Chapter 187
Mrs. Wu leaned against her mother and smiled, "Look at what mother said, when I buy a house, my father can invite a craftsman from the south to build it, and I have to build a courtyard with three entrances to be grand."

Wu Li looked at her swollen belly with a smile, and said angrily: "What's the hurry, I just need to take care of my own body first, your father has already prepared the money for you."

Wang's face was a little embarrassed, "If you are not in a hurry, your parents will have spare money in the future, and they will always be able to buy a bigger house for you and Runze County."

Mrs. Wu Li quickly waved her hands to explain, "Don't say that in-laws, it turns out that Linglong has a high vision, and she doesn't look down on ordinary houses, but prefers this garden style, so she asked her father about it earlier." After a pause, he continued: "It's just me and her father who are used to her. Fortunately, there is only one boy in the house, so we won't be nervous about money. Don't think too much about the in-laws."

Although Mrs. Wang has a grudge against Mr. Wu, she has always admired Mrs. Li. After many contacts, she also found that Mrs. Li is a kind woman, not as powerful as Mr. Wu. After hearing her explanation, her heart became even more Feeling ashamed, just as she was about to say something, Mrs. Wu Li said: "I am ashamed to say that Linglong is not as good at making money as Baozhu. She must have caused a lot of trouble for the family in the past two years of her marriage. The money is Baozhu's hard earned money." , now that the in-laws have decided to buy the house, Linglong and Runze naturally have nothing to say."

Mrs. Wang felt that those consoling words were polite, but even so, she felt better, and sighed: "Although Baozhu is a girl, she is no less important than her two elder brothers in my heart. His father and I are together again." Why don't you want to choose a good house for Runze, but there are too many children in the house, if you can take care of one, you can't take care of the other."

Wu Li's face was a little moved, he stroked Linglong's temples, and said with sympathy: "I don't care about Linglong as much as my in-laws do. It's only natural that I only buy a house. Don't feel guilty for my in-laws. Bao Zhu earns the money for studying in the provincial capital earlier, but now that life is a little better, she should have taken care of her more."

Mrs. Wu smiled lightly, with a very disapproving look on her face, "The money a girl earns to buy a house by herself is very reasonable. It's a family, and I, as a sister-in-law, don't want to get that light in vain."

Wu Lishi sneered to smooth things over, "This kid has a high spirit, don't take it too seriously."

Mrs. Wang knew that Mrs. Wu was high-minded, so she didn't take those words to heart. She smiled and chatted with Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Li, and said that it was not early. I just waited for Wu Li's uncle to finally set the price, and then the deal was completed, and I sincerely thanked her, saying that it was due to her efforts today, and asked around without telling, and even accompanied me personally, otherwise she would be alone. Outsiders can't figure out the way, and they may find a good house when they are not sure.

She deliberately lowered her posture, and what she said was extremely polite and flattering, which made Wu and Li feel very relieved. She secretly said that she had been busy with her in-laws all morning, but the help was worth it. Although the other party was an illiterate village woman, But it is a rare person who understands the world and knows how to be grateful.

Mrs. Wang said goodbye with thanks, and immediately rushed to Baozhu shop happily, and described the new house to her in detail. At first, she was afraid that Baozhu didn't know how good the house was, and mistakenly thought that she had been slaughtered, so she thought if If the girl has any objections, she will take her there personally, and she will be happy to see it.

Unexpectedly, after she described it in detail inside and out, the girl only said lightly: "Mother must like it. I can always trust my mother's eyes." Shi, "I thought it would be 40 taels, but no one thought it would be cheap. In order to buy me a house, the house might be empty?"

Wang's words of persuasion were choked for a while, and after a while, she sighed with a smile, "Mother looked at that house, which is very unique, and the more she looked at it, the happier she was. Mother had never lived in such a house in her life, so she thought about it at that time." , when my daughter arrives, she has to live no matter what, even if it is more expensive, my mother thinks it is worth it!"

Baozhu's eyes became hot, she turned her back and wiped the corners of her eyes quietly, and took out five slings of money from the drawer, "Mother will keep these money."

"Send money back to the house a few days ago?" Mrs. Wang smiled and waved her hand, "You also need to keep some turnover in your business. Mother and your father have saved some money over the years, and your elder brother returned the house some time ago. I sent money here, this time I bought the house, and I still have some left on hand, which is enough to not delay the work in the house."

Baozhu nodded in a muffled voice, put away the money again, took her mother to the attic, talked with her for a while, forced her to rest on the small couch, and went to work in the kitchen by herself.

Baozhu went downstairs with heavy feet, and the creaking sound of footsteps came from the wooden ladder, each sound getting more and more dull.

She made the big bucks in the house, she knew it.But think about it, in order to buy a house for myself, the fifty or so taels that her mother only sent back at the end of last year put it in her hands, fearing that it hadn't warmed up, and poured it out together with the rest of the house.

Born in a feudal society, she didn't expect her parents to treat her like a boy. If her mother really used the money to buy a house for her eldest brother, she wouldn't be resentful.After all, it is her greatest happiness to have a family with both parents in this life.There was no father or mother in the previous life, and in this life, I only hoped to be cared by her parents, but her parents sincerely gave so much for herself. While being moved, she felt a little guilty. Thinking about how frugal her mother was usually Such a person, who is reluctant to eat and wear, can buy a luxurious house without hesitation, just for the comfort of her daughter.

