Chapter 184
When Chunxiang came to the county, Runsheng was a frequent visitor every day, sending back the cloth bag every now and then, and usually returning after sitting for a while, but now he was not in a hurry, and would only return after sitting for half an hour at the dim sum shop. .

Baozhu was worried about Mrs. Wang, knowing that the second sister-in-law was gone, her mother should worry more than usual, so she made a special trip to tell her second brother to relax, and told her mother not to save a few pennies, but to save the business in the city. It's the big head, Budouzi just needs to hire more people, the dim sum shop can't lose money in the future, Uncle Zhou just sent someone to bring the news, the first batch of dim sum was sent to the provincial capital and the response was very good, it only took four or five days to buy it up If it's empty, judging from this momentum, I'm afraid it will be more profitable than fast food shops in the future.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Wang felt relieved when she knew that she hadn't lost money.In the past, Chunxiang saved her a lot of troublesome things by staying at the house, but now that she is gone, Mrs. Wang has to cook, sew pockets, take care of the eldest daughter-in-law, and thread needles from morning to night. Tired, knowing that the business was going well, he simply listened to his son and daughter, and hired three more people.

Every day when she has free time, she and Linglong help make the bag as usual. With more hands, she has a little free time and rests when she is tired. After a while, she recovers, and when she is not so tired, she goes to the ground again. Do some work here.

At the end of the month, Grandma Baozhu brought her little concubine to visit for a kiss, saying that she was discussing the marriage of Zhaodi and Liangdong.

Speaking of this matter, Mrs. Wang became very angry, and secretly complained that Mrs. Chen Liu didn't care about the marriage of Liang Dongwa's son. She went to the old home a few days ago to discuss the betrothal gift and date with Mrs. Chen Liu. How much money does she pay, Wang only hopes that she can enthusiastically cooperate with him to make the marriage a success, even if it is not impossible to use her own money in the name of her house, after all, she represents good The people in the east room are actively making arrangements for the marriage, and Zhaodi's parents are always more at ease looking at it.Who would have thought that Mrs. Chen and Liu would push back and forth, and Mrs. Wang had just started to talk, and went to Cuifen's room without saying a few words.

Mrs. Wang was angry, and she was angry because Mrs. Chen and Liu had treated Liangdong badly. For such a big matter, she didn't have the tolerance of being an elder at all.Chen Liu's side is not much better, she is small-minded, and she has long been unwilling to see Wang's prosperous life. Niu babbled, "If the old man's house is so poor that he can't get rid of it, what can we do if Liang Dong's marriage is covered by our house? Only her house is so rich, so I don't want to pay a penny! She made a lot of money. Well, these days, the village hires people to do work, and they are paid ten pennies a day. They are very wealthy! She can still see the seven or eight taels of silver? Why is she pointing at our house? Her house So much money, but thinking about our poor family! I look at her, but I can’t see that our house is better! I can’t see the smoke coming out of the other chimney! Let’s live well, but force the other to a dead end!”

Chen Erniu sighed, "The eldest daughter-in-law really cares about this matter, but we are grandparents, so we shouldn't leave things alone, and our grandson's marriage can't be delayed, if the Wang family is willing, we should too." It's better to make a decision early."

Chen Liushi glanced at him, "What can I do? You still want to do it yourself? That's not in line with the eldest daughter-in-law's wishes? Where will the money come from?" After a pause, he talked about Wang's making a lot of money. Don't help with the old house.

Chen Erniu thought about it for a while, then interrupted: "The boss said before, we should take care of the family matters, and the big ones will come out of the house."

Chen Liushi spit out a mouthful, and said "Pooh", "I don't even want to take advantage of a penny!"

These days, Mrs. Wang originally wanted to take some time to go to her grandma's house, but unexpectedly her mother came in person. Her previous trip to the old man's home was a waste of time. If she let her mother know about Mrs. Chen's attitude, it would be a matter of marriage. It would be strange if she didn't blow it, she was very worried, so she immediately asked Chen Tiegui to go to the old house to inform, and she accompanied Wang and Li to have lunch at the house, and then led them to the old house.

As soon as the three of them entered the door, Mrs. Chen Liu greeted them cheerfully, "Oh, my dear, why did you come here in person today? Hurry up, come in with my baby and sit down."

Baozhu sister-in-law knew that Chen Liushi was not easy to get along with, and her sister-in-law had heard about the viciousness of the troubles at the former sister-in-law's house. She came to visit this time, and she was still trembling at first. Seeing that Chen Liushi was very enthusiastic, she thought she was , her child will marry in the future, no matter how foolish she is, she still has to entertain her warmly, so she smiled and called, "Auntie."

Wang Lishi walked inside, smiled and took Chen Liushi's hand to pat, and greeted warmly, "How is Jinyi?"

Chen Liushi chuckled, "I'm in good health, but I'm getting old, and my legs and feet don't always look good."

Sitting in Wang Li's hall, he heard what she said, "You have to watch closely."

Mrs. Chen Liu glanced at Mrs. Wang triumphantly, and said with a smile, "I'm really lucky, Liang Dongwa is filial, and most of the money earned from outside is used for my medicine."

At this moment, Mrs. Wang is not in the mood to argue with her about the gains and losses in her words. Her own mother came here in person, and she was afraid that Chen Liushi's words would not be good, which would make her mother unhappy and delay the marriage.

Mrs. Wang and Li immediately laughed, "It should be." She glanced at Mrs. Wang, "You and Tie Gui should also honor your mother."

