Full of food and color

Chapter 72 I want to save money

Chapter 72 I want to save money
Within a few days, news came from Sangu Baozhu that the busy farming season was over recently and there were many job seekers in the county. Sangu Baozhu made inquiries and asked someone to send a letter.

The person who came was Sun Xingyuan, the eldest son of the Lizheng family. His father had helped him find a job as a yamen servant in the county yamen a few years ago. The cow brings a letter.

Because of Aunt Baozhu, the two families were considered relatives, and the Wang family had to entertain for a while, but Sun Xingyuan was very indifferent, and didn't drink any tea. He said something brought by Aunt Baozhu in a few words, presuming that he still had official business. I'm about to leave.

Seeing that he looked very proud, Mrs. Wang didn't seem to take her family seriously, but then she thought, he is an official, and to put it bluntly, it was because of Cui Fen's relationship that she made a special trip to her house. Fortunately, I had to do all the etiquette, so I hurriedly stopped him, and Chen Tiegui also stopped him, saying that he was going to prepare some food to eat before leaving.

Sun Xingyuan blocked Chen Tiegui's hand in displeasure, waved his hand, and refused with a cold face: "Food is not necessary, and there is a business trip, so there is no delay." He squinted at Chen Tiegui, "Cui Fen, don't say so many polite words Boy, if you miss the job, the higher ups will be held accountable, and Brother Cui Fen can afford to be punished and jailed?"

Chen Tiegui's expression froze, he withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and his tone became a little cold, "Since the brothers of the Sun family have something to do, I won't stay, let's go."

Sun Xingyuan walked forward, and Chen Tiegui hummed a few times on his back, picked up the tea made for him earlier, and drank it wholeheartedly, "This is still the good tea sent by the third aunt of the year! What a waste, I didn't drink a sip !"

Mrs. Wang also sighed, "You mean, even his father came here, and he was very polite. He is so good. He has only been an official for a few years now? He even speaks like an official! What are you talking about and going to jail?" Yes, I pooh!"

Chen Tiegui interrupted Wang, "An official is not an official, isn't he just a fast catcher, and we, Runze, are also the magistrate of the county!"

Mrs. Wang laughed loudly, "I think you are dreaming and confused, if you really listen to what you say, our baby will become the master of the county government, I think your eyes can go up to the sky! "

The more Chen Tiegui thought about the eldest son of the Sun family, the angrier he became, and he glared, "Hurry up, after all, isn't that a pariah? Worse than our peasants! When you meet that big squire, don't you dare to fart? Bullying and bullying our common people can do it, and it’s a good thing that he has relatives, so he rushes to treat him well, oh, but he gives us such an arrogant look, I really don’t know what he is doing!"

Wang glanced at her husband, and said in a low voice, "You can't keep your voice down! This is what we should say? Isn't it just to find trouble for us!"

Chen Tiegui snorted and fell silent, only then did Wang whisper, "It's just that those people have collected a lot of stepping money from the common people all year round!"

The table Chen Tiegui was clapping on made a "bang bang" noise, "What are you afraid of him doing? Our family behaves according to our duties, how could we be in prison? No matter how powerful he is, he can still search us?"

When Wang heard her husband yelling loudly again, she was so angry that she had nothing to say, she gave him a hard look, and simply refused to break up with her husband, turned around and left the house.

Chen Tiegui returned to Wang's parents' house before evening to reply to the letter. Three Aunt Baozhu had found two restaurants, one was recruiting kitchen servants, and the other was a waiter.Wang's parents summed it up, the waiter must have quick hands and feet, and has good eyesight. The youngest son has never even served a bowl in the house. Can you be kind of tired?

Uncle Baozhu also meant the same thing, he didn't like to show his face at first, he said in his heart that he just worked hard, and handyman was just right for him.

June is the hottest season. Baozhu was woken up by Zhaodi before dawn. She went to her small vegetable garden first. The radishes and beans planted a while ago filled the three-thirds of the vegetable garden. It was full, and the beans had sprouted small leaves at this moment, and Baozhu took care of it this time, watering, weeding, and nothing fell.

These days the beans are growing well, and the vines are about to sprout. Taking advantage of the fine weather, Baozhu gets up early in the morning and sets up a fight with Runsheng and his cousin Zhaodi.

After inserting the two-meter-long bamboo into the soil at an angle of 45 degrees and intersecting each other, Runsheng and Zhaodi carried a long bamboo pole horizontally into the intersection, and then fixed it with ropes to complete a row of shelves.

After working until noon, he set up all the shelves in the vegetable garden, and Runsheng added fences around the small vegetable garden. As usual, he told his two younger sisters to be obedient at home, and went down to the field with the farm tools.

Zhaodi wanted to take Baozhu to look for Erya again. Baozhu played with Zhaodi all day long these days, and she didn't touch the brush for some days, and the recipes were not sorted out for some days. After all, she is a woman who is thirty years old. As an adult, games like playing stones and jumping squares are no longer attractive to her, unlike Zhaodi, who knows how to play without feeling tired every day at this age, so right now she is thinking about how to support her cousin. Open, so that I can go back to the house and practice calligraphy for a while.

