Chapter 122 Encounter ([-])

With doubts in her heart, Dongfang Zi had to be careful.

"Old Shen, your skills are good. Hurry up and send a sound transmission to all the monsters in the valley, telling them to be vigilant. Except for the little monster who is in charge of monitoring, the other monsters should try to hide as much as possible."

"Okay, Your Majesty." Shen Xi quickly responded.

Lu Cong's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked nervously, "Your Majesty, do you suspect that there are demon catchers on board?"

"Yes." Dongfang Zi explained in a low voice: "This group is obviously involved with the 'monster catcher', we have to be careful."

Lu Cong was secretly worried after being reminded by her.

"Your Majesty, let's go back to the valley as soon as possible."

Dongfang Zi nodded and said, "Let's go to the alley over there and fly to the Environmental Protection Bureau incognito."

One person, one deer and one ginseng circled around the corner, and quickly flew up invisibly, heading northeast.

Suddenly, Lu Cong looked to the southwest suspiciously, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the plane didn't go to our valley, but stopped on a flat open space over there."

"Oh?" Dongfang Zi's eyesight was not as good as his, and she couldn't see anything after a few glances, so she couldn't help asking, "Did you see any suspicious people coming down?"

"It's too far away, so I can't watch it carefully." Lu Cong explained.

Dongfang Zi thought for a while, and said: "There are mountains on the other side of the mining village. If it is a small helicopter, it may be able to find a place to land. It is very difficult for a luxury private jet like just now. Most of them stop here and then drive over mining village."

There was an accident in the mine, and the mine could not be mined for many days, and the explosives brought in were blown up before they could be used.

The mining village is now smelly again, and the polluted water in the mine has been tormented beyond recognition, and people are panicking. The mysterious boss behind him finally can't sit still and is about to appear.

Shen Xi couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, do you need veterans to monitor them?"

"Need." Dongfang Zi whispered: "Know yourself and know your enemy before you can win a hundred battles. You go and see what they are going to do. Be careful not to be discovered."

"Okay, Your Majesty." As soon as Shen Xi finished his words, he dodged and disappeared into the air.

Dongfang Zi and Lu Cong hurriedly flew over to the Environmental Protection Bureau.

Southwest City is very remote and small, and Dongfang Zi didn't have much hope for the so-and-so bureau.

Unexpectedly, the moment I first saw it, I was still solidly "amazed".

I saw a three-story building with sixteen signs of different sizes and colors hanging on the gate, saying "so-and-so bureau" and "so-and-so office"... She could see Dazzled, it took a long time to see the word "Environmental Protection Agency" on the penultimate sign.

"The centralized sharing model really saves resources!"

Dongfang Zi and Lu Cong went upstairs, and finally found the person in charge in the last corner room on the second floor.

Unexpectedly, when the other party heard about the "Lingmai Mine", they quickly stopped.

"It's a regular operation, and someone reported it not long ago. After the investigation team chased it, they didn't find anything unusual."

Dongfang Zi quickly took out her mobile phone and said, "Their sewage has not been properly treated, and it flows in disorder. Look, it's all flowing out now, scattered all over the ground, and a large area of ​​the hillside is full of sewage."

The staff glanced lazily, and then got shocked!

"This... so serious?! Is it true?"

"It's absolutely true." Dongfang Zi said: "This is the photo I took today, and the scene is like this. Look, this is a mining village, and this is the village entrance."

The staff asked for a few photos, and quickly said that they would report to their superiors for investigation.

Dongfang Zi gave Lu Cong a wink, and the two turned around and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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