Chapter 182 Big Surprise

Dongfang Lan was stunned, then turned to giggle, and then burst out laughing.

Luo Fang scolded and coquettishly: "Why are you laughing so silly! It's not the first time you become a father! Look at you!"

Dongfang Lan hugged her into her arms and asked, "Honey, you didn't make me happy, did you? Really?! Really? Really?!"

"Really, really." Luo Fang was amused by his excited appearance, and said in a low voice, "The doctor said it's only a month old, and it's still in the early stages of pregnancy. It's not very stable, so let me pay more attention. I, after all, am already in my 40s. It’s an old woman.”

Dongfang Lan bent down, gently picked her up, and walked into the house.

"Come on, let me check your pulse for you."

Although Dongfang Lan has an unreliable temperament, she is very good as a husband.If you dare to say that you are the best husband, others will never dare to shake their heads.

He knew some Chinese medical skills, and after taking a pulse for a while, he was sure.

"It's really a happy pulse! It's still in the early stage, and I can't find a male or female pulse for the time being..."

"Do you want it to be a man or a woman?" Luo Fang asked with a smile.

Dongfang Lan grinned from ear to ear, and replied, "It's all good! All is good!"

Luo Fang thought for a while and said, "I hope it's a boy this time. We already have a daughter. If we can have a son, then we will have sons and daughters. It's a good word."

"You can do whatever you like, I'm fine." Dongfang Lan was very excited, pinched his wife's hand, and said in a low voice, "Wife, I didn't expect...unexpected...too unexpected..."

Luo Fang knew what he was thinking, and shook his hand instead.

"Honey, as early as the day Ah Zi was born, I told you that we will have children in the future. Now, you should believe it, right?"

"I believe it." Tears welled up in the corners of Dongfang Lan's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Who said that there are only seven generations of nine-tailed foxes? Who said that? I have another child! He is the future of Rainbow!"

According to ancient legends, there are only seven generations of nine-tailed foxes, and one generation can only be succeeded by one fox. When the seventh generation is completed, the nine-tailed fox family will also return to dust.

Because of this, he has been delayed in getting married, firstly because he has not met the monster he likes, and secondly because he hopes that that day will come later.

He met his favorite woman in the mortal world when he was more than 1 years old, and gave birth to his precious daughter Dongfang Zi a few years later.

He thought, if his little baby can live for tens of thousands of years, and the monster race can continue to reproduce for tens of thousands of years, it should be enough.

Never expected that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan would have heirs after the word "Zi"!
"Honey, this is the hope of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan! Maybe we will have children in the future..."

"That's unlikely." Luo Fang said coquettishly: "They are all in their forties. After giving birth to Ah Zi, it took 20 years to conceive this one. In another 20 years, I will be over 60. How can I have a baby?" what!"

Dongfang Lan held her hand tightly, and said in a gentle voice, "You have eaten so many good babies, and your aging speed will be much slower than ordinary people. Don't worry, you can live for hundreds of years."

Luo Fang smiled, and leaned forward to wrap his arms around his neck.

"I promise you, we will have children. If possible, we will have several children. This way, when I am old, or you are old, they can take care of each other. Brothers and sisters have discussions and help each other. Mutual aid. If I die, they still have each other as companions."

"You are mine, don't worry about them." Dongfang Lan petted and kissed her forehead, and said: "When they are a little older, they will go on their own."

(End of this chapter)

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