Chapter 155
Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows in doubt: "Processor? Why didn't the mine use it before? Now that the sewage is flooding the ground, I thought of repairing a sewage processor!"

Han Bo was slightly taken aback.

Why did she suddenly get angry?

Thinking back, my company mines mines but doesn't treat the sewage properly, polluting the environment and making it stinky. Anyone who hears about such things will be indignant.

When she was studying at school, she was the vice president of the "Green Association" that cares for the environment, and she often went out to organize activities for protecting the environment.

The mining village outside was tossed like that by the sewage, no wonder she got angry when she saw it.

Han Bo was embarrassed to explain: "I didn't know it beforehand. I didn't know until I came here yesterday that I bought that second-hand sewage processor when I first started mining, but I never used it. The sewage is accumulated in the mountains. Recently, I don't know why. It exploded."

"Why don't you use it? Didn't you ask clearly?" Dongfang Zi heard the crux of the problem at once, and asked angrily, "It's not that it doesn't work, and it's not that it can't be used, so why not use it? On purpose?"

Han Bo's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Last night, I asked Manager Lin Cong, and he was an order from the group headquarters, and he just strictly followed it up."

"Who gave the order?" Dongfang Zi asked: "What does it have to do with you? What is the relationship between that Boyuan Group and you?"

Han Bo was slightly embarrassed, guessing that she already knew.

"Boyuan Group is my family's business. My hometown is in Yuancheng, and I am a child of the Han family in Yuancheng."

Dongfang Zi nodded, and asked earnestly: "I know. Are you hiding from me to test whether I am a vain girl?"

"No! You think too deeply about me." Han Bo explained: "I didn't mean to hide it from you on purpose. I have been financially independent since high school and never asked my family for money. It’s me, and home is home. Of course, if we want to take our relationship to the next level, we have to make it clear.”

"Don't..." Dongfang Zi was in a complicated mood, and sighed, "Is it your father or grandpa who gave the order not to treat the sewage?"

"It's my grandfather." Han Bo apologized in a low voice: "My grandfather is quite old, already an octogenarian. Older people don't have a strong awareness of environmental protection, so they issued such an order."

"No." Dongfang Zi shook her head, and stepped towards the side of the wooden house, "He did it on purpose."

Deliberately not treating the sewage, deliberately dumping the sewage into the valley, trying to destroy the environment of the demon world and make it even more difficult for the demon people to live.

Han Bo chased after him and explained: "This is your one-sided opinion! My grandfather probably didn't think too much about it. He only pursued profits blindly, so he ignored environmental protection. Don't worry, there is no sewage in the mining village. Now It’s all drained into the ditch, and the sewage processor should be repaired quickly, and this problem should be solved.”

Dongfang Zi bent down, scooped up some water from the small stream, rinsed his mouth and washed his face.

"Zizi!" Han Bo said in surprise, "The water here isn't filtered or sterilized, you can't use it like this!"

Dongfang Zi stood up, her pretty face was dotted with water, like water coming out of a hibiscus.

"The water in the valley is very clean. If it weren't for the mines outside digging and dumping sewage, the water here would be even cleaner. It is your grandpa's heart that should be disinfected."

Han Bo raised his eyebrows and whispered: "Don't talk nonsense. My grandfather probably ignored it, so don't make random judgments."

Dongfang Zisili took care of her hair slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Han Bo, let me ask you a question. Is your family a monster-catch family?"

Han Bo was stunned, and asked in a low voice, " did you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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