Poor parents all over the world, if one day, she also becomes a mother, will she treat her children as unreservedly as her parents?

The mother bought a new house for herself, and she was full of emotions. After all, she was still happy. After all these years, the county finally had her own home. She just closed her eyes and imagined herself in the new house, and the corners of her mouth rose a little. .

At noon of the second day, Mrs. Wang was resting in the attic, so the Wu Mansion sent someone to rush over, saying that the lady's natal family had reached an agreement, and asked Mrs. Wang to go over quickly.

As soon as Liangdong finished speaking, Mrs. Wang happily put on her shoes and got off the couch, holding a package full of silver and copper coins in her arms, and hurried downstairs with a smile on her face. When she passed the lobby, she smiled and called Uncle Baozhu and three Auntie said that she brought some money today, and it would be safer for a few more people in the house to go out together.

Baozhu greeted her happily, Wang didn't care about joking with her, she just told her to wait, and the servant led her to the other side of Wu's residence.

Baozhu leaned against the door frame and watched her off, until her mother disappeared at the end of the street before entering the shop with a smile on her face. Her heart couldn't help jumping with joy, and she had some vague expectations for the new house.

It was near evening when Wang and Chen Cuixi returned to the shop. Baozhu heard the chatter and laughter in the hall, rushed out of the kitchen, and asked with a smile, "Is the negotiation over?"

Mrs. Wang nodded with a smile, "Mother wants to buy it wholeheartedly, so why can't we talk about it?" After a pause, he took the tea from Baozhu, took a sip, and said, "I just led your uncle and your aunt to see it." Look, it's getting late, your uncle stopped by the dim sum shop."

Chen Cuixi sat down with Wang with a smile, and sighed, "My aunt's 30 taels house, the kang is all made by craftsmen. Your new house is full of furniture and everything. Guess it's 60 taels." No loss!"

Wang explained, "What the owner means is that the furniture is worth some money. If it is not counted as furniture, it can be cheaper. It was because of Wu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Mother thought if she brought it Jiashi, it would be more convenient for you to live in. If you think about it today, you can live in it tomorrow, so you didn’t bother to talk about it. You didn’t have to go to the Wu Mansion to save face. In the end, the lease was changed for 60 taels.”

Baozhu nodded, "It will save us a lot of trouble."

Mrs. Wang nodded, "The house is new, and all the furniture is custom-made. You will get married in the future. If we pay for it ourselves, the whole set won't cost ten taels of silver?"

A few people were talking, and there was a burst of laughter like silver bells outside.

"Sister bought a new house, take me to see it!" Before anyone entered the house, a crisp voice came.

Baozhu smiled and called the second sister-in-law, and then went to pull Zhaodi, "Your news is coming quickly. Although the house has been bought, I haven't visited it yet. Let's go together after dinner."

Wang Fulai came in from behind, and asked cheerfully, "When are you going to move to a new house?"

Baozhu blinked, glanced at Mrs. Wang, then at her aunt, and said after a while, "I listen to mother."

Mrs. Wang laughed, "Choose an auspicious day in a few days to move out earlier. You have been bothering your aunt all day long. Now that you have a new house, you can no longer be shameless. Your aunt will finally be able to live a good life in the future."

When Wang opened her mouth, even though Chen Cuixi felt a little bit reluctant, she did not try her best to persuade her to stay. Fortunately, she was already mentally prepared and knew that Baozhu would move sooner or later. She got married in October and moved later. It's a move, and the tone of this meeting is calm, "That's right, the new house should be popular."

Zhaodi smiled and took Baozhu's arm, "Let's go live quickly, I heard from my father that the house is very grand, it's a pity that such a good house is left unused!"

Baozhu was noncommittal, "Mother just wait and see."

At night, Mrs. Wang went back to discuss with Chen Cuixi, and it was set on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month. It was still some days, when Mrs. Wang bought a house here, her heart fell, and she would go back to the house after staying for a few days. It's not easy to let her aunt take care of it all day long, go back earlier to make arrangements, and come back on the day of housewarming.

She handed over the house deed and the key to Baozhu, and explained that even though she moved away in the future, she should not forget the love she had inherited over the years, and she would still have more contact with her aunt, saying that her aunt would not say anything on the face, but she was afraid and sad in her heart. Always be more filial in the end.

After entering August, the weather will be cooler. Because the dim sum sales in the provincial capital are booming, Baozhu will go to the dim sum shop when she has free time in the past few days, and teach her the new varieties that she has been thinking about in private, saying that in addition to the original ones In addition to the fixed dim sum, new ones will be introduced from time to time. The new products will not be too many and too complicated. We only need to introduce a new pattern according to the season. For example, it is the beginning of autumn now. .

After a few days, it was the auspicious day Wang chose to move. Baozhu and Zhaodi didn't have much stuff, so they packed everything in a big box. Uncle and Liangdong naturally followed them to their new home.

The Chen family came together early in the morning. There were not too many complicated ceremonies for the move. Things were moved into the new house. A group of people happily set off firecrackers at the door of the new house. They set up a table in the new house and had a meal together. celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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