Chapter 229 A New Understanding
Dongfang Lan twitched the corners of her eyes slightly, and said nervously: "No! It's nothing like that. The blood on their body can make our poisonous curse attack or backfire. Who wants to have a good impression of them! It's impossible!"

Dongfang Zi scratched her hair in embarrassment, and asked, "Father, what should we do then? Be like that Dongfang Huang—no, like the ancestor of Dongfang Green, don't provoke him, and live your own life well."

"That's for sure!" Dongfang Lan explained: "I didn't know much before, and I didn't bother to read genealogy and these books, so I don't know much about this period of history. One day is one day, let’s get by. Anyway, you were not born, the Rainbow Clan can still continue, I will definitely live until I meet your mother, and then give birth to you...I think that’s enough.”

Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows and asked: "You are only over 1 years old, what is enough?! What nonsense!"

Dongfang Lan chuckled vaguely, and said in a low voice, "Baby, since I've already said it, you'll have to know sooner or later anyway, so Dad might as well tell you all of it. In fact, according to previous calculations by our ancestors, our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has only The Seventh Generation, referred to as the Rainbow Clan.”

Dongfang Zi was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"It's quite accurate! My second brother and I are the seventh generation. Dad, the end of the rainbow is purple, so what should my brother be called?"

Dongfang Lan frowned, staring at her suspiciously.

"You and your brother are the seventh generation, so... what about the future? Why didn't you think of your next generation? Sigh!"

Dongfang Zi gave up, "My brother and I are only half of the blood of the nine-tailed fox clan. Strictly speaking, they are not nine-tailed foxes. I am half human and half demon, with nine tails and a pair of ears. My brother may only have a pair of ears." Ears. When we come to the next generation, it will be even less like a nine-tailed fox. There are only seven generations of the nine-tailed fox family, so it’s not wrong! We don’t have to stick to old traditions, and use a lot of color words, it’s too rustic Hey! In the future, my younger brother might as well be called Dongfangxin, which means a brand new beginning!"

Dongfang Lan was dumbfounded, staring blankly at her daughter.

Dongfang Zi pushed him and asked, "Dad, what's the matter? Isn't this a good name? Then let's think about it again! Mom may have already figured it out on her own. It's not up to us at all for her to make decisions. "

"Hahaha!" Dongfang Lan laughed excitedly, hugged her daughter and turned around a few times, cheering: "Yes! Why didn't I think of that! There are only seven generations of Nine-Tailed Foxes, but it has already begun to be Nine-Tailed Foxes here. Yes! In the future, the nine-tailed fox blood relationship between you and your brother's children will be even thinner. That should be the meaning!"

Dongfang Zi didn't quite understand her father's ecstasy, but seeing him smiling happily, she also laughed.

Finally, the father and daughter made plans for the future.

Dongfang Zi said: "Who cares about the curse, anyway, we won't kill people casually. Besides, if the Han family comes, we will let other little monsters kill them, and we will hide away."

"No." Dongfang Lan smiled wryly: "Try not to do anything, lest you get any unlucky blood."

"I'm talking about the worst case scenario." Dongfang Zi said, "We want to learn from Grandpa Dongfang Lvzeng, don't mess with the Han family, and ignore them."

"That's right." Dongfang Lan nodded with a smile: "The world outside has changed a lot these years, and my attachment to some things is not as rigid as my ancestors. Life is full of joy, and you can do whatever you like, As long as you don't have anything to do with the Han family."

(End of this chapter)

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