Chapter 195 Nine Tails
The silly bird burst into tears with a loud "Wow!", and threw herself into her arms——Dongfang Zi was unprepared, and couldn't stand still due to the force of the impact!

"Plop!" One person and one bird fell to the ground.

Dongfang Zi instinctively said "Ouch!", thinking that her head and body would hurt, but unexpectedly, she didn't feel anything.

Lili was startled, got up in a hurry, and pulled Dongfang Zi up.

"Your Majesty, are you okay? Does it hurt? I'll give you a whir!"

Dongfang Zi shook her head: "It doesn't hurt..."

"Ah!" Lili suddenly smiled in surprise, and pointed behind Dongfang Zi, "Your Majesty! Your nine tails have all come out! No wonder you don't feel pain, you have your tail to help you block it!"

Dongfang Zi instinctively turned her head to the side, but was stunned instead.

I saw nine fluffy white foxtails behind me at some point, swaying, as if they were greeting her.

Lili blinked her eyes and cheered, "Your Majesty, your tail is so beautiful!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

I still remember that when she saw the nine tails for the first time, she fainted.

Now she has calmed down a lot, but this tail - how should I take it back? !
correct!Quickly find Shen Xie and Lu Cong!
She ran out of the woods, but a familiar and suspicious voice sounded from behind: "Zizi? Is that you?"

Dongfang Zi paused, turned around coyly, and swept her tail behind her indiscriminately.


Han Bo looked at the long and fluffy white fox tail, and was stunned for a moment!

This is the legendary nine-tailed fox tail?

Although he had imagined it countless times in his mind and matched her appearance, he was still surprised when this scene actually appeared before his eyes.

Dongfang Zi blushed, and let go of embarrassment.

"You—don't come here! I'll go find Shen Xie and ask him to help me take my tail back."

The last time it was Shen Xie who made her tail come out, and when she was unconscious and asleep, he cast a spell to help change it back.

This favor, he has to continue to help!

Lili recognized Han Bo and smiled enthusiastically at him.

Dongfang Zi couldn't help asking: "Liu Li, what were you crying for just now? I'm going to find Shen Xie, let's talk as we go."

Lili said "Oh?", belatedly remembering the purpose of this trip.

"Your Majesty, I was moved to tears!"


"That's right! Your Majesty, you are so kind! Not only did you not punish me for messing around, you even took me to the mortal world to find a doctor! After I woke up, Chacha told me... Woohoo! When I think about it now I couldn't help crying! Your Majesty, you are the best and the best Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. You have already suffered such a serious injury, how can I still punish you. However, you must be obedient in the future and don't fly around, you know?"

"Understood!" Lili nodded.

Dongfang Ziwen said: "You still have injuries on your body, go back quickly."

Lili couldn't fly, so she jumped and left the woods.

Dongfang Zi looked at Han Bo in a little embarrassment, and said coquettishly, "What? Did you see it? Are you scared?"

Han Bo quickly regained his senses, shook his head, and walked over.

"How come? It's just the first time I saw it... I was a little surprised."

He looked at the long and fluffy snow-white foxtail, and couldn't help being curious: "Zizi, can I touch it?"

Dongfang Ziqiao blushed slightly, shook her head and smiled, "No, I haven't even touched it myself."

Han Bo took a long hand and hugged Santiao.

"Ah!" Dongfang Zi shuddered.

The next moment, as if the nine tails had been summoned, they instinctively curled up into a ball, rolled together, and became a fluffy big white ball.

(End of this chapter)

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