Chapter 161
He is wearing a gray long gown, this simple style is the most common on the street, Baozhu recognizes that this is the old clothes he wore the year before, the clothes are a bit rustic, washed and worn many times, but can be worn in He wasn't ugly at all.

Just thinking about it, he said, "Bao Zhu, have you eaten yet?"

Baozhu smiled, "I just ate, why are you here at this time?"

He raised the paper bag in his hand, narrowed his eyes with a smile, "I'll bring you some snacks."

Baozhu hummed, feeling inexplicably lost, she pouted and took the snack, "I'll take it, if it's okay, I'll go out with my cousin for a while!"

He nodded, remained silent for a while, then raised his eyes suddenly and said: "Miss Xi came here once."

Baozhu tilted her head in astonishment, "Hey, it's so strange to come here, so why don't you come to see a doctor?"

He pursed his lips, turned his head to one side, showing his thin white neck, "I want to tell you that our marriage is something I've been looking forward to for a long time..."

Looking at his reddish earlobes, Baozhu secretly felt happy, and heard him say in a low voice: "No matter what other people think, I am serious about our business."

The heartstrings that had been tense for several days suddenly loosened, and my mood suddenly improved. When I went to look at his straight back, I suddenly thought of playing tricks, and walked around to him with my hands behind my back, carefully watching his complexion, faintly. Said: "Brother Sipei is so handsome, so naturally there are people rushing to ask for it. If you are afraid that others will be sad, I will go and tell mother that it is good to divorce!"

He raised his head abruptly, with a look of annoyance on his face, "Is that how Baozhu misses me?"

The eyes at that moment were so sharp that people wanted to avoid him. Baozhu blinked, and she didn't dare to look at him with guilt. She explained weakly, "If you don't think that way, I naturally don't need to follow him." Niangti..."

He calmly said word by word: "Ever since we got engaged, I have recognized you. I have never thought that there will be a day when we will withdraw from the engagement. Does Baozhu just think that our engagement is a trifling matter?"

The tone was harsher than ever before, Baozhu was speechless for a moment, realized that the little joke had touched his bottom line, raised her head slightly, and was about to explain when she saw his pale complexion and the tight corners of his lips when he turned around , my heart shook.

"Hey! Wait!" Baozhu hurried forward and said with a smile, "What you said just now was not accurate, Brother Sipei, don't be angry with me!"

He paused, turned around after a long time, and smiled softly, "It's okay, after a busy day, the orb should be exhausted, so go back to the room earlier to rest."

Zhaodi had been watching the two talking in the yard from the window, and when she saw Wei Sipei leaving the door with a cold face, she ran outside, just in time for Baozhu to enter the door in a daze, she asked out of breath. : "Sister, what happened to him?"

Looking at the open door, Baozhu smiled wryly, and said to herself: "The joke is too far..."

Zhaodi slapped her thigh and jumped anxiously, "I was very sad when I looked at him just now, what did the girl say? Tell me quickly! I will give you a trick, if it doesn't work, there is brother Runze!"

Baozhu frowned, sighed heavily, not in the mood to say anything, went straight into the wing with a bitter face, and Zhaodi followed into the door, coaxing and threateningly persuading her for a long time, Only then did I find out the content of the conversation just now from her mouth.

"Hey! Sister, how can you say that?" Zhaodi put her hips on her hips, pacing and scratching the orb, "Brother Sipei thinks you don't care about this relative, how disappointed he is? Thinking of something, he took a few steps closer to her and poked her on the face, "Ms. Xi just left, and she rushed to report the news. Such a good person can't be found even with a lantern!"

After hearing her words, Baozhu's heart sank again, and she regretted the little joke she made today, thinking about how gentle he is usually, he would only need a few words to get angry, if it wasn't for those words that hurt After thinking about him, he shouldn't have such a big reaction.

Just as she was thinking about it, Zhao Di said "Hi" heavily, "No, I can't see it, we don't want to bully others like this!" After saying that, she went to pull Baozhu, "Come on, let's go to the hospital to apologize!"

Baozhu retracted her arms, grinned and said: "Cousin doesn't look at how long, Brother Sipei is afraid that he is going to sleep, why don't we go tomorrow?"

"No! Let's go now. If a good-tempered person really gets angry, it's hard to coax him!" Zhaodi looked confident, "How can I not know the market? My father is like that, last time my little brother..."

After a lot of talking, she went to pull Baozhu's arm again. Baozhu was not as strong as her, and couldn't break free. She blushed anxiously, and said mournfully, "It's not possible to go!" Then Zhaodi let go of her hand, and patted her face with a smile: "This is a good girl!"

Baozhu glanced at her, and blushed slightly, "Go, go, it's just that there are some words that are really embarrassing to say, I will write an additional letter to him..."

Zhao Di nodded, "That's safer, write quickly!"

