Chapter 200 Jealous
Dongfang Ziqiao blushed slightly, and asked in a low voice, "You...why do you want to know?"

She intuitively felt that he would be jealous and unhappy after seeing some fans' comments.

For example, some "Sister, how old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? Think about me!".

——Miss fairy beauty, are you beautiful?Why does it look so natural?I love you!I love you!

——Sister, I miss you!Your deer and big koi are the favorites of the nest!mwah!Awesome!
Can he be angry after reading countless remarks like this?I'm afraid it will be difficult!
Han Bo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Didn't you say that only Lu Cong and some koi spirits were broadcast live?"

He has been in the valley for several days, except for Lu Cong and Old Cangxi who have been here a few times, he rarely sees other monsters.

The little girlfriend told him that she was afraid that the demonic aura here would be too strong, and she had already told the demon people not to approach as much as possible.Because of the fat senior, many demon people have been forced to live in seclusion.

Dongfang Zi nodded.

Han Bo asked suspiciously, "Then what can't you watch? You're just doing a live broadcast, and you're not doing anything illegal. You're serious about earning rewards from fans, why are you covering up to guard against me?"

Dongfang Zi was a little speechless when he said that.

So, she took out her mobile phone and handed him her account in the live broadcast room.

Han Bo glanced at it, and clicked his tongue twice: "There are only a dozen small videos, and there are [-] followers! You look pretty good!"

Dongfang Zi laughed, and proudly said: "Tell you! I was on the gift list some time ago and made a lot of money. These two days I insisted on live broadcasting as soon as the time came, and the number of fans rose gradually. Today, I was on the gift list again Hey! I did the math just now, and I made a small profit of more than 1000 today, isn’t it amazing?”

For the boss of a listed company with a daily income of more than six figures, such an amount is not too tempting, but seeing the happy appearance of his little girlfriend, he naturally has to pretend to be very happy.

So, he smiled and praised: "Very good, not bad!"

Dongfang Zi swelled up all of a sudden, and quickly clicked on the gift list, showing off: "Look! This is my fan with the highest fan value. He rewards me every day, and today he even gave me a hundred yachts at once. Rush to the top!"

Han Bo glanced at it, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared instantly.

I saw that the fan account at the top of the list was called "Kiss my little sister", while the second one was "Holding you high and turning around", and as for the third one, he immediately couldn't stand it anymore.

Then, he took out his mobile phone, quickly registered a member account on the live broadcast website, and quickly logged in to recharge.

He took a quick glance, estimated the fan value of the first fan, and then simply presented "Oriental Giant Deer" with one hundred "Golden Houses", one hundred "Diamond Houses", and one hundred more "Yachts"... …

As long as the items that can be given away, he didn't miss any of them, all of them were one hundred, and his fan value soared rapidly, and he climbed to the top of the list after 1 minute, leaving the "kiss my little sister" far behind behind.

Dongfang Zi blinked, looked at "She's mine!" who had reached the top of the list, and turned her pretty face to stare at him.

Han Bo raised his chin and snorted, "Declare your sovereignty, lest these people who don't know the so-called gossip about it."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Next, she cursed angrily: "You idiot! These are all going to be charged by the website! Why don't you just transfer the money to me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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