Chapter 206 Accident
Luo Fang was secretly anxious, and hurriedly said: "Quick! Take me there quickly! Ah Lan is angry!"

Any father who hears that his daughter is living with another man as an unmarried man should be mad like this.

But that man is still from the Han family, to teach Ah Lan how not to be angry!

Shen Xi hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Princess, please come with the old minister."

After finishing speaking, a cloud of somersaults moved in front of Luo Fang.

Luo Fang recognized somersault cloud and walked up it.

Shen Xi flicked his long sleeves, and somersaulting clouds slowly flew down.

Lu Cong hurriedly chased after him with a few little monsters, and said anxiously: "Princess Lan, His Majesty Lan is so excited, I'm afraid he will quarrel with His Majesty. You should help persuade him."

Luo Fang couldn't help asking: "How long has that kid been here?

Shen Xi replied truthfully: "It took about a week to find the valley. But he and His Majesty have met twice before. The old minister saw that he has a deep love for His Majesty, and his love is stronger than gold. It is understandable, so he turned a blind eye and closed it." Just follow His Majesty's wishes and keep him."

"What are you talking about!" Luo Fang frowned and said, "How did Ah Lan explain to you before?"

Shen Xi dared not answer.

Lu Cong had more contact with Han Bo, knew him better, and took the initiative to intercede.

"Princess, although Mr. Han is said to be from the Han family, he does have a deep friendship with His Majesty. In addition, he did not join forces with the Han family's demon catchers, but stood by His Majesty's side to help solve the spiritual mine problems outside."

Luo Fang's eyes moved slightly, and she whispered: "But he is still a child of the Han family, and this cannot be changed. Ah Zi is a demon, and he is a demon catcher. Their nature is opposite."

Their husband and wife have been married for many years. She has a certain understanding of the grievances between the monster catcher and the monster clan.

Lu Cong couldn't say anything more, so he buried his head.

Shen Xi also had a good impression of Han Bo, and couldn't help but say something.

"Princess, everyone in the world is so afraid of the monster race, but even though Mr. Han knows that His Majesty is a monster, he still loves His Majesty deeply. It is really rare."

Luo Fang was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but think of her and Dongfang Lan.

At the beginning, she fell in love with him, and soon fell in love and couldn't extricate herself, but for some reason, after a period of time, he always hesitated to speak, and even secretly hid from herself.

At first she thought he had changed his mind, and was secretly sad, but when he saw her crying, he panicked all of a sudden, blurted out that he was an old monster, asked her if she was afraid, and then conjured up a pair of fox ears and nine fluffy long tail.

She was terrified at the time, she was stunned, and even fell to the ground and didn't know how to react.

"Old Shen, tell me...then Han Bo knew she was a demon, so he wasn't afraid at all?"

Shen Xi hurriedly shook his head.

Luo Fang lowered her eyes and fell silent.

At this time, Lu Cong warmly reminded: "Princess, we are here."

Luo Fang hurriedly looked down, and saw a delicate and elegant cabin under the giant tree, with two windows open, a pot of succulents was placed on the window sill, and beautiful small wild flowers were planted on the other side, fluttering gently in the wind. Obviously the people who live here are very emotional.

Luo Fang looked around, but didn't find Dongfang Lan's figure, secretly anxious.

"Where's Lan? Old Shen, is he in the house?"

Shen Xi hurriedly stretched out his consciousness and pointed to the other direction of the valley.

"His Majesty Lan is on that side!"

Lu Cong hurriedly looked around, listened, and flew away at top speed.

After a while, he saw Dongfang Zi running in the woods, raising his head and cursing at the sky while running.

"Dongfang Lan! Stop! If you dare to throw him out of the valley, I will ignore you for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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