Baozhu took a deep breath, got up and sat down at the table, spread out the paper, recalled the two words he said with all his courage today, a little sweetness surged in his heart, and when he thought about how he was so ignorant ?Such a not-so-funny joke was interspersed, and suddenly, with a bitter face, he glanced at his cousin who was staring at her with her hands on her hips, and wrote resignedly, "Brother Sipei, although you said you were fine today, I saw that You are angry. In fact, what I said today was not my original intention. I just felt embarrassed because you were worried about Ximei. But calm down and think about it again. because……"

After writing here, the tip of the pen paused, glanced at Zhaodi embarrassedly, saw her serious face, and then blushed and added, "Because you are also very important in my heart." Brother Sipei on the letterhead added the word "Dear" in front of the letter. This kind of address, thinking about it, is really common in later generations, but in this era, it can be regarded as extremely intimate, but considering that he is angry now , if you see it, will you be happier?
Folding the letter and putting it in her arms, Zhaodi went to blow the lamp.

The yard was quiet, and a full moon was already hanging high in the sky. The two of them tiptoed out of the yard and gently knocked on the gate.Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and ran towards Jimin Hall hand in hand.

This part of the road is not too far away, the two of them ran wildly for half a stick of incense and arrived outside Jimin Hall, Baozhu raised her eyes to look at the second floor, as expected, there was a faint light on, but when she came to her, she suddenly felt blushing and heart beating With a sense of urgency, he hesitated: "Is it not good for us to go up now... How about coming back tomorrow?"

Zhao Di glared at her, "The letter is all finished, why don't you write it?" After finishing speaking, she stepped forward to knock on the door heavily, and shouted, "Brother Si Pei, open the door! My sister has something to tell you." Mile!"

Almost at the next moment, the window on the second floor was opened from the inside, Wei Sipei showed his head for a quick glance, then retracted his head in.

Baozhu glanced at Zhaodi, her expression darkened, Zhaodi patted her hand, and said encouragingly: "He ignores us, we just wait here, I don't believe he can bear it?"

Baozhu nodded, and was about to speak, when the door creaked open, Wei Sipei came out wearing a coat, glanced at Baozhu, surprised with joy, "Why is this time here?"

Zhao Di giggled, took the orb into the living room, and said triumphantly: "Isn't it for you two? I just sat in the living room with my ears covered. If you have something to say, hurry up, my sister and I will sneak away Come out, hurry up and go back to the house to sleep!" After speaking, he closed his eyes seriously, covered his ears with his hands and did not move.

Wei Sipei sighed, took out a fire pocket and lit a candle, stepped forward and touched Zhaodi's head, "I should have thought it was your idea, you two girls, it's better not to go out late at night."

Baozhu has been silent all this time, now she glanced at Zhaodi's strong figure, which is as tall as Wei Sipei, and she smiled, "Don't be afraid, my cousin has great strength and a loud voice, ordinary villains don't dare to do bad things if they want to do something bad! "

Wei Sipei also glanced at Zhaodi, pursed his lips and coughed lightly, went to look at Baozhu again, and frowned after a while, "It's cold at night, why don't you wear more?" After that, he went upstairs to find a dress for her. Baozhu hurriedly stopped him, "Brother Sipei, I said something wrong today, don't be angry with me, okay?"

Wei Sipei paused, Baozhu saw that he was silent for a long time, in the dark, she went up to hold his hand, flattened her mouth and said: "The last time you went to Liu County, you didn't eat the pancakes I made, and you didn't wear the ones I bought. Clothes, you haven’t even said hello to me, and you’ve been gone for two months! I’m so magnanimous, I’ll forgive you after you say a little, and you have to forgive me this time.”

After a while, he sighed, turned around and said softly: "Why would I be angry with you? It's just that I can't understand your thoughts, and I feel a little depressed."

Baozhu pouted, and took out the letter from her bosom, "There are still some words in the letter, you can understand my thoughts after reading it."

He nodded, took the letter, put it in his arms carefully, and squeezed her hand to take her pulse again.

While he was taking his pulse, Baozhu thought of something, and said again: "Brother Sipei, although you have opened a shop now, it is not easy to make money. In the future, you will bring snacks when you don't need to go back. I will save some money and save it to pay the rent." Glancing at him, he said worriedly: "Also, don't take this matter to heart, I just listen to it as nonsense."

His smiling eyes were narrowed, only a row of black eyelashes trembling slightly, "When I saw the orb, all my anger disappeared."

Zhao Di couldn't help giggling and exulting, "You two, I'm going to be sour!"

Baozhu scolded her with a smile, said goodbye to Wei Sipei with a blushing face, and told him to go upstairs to sleep instead of sending the two of them off. He shook his head with a smile, and insisted on sending the two sisters into the alley before turning back to the house.

(End of this chapter)

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