His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 23 The Enthronement Ceremony

Chapter 23 The Enthronement Ceremony
Lu Cong was the first to react, and coughed a few times uncomfortably, Jun's face blushed slightly.

"That... the little princess generously forgives everyone's rudeness just now. The little princess also said that she has just ascended the throne today and is inexperienced, but she will uphold the last wish of her ancestors and love every member of the Monster Race."

All the monsters reacted one after another, and laughed happily.

"I thought the mortal language I learned before was useless! Few words can be understood!"

"What post are you on? This is the altar peak, you can't climb it."

"Just now the little princess said what kind of rookie is she? Is she a bird that eats greens in the mortal world? Does the little princess not know that she is the noble beast Nine-Tailed Fox?"


Lu Cong coughed gracefully, and all the monsters fell silent for a moment, and there was no sound at all.

"The little princess has been in the mortal world for many years, and some language habits are not quite consistent with what we have learned before. Don't make random guesses. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can always ask me."

"Yes!" All the demons respectfully responded.

Dongfang Zisan smiled awkwardly, and thanked Lu Cong in a low voice.

Lu Cong bowed hurriedly and sincerely, and stretched out his hand gracefully to the throne above.

"Little princess, please take a seat."

Lu Cong is not dressed as a human today, but is wearing a blue-brown robe, with the hem and hem dragging on the grass, looking very elegant and beautiful.

The others are also dressed similarly, but some have colorful hair and all colors, some have honeycombs or mushroom heads on their heads, and some have strange things hanging on their bodies.

For Dongfang Zi, except for Lu Cong, who is barely normal, the rest of the monsters are all dressed in strange clothes.

Dongfang Zi sat on it, then stared at the crowd curiously, trying to guess their real identity.

Lu Cong and Shen Xie led all the monsters to kneel down to her and kowtow dozens of times!
Knocking Dongfang Zi to the point of embarrassment, he hurriedly stopped: "Okay, okay, enough, enough, let's do it!"

I finally know why this altar has to be paved with grass, otherwise my forehead will bleed!
Shen Xi raised his voice and shouted: "After the ceremony, bow three times! Once bowed, bowed again, bowed three times!"

After finally kowtowing, all the monsters respectfully worshiped her three more times before finally calming down.

Then, Lu Cong turned around and turned into an exquisite crystal tray, holding a blue "crown" similar to a wreath.

She took a closer look and found that the "flowers" were all sparkling and translucent sapphires, as big as a little finger, exactly the same size, surrounded by a "crown", and in the middle was a huge, crystal-clear snow-white pearl .

No need to ask, at first glance, you can tell that the value of this thing is immeasurable!
Tut tut!No wonder the big night pearl is a toy. After seeing this bright and beautiful "crown", it is not difficult to understand.

Due to the seriousness of the atmosphere, she was too embarrassed to ask clearly, but she glanced and glanced curiously.

The ginseng at the side conjured up a thick scroll-like thing, solemnly and slowly opened it, and then spoke a very strange and strange language.

Dongfang Zi listened curiously and carefully, but unfortunately she couldn't understand a word.

The monsters below lowered their heads one by one, listening respectfully.

A few minutes later, Dongfang Zi couldn't help but yawned a little, quickly covered Cherry's little mouth, and laughed a few times in embarrassment.

Half an hour later, Shen Xi continued to read, and the long scroll was less than a third of the way through.

Dongfang Zi slumped on the throne, drowsy.

The monsters buried their heads and dozed off from side to side.

After more than an hour, Shen Xi finally finished reading, let out a long sigh of relief, and put away the long scroll.

Dongfang Zi had already been lying on the throne, sleeping soundly.

All the demon people piled on top of each other in a mess, each of them sound asleep, even Lu Cong who was standing upright had his eyes closed and his head was shaking.

Participating Beast: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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