Chapter 13 Confirmation
The most indispensable thing for modern people is the mobile phone, so Dongfang Zi's first reaction was to touch the mobile phone.

It's a pity that the signal grid has been completely emptied, and there is nothing left!

Dongfang Zi hugged her mobile phone and asked, "Do you have no signal here? Do you have wifi? This house is quite nice, where is the router installed?"

Lu Cong and Shen Xi were confused and shook their heads instinctively.

Dongfang Zi smiled wryly: "Then—then how can I ask my dad to verify whether what you said is true?! I grew up, and it was the first time I discovered that the monsters in fantasy fairy tale movies and novels... were actually real. ! It’s too fantastical, I can’t accept it!”

Lu Cong asked curiously: "Little princess, are you going to send a message to His Majesty?"

"That's right!" Dongfang Zi shook the phone helplessly, and muttered, "But there is no signal at all here. Messages, calls, and even communication apps are not working."

"You can use sound transmission pollen." Lu Cong's fair and handsome face blushed slightly, and explained: "We usually use pollen to communicate with His Majesty."

"Pollen? What stuff?" Dongfang Zichi asked.

Lu Cong spread out the palm of his left hand, and saw a ray of shining light passing by, and there were some powdery white pollen in his palm instantly.

Dongfang Zi was extremely surprised and stared curiously.

"……how to do?"

Lu Cong explained earnestly: "You only need to cast a spell to tell them what you want to say, and then attach your majesty's breath, and they will fly to your majesty's side and pass on your words to your majesty."

Dongfang Zi blinked her eyes in surprise, with a beautiful smile on her pretty face.

"It's amazing! Then please help me cast the spell, I want to ask my father for clarification."

Lu Cong stopped panicking, and said, "A Cong obeys the little princess' orders, please don't disturb the little deer."

Dongfang Zi has lived in a modern society since she was a child, and has no concept of dignity.

She didn't care at all, and waved her hand and said, "That's polite language, it's nothing! Deer, quickly cast a spell to help me!"

The ginseng on the side laughed and said, "Sound transmission pollen transmits information very quickly. It can be transmitted within a day within a thousand miles. If it is thousands of miles away, it will take longer."

Dongfang Zi rolled his eyes and asked, "Then if it's tens of thousands of kilometers...or even farther?"

How could she have forgotten that her father and mother are still in the southern hemisphere!

Cannon replied: "The shortest is ten days and a half months, and the longest is several years or even several years."

Dongfang Zi: "..." Then forget it.

Shen Xi pointed at her neck again, and explained with a smile: "Little princess, you haven't learned how to use the scepter. The scepter is the most noble artifact of our demon clan, and it is also the weapon of every demon king. The majesty's majesty is hidden in the scepter." Part of the exercises, when your little princess masters the exercises, you will be able to communicate with His Majesty through the scepter."

ah? !Scepter!
Dongfang Zi was stunned, and took out the small pendant hanging on her chest since she was peeing.

It was a small pendant the size of a fingernail, similar in appearance to an old man's walking stick, especially the uniform seven colors of the rainbow on it, which was very pretty.

Dad once said that this is a family heirloom, and it must not be unwrapped at will, let alone shown to others.

Dad also said that it is a unique treasure in the world, and no amount of money can buy it. From now on, we will rely on it to connect our father and daughter.

When she was a child, she couldn't understand it at all. She thought it was a small teaching aid her father found. Hanging it around her neck would remind her of the colors of the rainbow and how to arrange them.

When she grew up, she felt that its material was very special, and it could be warm in winter and cool in summer, so she was reluctant to take it off.

It turned out that it was all true...

(End of this chapter)

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