Chapter 104 Surprised
Han Qi asked with a curious smile, "When do you plan to get married?"

Judging by his tone, it is obvious that love is miserable, and he is really sure.

I always thought that he was a pure, cold, handsome guy, but who knows that he is also a blockbuster style, the first sentence just said that he has a sweetheart, and the latter sentence is the rhythm of getting married.

These young behaviors made his heart a little unbearable!

It's no wonder that when he gets married and has a baby, his little uncle will become an old uncle—even if he wants to disobey his old age.

Han Bojun frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "A while ago I was busy preparing for the company's listing, and she was busy graduating, so I didn't see her for three or four days in a row... I asked her to come to work in my company, but she refused, and after a few arguments, Blacked out by her."

"Pfft!" Han Qi laughed and asked back: "You are a software engineer, are you afraid that you won't be able to contact anyone? Her phone is scrapped? Don't use it at all?"

"No." Han Bo explained slightly awkwardly: "I try almost every day, but she seems to never be connected to the Internet."

Han Qi smiled and guessed: "Needless to say, it's probably because I changed my number."

"I went to school to look for her the next evening, and I heard that she went back to her hometown." Han Bo explained: "She once said that she grew up by the Liaocheng River, but I can't find the exact address. Too many flights."

"No specific address?" Han Qi asked amusedly, "Are you planning to put a missing person notice on TV and radio?"

Han Bo shook his head: "She said that her family lives in a rented house and often moves without a fixed address. I have saved a fixed number in my mobile phone that she called, and it should be her home phone number. With this, it shouldn't be difficult. Find."

Han Qi shook his legs, took a glass of champagne, and took a sip.

"Have you contacted her? If the girl moves again, you will have to hang up a sign on the streets of Liaocheng to find love."

Han Bo smiled wryly: "I called, every day, but no one answered."

"It's miserable!" Han Qi smiled: "I'll write you a sign first. The title is 'Han Shao Qiuai', please meet, forgive, and support!"

Han Bo: "..."

He has a flight to catch tomorrow, and there is still a lot of work to be done. He really doesn't have time to chat with his uncle, so he can only continue to work with his fingers flying.

Suddenly, Han Bo's internal phone rang!

Han Bo glanced at it and quickly pressed it, "Hello?"

"Ah Bo, are you in the office on the top floor?" A majestic voice asked.

Han Bo replied: "Yes, I work overtime in the office. Dad, I really don't have time to attend the celebration banquet..."

"Your grandfather is looking for you." The majestic voice interrupted him, and continued: "The old man suddenly called and said he wanted to see you. His tone seemed very angry and anxious. Did your kid do something bad to make you angry? Grandpa?"

Han Bo frowned suspiciously, and was momentarily stunned.

Han Qi on the side stood up abruptly, his eyes full of surprise.

My father is almost 90 years old and has lived in seclusion in the old house for many years. Especially after the mother passed away, the old man is more like hiding from the world, never going out, and not paying much attention to young people.

In addition to seeing the children and grandchildren during Chinese New Year and birthdays, they may not even be able to see them at other times.

Why do you suddenly care about Xiao Bo, the eldest grandson?

Han Bo was quite calm, and quickly replied: "Dad, I have been rushing to Yuancheng for the past few days. Except for sleeping at home one night, I am busy in the office and working overtime. I don't even go out once. How can I have a chance to do anything?" bad thing."

(End of this chapter)

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