Chapter 187
City Y is larger than Southwest City and has a larger population, so the city center is very prosperous, with many shops and products.

Han Bo was like a country boy going to the city, taking one item and then another, the trolley was full in no time.

Dongfang Zi had no choice but to find another one to load it.

Han Bo asked: "When did the valley get electricity? You seem to have no electrical appliances except for charging your mobile phone."

Dongfang Zi smiled wryly: "A month ago, the demon people didn't know what electricity is. I bought the materials and asked Senior Zhu to help install the wires and nets."

"Where did you get it?" Han Bohu asked, "Except for the mining village, the surrounding areas are all deep mountains and old forests. Did you get it from the mining village?"

Dongfang Zi told the truth: "It was stolen."

Han Bo: "..."

Neither of them had breakfast yet, so they simply bought a few breads and soy milk in the food section of the supermarket, ate them in a hurry and went to check out.

The waiter said: "Thank you for your patronage. The total is 650 yuan."

Han Bo took out his wallet and took out his card to pay the bill.

Dongfang Zi whispered: "Refugees entering the city... buy so much!"

Han Bo lowered his voice to seduce: "I will cook beef noodles for you at noon."

"Okay!" Dongfang Zi smiled and nodded.

Han Bo Chongni smiled lowly, raised his eyes inadvertently, then lowered his face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually faded.

Dongfang Zi followed his line of sight - he saw a skinny middle-aged man picking and choosing in the high-end wine section. There were several cigarettes and several bottles of red wine in the trolley.

"You know him?"

Han Bo whispered, "He is Lin Cong."

Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows in surprise, and asked, "The general manager of Lingkuang?"

"Yes." Han Bo explained: "Yesterday's incident was a bit big, but unfortunately we didn't contact the media to expose it. The mining village is too remote, and the information is not smooth enough. I guess this guy is here to walk around and intends to make big things into small things. melted."

Dongfang Zi gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's find a way to stop him."

"It can't be here." Han Bo whispered: "There are too many people here, so it's not easy to make a fuss. We will tie him up without anyone noticing."

"Tie him for what?" Dongfang Zi shook her head quickly: "Could it be possible to bring him into the demon world? Of course not!"

Han Bo thought for a while and asked, "Then can we find a way to put him in a coma for four or five days, so that we can take this opportunity to expose the flood of sewage in the mine, and even if he wakes up, he won't be able to make a fuss."

"You can have this!" Dongfang Zi snapped her fingers, "Ask Lulu for help!"


Half an hour later, Lin Cong finally bought five bottles of high-end red wine and ten packs of Zhonghua cigarettes, and walked into the elevator swaggeringly.

Every time something happens in the mine, he likes to make things serious, and then take the opportunity to salvage a fortune, and then go to the chairman to ask for credit and receive rewards, earning again and again, and his pockets are suddenly bulging again. few.

This time, the people from the Environmental Protection Bureau came to the door suddenly, and he was secretly worried, but thinking that the matter was not serious, only the people in the mining village knew about it, so he boldly took it down again.

The chairman has always spent money like water, and he threw a 10 yuan card in one breath, asking him to settle this matter quickly.

The newly ordered excavators and equipment are already on the way, and this matter must be suppressed quickly, otherwise it may affect the subsequent operation of the mine.

The more anxious the chairman is, the more generous he is, and the more he can earn!hey-hey!
The elevator goes quickly to the underground parking lot.

He walked over to his Mercedes with ease, took out the key and put the red wine and cigarettes in the trunk of the car, then lazily opened the door and sat down.

The next moment, he fell unconsciously on the steering wheel...

(End of this chapter)

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