Chapter 133 Don't mention it

Lu Cong asked back: "How can Zifei know that fish are not happy?"

"Is there even a need to talk about it?" Shen Xi said confidently, "Separation is painful and uncomfortable. Who wants pain? Who wants pain? You want it?"

Lu Cong shook his head resolutely: "When His Majesty wakes up, she can decide for herself."

The tampering of memory can be big or small, if His Majesty finds out in the future, with her temperament, she will probably be furious and very angry.

Shen Xi reminded in a low voice: "The maze fruit has confused part of His Majesty's mind now, even if it is tampered with, His Majesty will not find out."

The so-called delusional fruit can not only confuse people and make people fall into a coma, but also confuse the mind.

If you eat too much, not only people, but even monsters will become dizzy and even go crazy.

"Still not." Lu Cong said: "Your Majesty's affairs are up to you. As subjects, you and I cannot use the name of 'love her and respect her' to secretly do things that His Majesty may not allow."

The courtiers should remember their own duties, and always share and relieve His Majesty's worries, and remember to be smart and make decisions indiscriminately.

"Alas..." Shen Xi couldn't help teasing: "Xiaolu, you are not old, you are more pedantic than me!"

"Perhaps." Lu Cong thought for a while and explained: "I just act according to His Majesty's ideas and rhetoric. Your Majesty said that true respect is not following her orders. She believes that mutual understanding can mutual respect."

Although the time with His Majesty was very short, many of her novel concepts and ideas impressed him deeply, even refreshing him.

Your Majesty treats everyone with an equal and respectful attitude. Even though she is a noble descendant of the nine-tailed fox and the king of the demon world, she has never been self-willed, let alone oppressed others with power.

Such a majesty made him admire, respect and like him even more.

Shen Xi nodded in agreement, seemed to think of something, and secretly glanced in Dongfang Zi's direction nervously.

"Xiaolu, what His Majesty Lan means is that he hopes that you can not only assist His Majesty, but also win His Majesty's heart..."

"It's not appropriate to mention this again." Lu Congjun blushed slightly, and whispered in embarrassment, "Your Majesty is careless and doesn't care about me at all. I only have respect and loyalty to Your Majesty."

As early as when Dongfang Zi was still a little girl, she liked the big elk that carried her to play.

His Majesty Lan saw it, and quickly thought about how to throw his daughter out.

If the queen hadn't stopped her, His Majesty Lan might have already offered the marriage.

There is no other reason. Lu Cong is a young demon with the most powerful skills in the demon world for thousands of years.

His Majesty Lan originally fell in love with Lu Cong as his apprentice before his daughter was born.

However, he has always been unreliable. What he decides today may have to be changed several times tomorrow. After the idea was born, he quickly forgot it.

Later, Lu Cong could not become his apprentice. Seeing that his daughter liked Xiaolu, he had a crooked mind and wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

Before His Majesty came to the Demon Realm, His Majesty Lan had rumored that when he came back, he asked Lu Cong to take care of the little princess more, and even specially appointed him to be the princess' personal bodyguard. The implication was self-evident.

Seeing that Lu Cong politely refused, Shen Xi couldn't say anything more.

"Forget it, His Majesty's marriage still has to be decided by His Majesty Lan and the queen."

Lu Congjun's face was extremely red, and he whispered shyly, "Old Prime Minister, from now on...don't mention this matter again."

Shen Xi knew that he was shy, and seeing that Dongfang Zi was still unconscious, he was not in the mood to joke with him, so he nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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