Some time ago, she tried a lot of tricks, but her cousin was like a brown candy, very difficult to deal with, no matter what reason Baozhu came up with, she would always follow him every step of the way.She was writing, while Zhaodi was asking questions, she squinted her eyes and pretended to be asleep, Zhaodi also slept with her, she just got up stealthily, then Zhaodi stood up like a carp, and Baozhu cried out in her heart Helpless, there is nothing to do with Zhaodi.

As soon as she walked to Chen Tiefu's house, she heard a commotion inside, Baozhu paused, thinking that Qian Huihong might go crazy again at the moment, and she was a little worried about her second aunt, so she couldn't move her feet, and stood intently. It was heard at the gate.

After listening to it for a while, I probably understood something, it was not a big deal, maybe the second aunt went to town today, and when she came back, she bought two candied haws and gave one to Liangdong and Xiujuan, that's all Some small things lead to conflicts without thinking. Qian Huihong saw Xiujuan eating something bought by her second aunt, so she couldn't help but beat and scolded Xiujuan in the yard.

At first her second aunt came out to persuade her a few words, but she was ridiculed by Qian Huihong for a while, but then she didn't hear anything, only Qian's sharp scolding and Xiujuan's aggrieved sobbing were left in the yard.

Baozhu sighed inwardly, and thought again, Second Aunt and her brother Liangdong live in such a house, they must always feel aggrieved in their hearts.

Zhaodi also knew that the two of them eavesdropped was disgraceful, so she shook Baozhu's arm and asked her quietly, "Has Baozhu ever eaten candied haws?"

Baozhu shook her head, suddenly thought of something, and pulled Zhaodi back, "Elder sister?"

Zhao Di chuckled, "I have eaten it several times, and every time my father came back to town, he would buy one for me when he came across it."

Baozhu asked her again: "What's in the candied haws?"

"Of course it's a hawthorn!" Zhaodi said, her eyes sparkled, and she quietly leaned into Baozhu's ear and said, "I have a few pennies on me, let's go to the town, and my sister will buy you candied haws!"

Baozhu curled her lips, feeling a sense of inferiority in her heart. Even a rural girl who was born and bred in ancient times had private money, but she didn't save any penny. Speaking of which, she remembered a time when she was a child and brother Runsheng on the kang I hid the money, but later I packed it up for her mother and took it away. Thinking about my own business plan, I can't do without saving some money.

As soon as Zhaodi mentioned candied haws, she immediately remembered that when she was a child, she rode a bicycle and walked around the streets selling candied haws. A candied haws cost [-] cents. When she was young, she had no money, and she always looked at the back of the peddler in despair. Imagine that when I grow up and make money in the future, I must buy a lot of candied haws like other children.

Time flies, and she graduated from the culinary school in a blink of an eye. All kinds of pressures of survival came one after another. In order to take root in that city, she put in far more hardships and efforts than ordinary people. When she finally got a stable job With a modest salary, such a small wish in childhood was gradually forgotten.

After recovering, she saw Di's expectant eyes, Baozhu couldn't help but smiled and nodded, thought for a while, and then said to her: "It's okay to go, but we can't tell others about eating candied haws!"

Zhaodi rolled her eyelids and thought for a while, then patted her chest and said, "I'll listen to you!" She groped for a while, then spread her hands, with three pennies in her palm.

Baozhu took the money away with a smile, and said with a straight face, "I will keep the money, you have to follow me, be careful not to lose it!"

Zhaodi was not annoyed, she took Baozhu's hand, hummed a folk song, and strode forward.

As Baozhu walked, she recalled the way to the town in her mind. Speaking of which, she went to the town with her mother every day for a while, and she was familiar with the road along the way, but her two little children went to the town together, always Be careful.

It took half an hour to take the scooter, and the two of them walked for about an hour before reaching the town. Baozhu led Zhaodi around a few streets and came to the most prosperous street in the town. Sure enough, I heard the yelling of selling candied haws, and when I got closer, the candied haws seller was an old man, surrounded by seven or eight children of different sizes, laughing happily.

Zhaodi pulled her forward and ran wildly, and said loudly, "Two skewers!"

The old man handed two sticks of candied haws to the child beside him, and said to her with a smile, "Okay, two strings of two cents!"

Baozhu took out two papers and handed them to him, and began to think about it. The method of candied haws is not difficult. The hawthorn can imitate the previous life and replace it with other fruits. , she can walk and talk, and Zhaodi has a helper in front of her, making some small snacks, and secretly taking them to the town to sell for money, it is always feasible, right?Well, two little babies are not safe, she is six years old, and her cousin is only seven years old, so she just takes Wei Sipei together, so she can save some money every year, and when she grows up, she can start a serious business with her mother.

Zhaodi was licking the candied haws one bite at a time, turned her head for a while, and looked at Baozhu puzzled, "Why doesn't my sister eat it?"

Baozhu smiled and asked her, "Let's come to town every day to eat candied haws, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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