Chapter 145
Dongfang Zi had already accepted the fact that he was a monster, and he didn't care too much when he heard that the confinement was loosened.

I wanted to check the situation in the live broadcast room, but found that the phone was missing.

Lu Cong explained that when he came back in a hurry yesterday, his cell phone was accidentally left on Brother Zhu's side.

"Your Majesty, brother Zhu said that your phone was hacked."

Dongfang Zi was startled, and hurried to the next door.

Zhu Feitian gnawed on the wild fruit while explaining lazily: "Junior Sister, for you, I even tried my best to breastfeed! I stayed up until 03:30 in the morning last night, and I still couldn't make it out - the other party is definitely a master hacker. "

"Hacker?" Dongfang Zi rubbed the screen of her phone, and Fox asked, "Why hack my phone? Where?"

Zhu Feitian replied: "I don't ask you for anything, I can guarantee this. According to my hard investigation, I just blocked some functions of your mobile phone and monitored some incoming and outgoing messages."

Dongfang Zi was stunned.

"First, I am not a major leader, second, I am not a well-known big star, and third, I am not a wealthy local tyrant. Why do hackers monitor me?"

Zhu Feitian blinked his small eyes, and asked, "I'm not allowed to ask you this, right? I was just about to ask!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Lu Cong's eyes flickered on the side, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhu, this blackness... When did it start to be dark?"

Zhu Feitian answered very firmly: "At least two months ago."

Suspiciously, Dongfang Zi turned the phone over and over again.

"Senior, you just said that some functions of the mobile phone are blocked? Which functions?"

Zhu Feitian threw the sour fruit into his mouth, his fat face turned into a chrysanthemum face.

"I tried it for you last night, mainly to reject unfamiliar phone numbers, and some chat software to reject new friends to join. The other functions are similar. This fruit is so sour! The teeth are sour. It's..."

"That's all?" Dongfang Zi asked in surprise.

Zhu Feitian laughed, and said: "I suspect that the other party is not a hacker at all! What are they doing? They don't steal your balance and don't threaten you to ask for bitcoins! Forget it, just have fun secretly for a while. If it's someone else, It is estimated that it has been tossed and ruined."

Dongfang Zi smiled, and said: "It is estimated that the hacker saw that my poor balance is less than that of a beggar, so he let me go."

"Hahaha!" Zhu Feitian laughed loudly, "100% yes!"

Dongfang Zi didn't care too much, and said: "It's fine if you can't fix it. This phone is old. When I earn money, I will replace it with a new one. At that time, I will change all account passwords including payment passwords. Whatever he wants to blackmail, all will be wiped out."

"That's right!" Zhu Feitian murmured, "Two more live broadcasts are enough for you to buy a good mobile phone."

When he said this, Dongfang Zi suddenly remembered her new career, quickly turned on her phone, and quickly entered her account number and password to log in.

"Wow! No.2! No.2 on the newcomer gift list! Fans—wow! More than 8!

Zhu Feitian hurried over and stared in surprise.

"Junior Sister! Hurry up, Hurry up! Quick treat!"

Dongfang Zi was busy going to the backstage to exchange gifts, and readily agreed.

"No problem. What do you want to eat? Just order it!"

"Three fried chickens and three large bottles of Coke!" Zhu Feitian said joyfully pointing outside, "It's better to go to the fast food restaurant in the mining village and add some hamburgers and five ice creams."

Dongfang Zile happily looked at the gift list without raising her head and shouted: "OK!"

(End of this chapter)

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