Chapter 190
Seeing that he didn't want to mention it, Mrs Wang comforted him a few words, saying that no matter whether they recognize each other or not, things have passed for so many years. of.After that, I invited him to have dinner for a few days, and when I talked to my husband, I was very caring for him. Seeing that he was still smiling and not very depressed, I didn't mention it.

Baozhu remembered that her parents moved to the county earlier, so she discussed it with the Wang family, and asked her parents to move to the county in the second half of the year. Said that the provincial capital is also getting more famous, and money doesn't have to be so tight, the embroidery girls in the house are simply dismissed, and the county can hire a few embroidery girls. Hiring a person to do needlework, the daily wage is fifteen cents, and even a meal, although more expensive, is only five cents more.Furthermore, if my sister-in-law can come to the county to raise a baby, it will always be more convenient than in the village, and it is close to her mother's house, so she must be willing.

Wang's promise in front of him was straightforward, but when he was in front of him, he had a lot of concerns. He and his husband had lived in Yantou Village for half their life. The house, the land, the neighbors, and the vegetable garden, all the plants and trees here have long been integrated into the family. In my life, if I say go, I will go, and suddenly my heart is very nostalgic. After thinking about it, I say that I will wait for this year. If I really want to move my family to the county, I will not be in a hurry in these few months. It is always better to prepare well for life. Not only the crops and the house, but also her grandparents need to settle down.

I persuaded Baozhu again and again that the matter of hiring people in the county will be discussed later in the year. She and Waer’s father spend a day in the village, and they can save five cents a day. No problem.

When it comes to major matters, Mrs. Wang has always made up her mind. Although Baozhu was a little disappointed, she didn't show her temper.

Days passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was September, and the wedding was already in full swing on Wang's side. He ran back and forth in the county and village several times, adding two new beddings to the new house, and cutting two clothes.Not only that, the third aunt and the second sister-in-law brought up this matter more and more frequently, and the little uncle who has always been reticent even made a special trip to the state capital. He didn't say anything, but he had Zhaodi's microphone to quietly tell Baozhu, It is said that her father went out to buy a pony, and prepared the gift of orbs for marriage.

Chen Cuixi has also become mysterious in the past few days. From time to time, she disappears in the afternoon. Baozhu doesn't know what she ran to do, but she guessed that [-]% of the time has something to do with her marriage. She is happy and worried, for fear of relatives coming. After the heavy gift, how can I feel at ease in the future?

As the wedding day drew nearer, she became more and more nervous. The first major event in her life was coming, and the throbbing feeling in her heart became stronger.So, she deliberately avoided Wei Sipei these days, and in the evening after work, she went back to the house to practice calligraphy, and after a few days, she could calm down a bit.

On the [-]th day of September, Runsheng got up early in the morning and just took his two cows out of the gate, when he saw four carriages parked at the gate, and a man in his forties stood beside him who looked like a steward. He was very surprised for a while when a follower came, and he didn't recognize them when he looked left and right, and stood there in a trance for a while.

The steward stepped forward to ask, and learned that it was the Chen family, so he reported his family, saying that they were from the Hanfu of Bianzhou, and this one had made a special trip to send a betrothal gift. Items are moved out of the car.

Runsheng didn't want to understand if they were looking for the wrong person. If they were looking for the Chen family, why the things were not brought into the house, but only placed outside the gate, which really puzzled him. Of course, what the person said The dowry made him dizzy even more, he frowned and thought for a while, not knowing what to do for a while.

During the conversation, I learned that they traveled non-stop for three days and arrived last night. In order not to disturb the rest of the Chen family, a dozen or so people stood at the gate of the Chen family for most of the night.

Going to look again, all of them are indeed a little dull, so he accepted what he originally wanted to ask them to leave, they said that the Bianzhou Prefecture is in the south, and they are driving all the way, and they must be extremely tired. , no matter if you are looking for the wrong person or not, asking them to come in and rest for a while is always what you should do. Everyone is a citizen of the Celestial Dynasty. No matter if you are from the south or the north, you should be more hospitable. If they want to find them When people are in the village, they and their parents can always help them think of ideas.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to ask, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Then uncle will bring everyone into my room for a rest, and I will go back to the room and talk to my parents."

He hurriedly ran into the yard and went straight to Wang's house. Wang's only got up just now. Seeing Runsheng hurriedly entered the house, he asked, "In the early morning, running in such a hurry?"

Runsheng was afraid that the few people just now had been waiting for a long time, so he didn't talk to the Wang family in detail, and only said: "There are a few southerners at the door, who seem to be looking for relatives, I'm afraid they're wrong and stopped in front of our door. I want to invite them to come in for a rest and help them find their relatives.” He looked at Wang Shi, afraid that she would disagree, and said anxiously: “I don’t think they are bad people, and the person leading the way speaks. But Wen Zou Zou Li, like a big housekeeper!"

Chen Tiegui hurriedly put on his shirt and got off the kang, "Let's go, take dad to see."

