Chapter 143 Zhongxie
Han Bo, who was sitting in the car, frowned and asked, "Where did the sewage come from?"

Lin Congli replied confidently: "It came out of the iron mine!"

Han Bo and Zhang Yong looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Did the sewage not be treated cleanly when mining? The sewage system is broken?"

Lin Cong smiled and explained: "This iron mine is very large, and the sewage flows turbulently. I don't know where to discharge it. From the beginning, I dug a hole and discharged it into the valley behind the mountains. I didn't know it two days ago. What's the matter, the sewage is flowing outside, and before we realize it, the whole mining village is full of sewage—it's really crazy! We suspect that something unclean has been caused."

Han Bo: "..."

Zhang Yong: "..."

The sewage is not properly treated and discharged, and such a lame and stupid reason is found!

Han Bojun's face sank slightly, he opened the door and walked down.

The next moment, he frowned suddenly—the tip of his nose was filled with a pungent and unpleasant smell!

He looked around and found that the scene was shocking, and everywhere he looked was sewage.Not only is there sewage in the mining village, but even the gate and the ravine not far away are full of sour-smelling sewage.

Zhang Yong got out of the car, but before he could react, he already covered his mouth and retched.

"Damn it! What does it smell like? It's scarier than bad water! It's choking to death!"

Han Bojun's face was gloomy, and he asked: "So, the sewage has never been treated, and the sewage system has not been carefully fixed?"

Lin Cong shook his head.

Han Bo was secretly a little angry, and said in a deep voice: "If it is not treated properly, the sewage will accumulate too much, and it will naturally be discharged to other low-lying places. The smell is so bad that you can't stand it after smelling it. No wonder the workers have to resign and leave!"

"That..." Lin Cong laughed flatteringly, and said in a low voice, "Master Han, the situation was a bit urgent when mining was just started, and some logistics facilities were not ready, so I ignored it."

Han Bo sneered and asked back: "At that time, I was in a hurry and couldn't make it in time. What happened later? You haven't done it for a few years, so you just muddle along and ignore it to the end, right?"

Lin Cong explained: "I applied... but the head office didn't approve it. Later we saw that the sewage was not discharged outside, so we didn't bother to deal with it."

Zhang Yong retched so badly that he turned around and went back to the off-road vehicle, poking his head and shouting: "Boss! Get in the car! His car can't get in, but our off-road vehicle will definitely work."

Han Bo glanced at the height of the sewage, and got into the car with confidence.

The off-road vehicle slowly drove through the sewage, entered the mining village, and drove to the high place behind the mining village.

Lin Cong courteously said: "Young Master Han, there is no sewage in the area at the end, and now the workers are all gathered there. You have worked so hard to come here from a long distance. I ordered a table of good dishes in advance. I hope you will appreciate it. Clean up the dust for the three of you."

"No need." Han Bo said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and find a way to get the sewage out of the village before it's dark. No one can stand the fumes like this."

"That... I sent someone to get it yesterday." Lin Cong's face paled, and he explained: "But several bulldozers broke down. They broke down at the same time, and they couldn't find out exactly where they were broken. Not only that, we When it was time to arrange for the explosives to enter the mountain, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and then—then tens of kilograms of packed explosives disappeared out of thin air! They disappeared right in front of your eyes! Do you think it’s scary?”

Han Bo kept his handsome face and did not speak.

Zhang Yong and Liu Qing on the side looked at each other, both half-believing: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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