Chapter 19
"Good morning, little princess! Good morning!"

I saw a young and strong woman kneeling at the door of the dormitory, with a pointed head and a pointed chin, with small and delicate features, and the colorful clothes on her body were very beautiful.

On her head, on her shoulders, on her arms, and on the palms of her hands are all cute little orioles, all of which opened their mouths and chirped.

Not only that, outside the dormitory, the inside and outside of the tree hole are full of little yellow birds flying one after another, densely packed.

Dongfang Zi came back to her senses in a daze, and asked, "Could you be an oriole spirit?"

The woman laughed happily, and her voice was crisp and crisp: "The little princess is so smart! You can tell who I am at a glance!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

hehe!Her IQ is barely above the line, and such an obvious thing can be seen at a glance.

The woman knelt down and bowed respectfully.

"Little princess, my name is Lili, and I am a little demon who serves you in your daily life. Master Lu Cong said that the little princess doesn't like too many little monsters serving you, so just let me bring the juniors in to help, and don't disturb the little princess's peace." .”

Dongfang Zi rubbed her still painful eardrums, and muttered, "How can there be any peace like this!"

The trees are full of holes and the dormitory is full of twittering, and you can't even hear yourself clearly. What kind of quiet is it?

Lili blinked innocently, and asked foolishly, "Little princess, what do you want?"

Dongfang Zi waved her hand and said, "Let your juniors calm down first, I can't hear what you say, and you can't hear what I say, even the minimum quietness is gone."

Lili was startled, and hurriedly turned her head to the left, shouting "ba chi, chirp" a few times, and then to the right to drink "twitter chirping".

In the next moment, all "birds" are silent!
The little yellow birds flying around stopped one after another and gathered behind Lili. In the blink of an eye, the ground seemed to be covered with a light yellow carpet, densely packed!

Dongfang Zi stared in surprise, and said with a smile, "They are all quite obedient!"

Lili got excited, and explained like a treasure: "They are obedient, let them go east, go east, go west, go west. Little princess, just tell them to do whatever you want."

Dongfang Zi has been naughty since she was a child, and she gets excited when she sees something funny.

"Then let them turn left, okay?"

Lili immediately complied and shouted, "Turn left!"

"Shua—" All the little orioles turned to the left in unison, neatly and orderly, very orderly.

"Wow! So cute!" Dongfang Zi applauded excitedly, and shouted happily: "Turn right!"

The little guys immediately turned right and came back in unison. They were all chubby, staring at her with serious expressions, obedient and obedient.

Dongfang Zi liked these new friends very much, and said with a smile, "Keep quiet!"

"Chichi!" All the little ones responded obediently.

Dongfang Zi laughed happily.

On the side, Lili foolishly flattered her: "As long as it is the little princess's words, all ethnic groups will listen. Lili is the little princess's maid, and will obey the little princess' orders from now on."

"Okay!" Dongfang Zi looked at her curiously and asked, "How old are you? Are you the only oriole spirit?"

Lili quickly transformed into a pair of big yellow and tender wings, and replied: "I am 650 three years old and four months old. Yes, I am the only one in my family who has developed spiritual wisdom, and I have nothing else."

"Oh..." Dongfang Zi looked at the pair of large wings that were more than one meter long, and asked, "How high and far can you fly? How much can you carry? Can you carry people?"

(End of this chapter)

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