With a bit of embarrassment on Wang's face, she rubbed her hands and went back to her mother dryly, "The happy events in the house are all in one place, the second child just got married in the first half of the year, and Baozhu will have to take care of it in October. It’s not that I will buy a house for Baozhuwa’er County in a few days, and I don’t have to be so fussy.” After a pause, he continued, “A few dim sum shops have just partnered with the provincial capital, and I’m afraid it will be even more expensive this year than in previous years. Better, Tie Gui and I originally planned that when the children are done with their work, there will be no place to pay for it, so we can always show respect to our parents."

Mrs. Wang and Li knew that Baozhu had given Chen Erniu four taels of silver for several years, and that was a polite remark. Seeing what Mrs. Wang said, she nodded with a smile, and changed it after she couldn't say a few words. Topic, "The previous two children were taken together, and they were happy. Today, I saw the weather outside, so I came to talk to my in-laws. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much." Second, as elders, we can't let go of the marriage of the two children, so we can rest assured that we have settled earlier."

"That's not it." Mrs. Chen Liu smiled, first asked what Mrs. Wang and Li meant, and then talked about the filial piety of Liangdong's children. A good day is set.

Baozhu's concubine listened to Chen Liu's tone and looked at her face in every possible way, she only said a word but didn't mention the dowry, she didn't care about the money at all, she just thought that as an elder in the man's house, she should know more or less According to the rules, when the elders come to the woman's house to discuss the marriage seriously, the other party's house always has to bring this matter up on the table.

Seeing that Fang'er frowned, Mrs. Wang answered the conversation with a smile, "I'm discussing with my mother about the dowry, ten taels of money." As he spoke, he deliberately smiled at Mrs. Chen and Liu.

Twelve taels from the man's house is a large number. Although Liang Dong has no parents, the dowry is not at the disadvantage of recruiting a concubine. Fang'er is a little satisfied, and when she goes to see Chen Liu, she sees a gloomy expression on her face. , and didn't answer Wang's words, she understood seven or eight points in her heart, and was about to speak, Wang and Li smiled, "Let's do it according to the situation in the house, we don't compare with other families, we are all from our own house, It’s enough to make up a lucky number in twos and eights, why bother to empty out the house for the dowry.”

Chen Liu's face turned blue, and her brows frowned more and more tightly. Wang looked at her about to speak, and hurriedly answered the words, "Mother's words are wrong, how much money is in the mind of father and mother , even if the house can’t get it out, Tie Gui and I will have to add enough money.”

Chen Liu said half-yin, "Your father and I have thought about it for a long time. It's not because you don't want to go out in the house. You have separated. How much money can your father and mother save?" Son?"

Mrs. Wang laughed dryly, and said awkwardly: "What mother said is that in the past two years, because the children have not cared about being filial to their parents, our house will always get better in a few years."

After finishing talking, I went to see my mother and sister-in-law. Her mother was fine, but the younger sister-in-law's face was slightly angry. Wang couldn't help sighing, and said to Fang'er with a smile on his face, "Tomorrow I just got together with my mother, and decided to post a betrothal gift and send it to the house as soon as possible. The date will be as mother said, so choose a good day in the next year, right?"

Fang'er was sullen and remained silent for a while, Wang Lishi got up and said with a smile, "Well, I'm a little sleepy after sitting for so long, let's rest in the in-law's room, Fang'er and I will leave."

Chen Liu hurriedly got up to see her off, "My baby, her father is going out now, how about having dinner at the house later?"

Wang Lishi waved his hand and went out, and said with a smile, "Don't bother, I will go back to Xiu'er's room after a few simple bites."

Chen Liushi didn't insist on keeping them, and sent them out of the gate, and went back to the house before going far.

After returning to the house, Mrs. Wang knew that her sister-in-law was unhappy, so she took her into the room to relieve her. Mrs. Wang and Li were fanning her fan, panting, glared at Mrs. Wang, and said, "The Chen family is very happy." , There is nothing to say in the dowry gift, didn't you say that?"

Fang'er frowned and said, "Elder Sister had already planned to pay the ten taels by herself, so why bother asking my mother and I to suffer a blow, that can be said clearly."

Mrs. Wang stomped her feet, stepped forward and sat next to Baozhu's concubine, and sighed: "It's all the elder sister's fault. I only think about the two children's affairs. You and Fulai are happy." Yes, hi! I shouldn't have kept it from you."

Wang Lishi sighed, "Forget it, it's not easy for your eldest sister to come back and forth after the year, and she probably didn't expect us to come here."

Fang'er buried her head for a while, then suddenly said, "I know, I didn't blame Eldest Sister for this matter, I just got angry for a while, Eldest Sister, don't take it to heart."

Only then did Wang breathe a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "My mother's words today are really inappropriate, but let's not argue with her, it's about how much money we have, if we really compete so hard, we will delay a good marriage in vain. It’s not worth it, we can come here as we want in the future, with Tiegui and I in our marriage, it’s absolutely impossible to recruit Di Wa’er.”

Fang'er felt very sorry, and wanted to say something more, so Wang Li said, "Your eldest sister is also wholeheartedly for Liangdong baby. That baby is pitiful. If you don't marry Zhaodi, you can't change your eldest sister." Did you pay for your efforts?"

Then she stopped.The three of them went to look up the almanac again while they were free in the afternoon. Mrs. Wang Li and Mrs. Wang looked at it three or four times, and asked Fang'er to make up her mind. She compared it and felt that the sixth day of June next year would be better. It was settled.

Two days later, the Wang family sent the betrothal gift and appointment post to the Wang family, and asked Runsheng to send a letter to the county. The date was set on the sixth day of June two years later.

(Have a nice weekend everyone!)
(End of this chapter)

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