Chapter 189
After eating noodles, neither of them was idle.

Dongfang Zi took the mobile phone and Lu Cong quietly went outside the valley to take pictures, and even went to the side of the canal, taking dozens of pictures up and down.

Han Bo took out his laptop and contacted the authoritative TV organizations in Southwest City and City Y, as well as several hotlines.

After Dongfang Zi came back, she took out her mobile phone.

"Come on, add me again, and I'll send you all the pictures."

Han Bo raised his eyebrows and explained: "I used more than a dozen new numbers to apply to add you, but unfortunately I have not been able to add you. Have you deleted all your previous QQ and WeChat? The mobile phone number has also been changed. ?”

These days, the amount of information has been too overwhelming. From being confused at the beginning to being confused, and then coming in to find her, he always thought that there should be no electricity or internet in the valley.

He entered the wooden house last night, saw two or three energy-saving lamps, and she was watching short videos on the Internet with her mobile phone, and he realized that he had made a big mistake.

"That's right!" Dongfang Zi recalled what Zhu Feitian had discovered before, and said hastily, "My mobile phone has been hacked by hackers. I can't add any new numbers to various communication apps."

Han Bo raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

I thought she was going to break up with him cruelly in a moment of confusion, but unexpectedly there was such a big misunderstanding in it.

He pinched her mobile phone, opened it carefully and fiddled with it.

It's a pity that he is not a professional and cannot completely solve this trouble.

"Send all these pictures to my computer first, and then I will find a way to contact the reporter. Later, I will send all the information and numbers in your mobile phone to my computer, then restore it to factory settings and download it again Various software, hope to solve this problem."

Dongfang Zihu asked: "What do you think the hackers did to hack into my phone? I don't even have any money!"

Han Bo thought for a while and asked, "Did you download any special software before and after the graduation ceremony?"

"No!" Dongfang Zi muttered: "The software in my mobile phone is always enough, there is no need to download it at all. Besides, before the graduation ceremony, everyone is busy taking pictures, having dinner with classmates, and having dinner with fellow villagers... I I'm too busy to have a good night's sleep."

Han Bo thought for a while, and asked, "Then have you ever ordered a special red envelope, or some small program to share?"

"No." Dongfang Zi said: "There was a classmate in the class who helped others bargain, and the change flew away without knowing it. Since then, everyone has been very vigilant, and they will never step on such a trap."

Han Bo shook his head and explained: "Unless you have received something, it is impossible to hack into your mobile phone without warning. No matter how powerful the hacker is, there are always traces to follow."

Dongfang Zi thought about it seriously, and finally said "Ah!"

"At that time, I only ordered the transfer from my dad. At that time, his transfer was a line of numbers, and there were many zeros. After I ordered it, it was only 1 yuan. At that time, I thought it was my dad. You deliberately made fun of me, and you didn't take it to heart because you were happy to have money to receive it."

After hearing this, Han Bo guessed it all at once.

"If it's your dad, I'm not surprised at all."

According to her grandfather, her father clearly opposed the two of them being together.At that time, he and Zizi had an awkward dispute, she blocked herself, and if she wanted to find her, she had to add her again, maybe find a new number to add her...

Dongfang Zi couldn't help asking: "What do you mean? You——have you met my dad?"

"No." Han Bo smiled reassuringly, and asked, "You mentioned me to him, didn't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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