Chapter 215 Not Simple

Luo Fang ate a few mouthfuls, and couldn't help but praise sincerely: "The craftsmanship is good."

Han Bo smiled, and said softly, "Thank you, Auntie, if you like it, please eat more for your face."

Luo Fang nodded.

Dongfang Lan's face turned black.

Dongfang Zi was already hungry, and he ate heartily, explaining: "Mom, Han Bo used to work in a western restaurant and learned how to make seasoning from a chef. Isn't this sauced beef delicious?"

Luo Fang said "hmm" and smiled gracefully: "It's good for young people to learn some cooking skills, at least they can cook their own three meals. Unlike you, you can only cook noodles, and they are often overcooked. You are away from home. Parents still have to worry about whether you are eating well. You should learn more."

Dongfang Zi was slightly embarrassed, sticking out her tongue embarrassingly.

Han Bo on the side smiled softly, and looked up at Luo Fang.

"Auntie, Zizi doesn't need to learn, I just need to know how to do it. When I have time, I will buy some cooking books and try to make them for her. She will help me now, so I can cook faster."

Luo Fang's eyes moved slightly, and she understood the implication in his words. She smiled and asked: "You must be very busy, right? I think you are still young, you should have just graduated. Now is the time for you to work hard on your career, I'm afraid you won't be free." Can cook three meals at home."

Han Bo chuckled and explained: "I'm very busy, but I dare not miss three meals on time, or I will easily get stomach problems. I used to eat three meals randomly, and I didn't even remember to eat when I was busy. During that time, my stomach has always been bad. It was Zizi who bought medicine for me, and even dragged me to drink plain porridge, and it took me two or three months to get better."

Having said that, he deliberately stopped, and looked at the little girlfriend beside him with gentle eyes.

"Since then, I often cook by myself and simply make some warm food. There is a small kitchen behind my office, where the stew pot is used to cook porridge and soup. After the ingredients are put down, I set a time to eat when the time comes. It is very convenient. I want Zizi to work in my company because I hope that we can take care of each other's meals, and don't eat takeaway food from outside, which is unhygienic and unhealthy."

Luo Fang nodded lightly and continued eating.

This young man looks young, but his mind is not simple at all.The thinking is rigorous, without any omission, just a few simple sentences, it sounds like nothing, but it contains a lot of information.

He is sick, his girlfriend takes care of him, and the two love each other deeply.

He knows how to take care of himself, and wants to take care of his girlfriend, and wants his daughter to work in his company and be with him every day.

Not only these, but also indirectly showed them their determination to be together in the future.

She turned her face to the side and found that her husband's face was even darker.

So, she changed the subject cleverly, "Zizi is still young, she doesn't understand many things, and she is not mature enough to think about things. She still has a lot to learn."

Han Bo smiled and easily picked up the topic.

"I also have a lot to learn. Don't worry, Auntie, we will work hard together."

Luo Fang smiled and didn't say any more.

At this time, Dongfang Zi smiled and said: "Dad, Mom, the iron mine outside has been sealed, so I'm not afraid that they will destroy the spiritual veins again. There will be nothing else in the demon world, and I have to go back to Rongcheng. I will leave it to you here." gone."

"What's the rush?" Dongfang Lan raised her eyes and said, "Baby, things are far from being as simple as you think. Han Wu is old, and he has worked so hard on this matter for decades, how could he give up so easily. Next Still busy!"

what? !

Dongfang Zi and Han Bo looked at each other in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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