Runsheng laughed and trotted ahead to lead the way, but when he reached the door, he was dumbfounded. The four carriages and the dozen or so people that had just disappeared had long since disappeared, leaving only the tall gifts stacked on the ground.

Chen Tiegui looked at him puzzled, and Runsheng immediately sweated profusely. He didn't bother to explain to his father, so he hurriedly searched for him along the way. away.

When returning to the room, Mrs. Wang got up too, and when she saw the things at the door, she immediately had a bad feeling in her heart. Pull up your legs and head east.

Wang Shi said angrily, "I'm afraid it was sent by Si Pei's own father's house, you stupid bastard, we can't stand this gift!"

Runsheng squatted on the ground and couldn't stop beating his chest. "It turned out to be from my brother-in-law's house. It's my fault that I didn't recognize it earlier and caused trouble for my brother-in-law! No, I have to chase them back!" He said, standing up, Going into the yard to lead the bull.Wang Shi sighed, "Forget it, how can that old cow in our house catch up with another carriage? Your father is afraid that he will go to your Wei Bo's house to discuss!" After looking at the things on the ground, he turned around and entered the house. , said angrily, "What are you still doing, you have to move to the house first!"

Yantou Village has been boiling up these days. You say something to me, and you tell me Wei Sipei's life experience has nose and eyes. Because of this, Mrs. Wang couldn't eat for a few days, so she put her things in the main room and saw that someone came to take the opportunity. He asked, but he couldn't do anything by himself, but Wei Yuan was very happy, saying that he happened to be poor by himself, and he had treated Baozhu badly.

This matter soon spread to the county, and Wei Yuan personally came to persuade Wei Sipei to tell him the details of that day. Chen Jiaben didn't want to accept the gift, but those people were really cunning and would not refuse him at all. opportunity to smear the soles of the feet with oil.

He originally suggested that Wei Sipei should meet Mr. Han before his lifetime, and now he used this matter to persuade him, "Two boxes of tea, two boxes of cloth, two boxes of porcelain, a plate of silver nudes, a house deed, and a A piece of land..." The more he said, the more ugly Wei Sipei's face became, his voice weakened, and he sighed with a smile: "It's always his intention, it's not that your father didn't miss you all these years, when your mother died, he thought about it. If I want you to go back to support, he sent someone to look for him when we came to Yantou Village earlier, but I am afraid that I missed it, and it took all these years to find your news."

Wei Sipei glared at Wei Yuan, "Dad, I should thank him instead?"

Wei Yuan smiled and pressed him to sit down, while practicing Tai Chi, "Dad watched Baozhu grow up, and naturally hope she will live better with you in the future, but the house is really desolate, don't you feel ashamed? "

Wei Sipei knew that his father intended to mess around, so where is the desolation in the room right now?But after hearing his words, there was still a sense of guilt in his heart, and the hand holding the cup tightened three points unconsciously.

Wei Yuan was satisfied to see that his face was a little loose, and said: "This betrothal gift is not given to you. Although it was not given to you willingly by the Chen family, it is also a gift for the jewel, and the jewel will be collected later. , I won't let you spend it! You want to be lofty, but you are tired of your daughter-in-law suffering with you, what's the reason?"

Seeing that his brows were slightly wrinkled, he smiled again, "Your aunt said, if you are determined not to accept the ceremony, your father's intentions will not be scattered by others at will, and she will never embarrass you, she should find a place on her own. Bury it. Only your aunt is so reasonable, and Baozhu is so dedicated to you. If you don't believe me, you are so at ease? It's a shame that you boast about Haikou in front of your aunt every day. How can you treat Baozhu well? That pedantic and stubborn person has hatred in his heart, but he forces others to obey you."

"If you don't agree, your aunt will naturally not accept the gift, but you don't want to think about it. If your aunt gets the gift, will the life in the house be better? Can Baozhu suffer less? There is nothing in this world. The one who forgives, no matter how much he has done, he is still your own father. Father often advises you to be more considerate of others, but you are on the edge of the horns in this matter!"

He rambled on and on, but Wei Sipei didn't hear it. He only thought that Mother Baozhu wanted to buy a few acres of land in the county a while ago, but couldn't get half of the money. The big guy scraped together the money to buy it.

He couldn't help pursing his lips. The dowry gift given by that person... It seems that he has a house and a field. Is it really like what his father said, although he doesn't value these things, does it affect his aunt and the others?
The next day, Wei Yuan went back to the house and asked the Wang family. He smiled and said, those dowry gifts are only for future use. That person was Si Pei’s father, and Si Pei was married. These things were originally brought from his house. Sipeiwa'er don't need to pay attention to him, no matter how big his idea is, he will always feel sorry for the pearl, and he is a bit of a person, and sooner or later he will be able to get out of this curve.

Wang shi couldn't help but sighed in his heart, Wei Yuan is really a broad-minded and knowledgeable person. Things that were originally tricky were quite natural to him, and he didn't care about other people's opinions at all.

(End of this chapter)

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