, the three new dim sum items did not disappoint. They became very popular within a few days after they were launched, and won unanimous praise from Chen Ji. For the next few days, every morning, the shop was filled with Overcrowded, the happy Zhaodi grinned all day long. This was the first time she had tasted the joy of success. In the past, no matter how good the business of the shop was, it was thanks to Baozhu and Brother Liangdong, but now the breakfast is selling so smoothly, and there are more own credit.

The early sales are very popular, Baozhu is very happy all day long, thinking in his heart, first accumulate some capital this year, and next year, open up a separate dim sum area, and find a shop in the county dedicated to selling dim sum. To spend more time researching some new tricks of later generations, in this era, it will definitely have a good selling point.

Because of the good business, after the settlement at the end of May, they earned 15 taels of silver in a month. Xi Baozhu was smiling every day. Chen Cuixi just sent Jide to the provincial capital a few days ago. Cook some delicious dishes in the house, firstly, the big guys get together to have fun, and secondly, to celebrate Chen Ji's good business in May.

Liangdong specially called Wei Sipei, saying that since Sipei came to the county, he would come to the shop every few days to help collect money and keep accounts. He sees it as one of his own.

He came with Runze, and since they entered the house, the two went to the side room to talk solemnly, Baozhu and her aunt went to the kitchen to prepare dishes, Liangdong was talking and laughing with Tang Baoda in the yard, Zhaodi It was because of boredom, remembering that I hadn't seen Cousin Runze for several days, so I went to the side room to talk to him, who knew that when I got closer, I suddenly heard what they were talking about in the side room, I didn't want to eavesdrop, but it happened Hearing the word Baozhu, he couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he secretly slowed down and put his head close to the door to listen secretly.

She frowned for a while, clenched her fists for a while, and raised her brows for a while, laughing secretly, Baozhu was about to look for her, and she saw this scene when she entered the main room.

Zhaodi turned around abruptly, raised her middle finger and whispered to her lips, tiptoedly picked up the orb and ran out, until she ran outside the gate, she pouted, "Helan House proposes marriage to your house, what do you do?" Don't tell me either!"

Baozhu blinked and asked suspiciously: "Sister, don't lie to me. When did it happen? How come I don't know?"

Zhaodi's face darkened, "Uncle and sister-in-law have refused! They say you are not allowed to come to be an aunt!"

Baozhu was stunned suddenly, she narrowed her eyes and pondered for a while before she wondered, "Why did He Lan's family come to my house to propose marriage? Brother He Lan and I are brother and sister." He sighed again, "This matter is really a mess. Very, I don't know who came up with the idea, I think it shouldn't be Brother Helan, if he knew, he wouldn't have kept it from me." He asked her again: "What did you eavesdrop on just now? I Did brother tell Sipei?"

Zhaodi glanced at Baozhu up and down, put her hands on her hips, and snorted again, "They all know! Brother Sipei is still discussing with his cousin to go to your house to propose a marriage! My sister still says she doesn't know?"

Baozhu smiled wryly, "Sister, why do you even suspect me? If I really knew about such a big matter, how could I hide it from you? My parents and brother really didn't tell me, I've been with you all day long, how did I know that?" ?" After a long while, he couldn't help but blushed and asked her, "What you said just now, brother Sipei said that?"

Only then did Zhaodi cover her mouth and laugh out loud, "My sister is really moved!"

Baozhu was annoyed as if she wanted to leave, Zhaodi rushed to pull her away, and told Baozhu back and forth what she had heard.

It turned out that after the wheat harvest in mid-May, He Lanwu sent a matchmaker to Chen's house again. Mrs. Wang had already obtained the letter from Runze and Mrs. Wu, and knew that she was a concubine. She had already prepared a speech, and what she said was reasonable. Such a girl, even if she marries an ordinary family, she will always be a regular wife, and being a concubine is really unacceptable in the family.

I think they also felt that this marriage must be rejected, so the whole family simply kept Baozhu in the dark.And Runze respected Wei Yuan very much since he was a child, and he had always had some personal friendship with Sipei, and he told Wei Sipei about this.

"They were in the room just now to discuss the matter of marriage proposal. My brother told Brother Sipei to make a move earlier! See what Brother Sipei means, and I will go back to the house to mention it to his father in a few days!" Zhaodi smiled. Shrunk into a small slit, "How about it, is the girl happy?"

Baozhu poohed her, "Cousin is not ashamed to eavesdrop on people talking!" and ran into the yard like a gust of wind.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Runze and Si Peiqiqi standing on the porch talking and laughing, Baozhu paused for a moment, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, instead of saying hello to him as usual, he sneaked into the stove.

Zhaodi then came in and laughed loudly when she saw this, "My sister is annoyed, she is venting her anger on me!"

Runze shook his head and sighed with a smile, "This girl has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and she still doesn't know how to let your sister?"

Chen Cuixi came out of the kitchen, looked at the sky, and said with a smile: "You guys don't stand still, go move the tables and chairs to the yard, and prepare to have dinner!"

Zhaodi hummed to Runze twice, then turned around and ran to the main room. She didn't feel tired moving a large square table by herself, and kept yelling at others not to touch it. That was her job, even if everyone knew her With great strength, he was speechless when he saw that scene.

Everyone got to the table, but the orb didn't come for a long while, so Chen Cuixi smiled and shouted into the kitchen, "Come and eat first, baby, I'll wait for you, I'll clean up after dinner!"

Baozhu hummed awkwardly, felt a little embarrassed for some reason, pouted and stomped her feet a few times, after thinking about it, she trimmed the ends of her hair a little, then forced herself to walk out with a smile on her face.

Chen Cuixi picked up the cup first, "It's okay for everyone to drink less of the rice wine this aunt made. Congratulations on the good business of our shop in May!"

Zhao Di interjected, "Congratulations when the business is good next month, and celebrations next month!"

Uncle Bao Zhu glared at her immediately, "You're so worthless! You've been thinking about eating at your aunt's house all day long!"

Chen Cuixi laughed and patted her, "Little children like to join in the fun."

Seeing them laughing happily, Baozhu also picked up a cup to meet her aunt, saying that the business of the shop is good, thanks to the hard work of everyone.

As soon as she turned her face, she met Wei Sipei's gaze, and seeing that his expression was normal, Baozhu also put away her coyness, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Sipei, for coming to the shop to help us often!"

He took a small sip, and said lightly: "Drink less, eat some vegetables first."

(End of this chapter)

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