Chapter 236 Games and Reality

Dongfang Zi laughed, "This is a typical marriage reminder game! Your parents introduced you to play?"

"I hate it!" Xiao Miaomiao said with a nympho on her face, "You don't even know how handsome the male protagonists are! I wish I could marry each of them and live all kinds of romantic post-marital life! "

Dongfang Zi took a sip of his coffee and said in a low voice, "Hearing what you said, I guess the developers of this kind of game should be a group of people who hate married women."

"Wrong!" Xiao Miaomiao excitedly said, "It's the idea personally created by the president of their company! During the press conference a while ago, their president was stopped by journalists and asked where the idea came from. He said yes He designed it himself!"

"Oh...a man?" Dongfang Zi asked.

Xiao Miaomiao nodded hastily: "Man! Wearing sunglasses, but he looks so young and handsome! I watched the news several times. Although his camera was only for a few seconds, his temperament and appearance She looks more like a star than an idol!"

Dongfang Zi flipped through the picture casually, and said: "If he can design such a game, then he must be a married man. You, just be less nympho!"

"I can't help it! He's so handsome!" Xiao Miaomiao smiled wryly, "Why do I always feel that all the rich, handsome and good men in the world are married!"

Dongfang Zi lost interest in talking and started working.

Xiao Miaomiao was still not satisfied, and introduced enthusiastically: "You are the CEO at a young age. I heard that you started your own business! The stock of Tengyun Animation is very stable. My cousin is also a game fan. She bought it when it was listed. How many shares! My cousin said that President Han’s net worth is currently estimated at [-] billion! Tsk tsk!"

Dongfang Zi gave a perfunctory "Oh" and continued working.

Xiao Miaomiao excitedly took out her phone and clicked on the game.

"Although this game is small, it is exquisitely made! The products produced by Tengyun are all high-end products! When the reporter interviewed, the CEO said that this is the blueprint for his beloved girlfriend's life after marriage. Thinking about it makes me feel romantic! Many sisters around me have downloaded it and played it, and they all said that if life after marriage is really so beautiful, they want to get married right away!"

Dongfang Zi yawned, and said in a low voice, "That's called a game. What do you mean by a game? A game means unreality, something that doesn't exist in real life."

"Get out of here!" Xiao Miaomiao scolded with a smile, "I finally had the urge to get married, but you just gave me the stimulation! Sigh... You're right, if it exists in reality, it's not called a game." gone."

Dongfang Zi gave a low "hmm".

Xiao Miaomiao couldn't help but think wildly: "That's not necessarily true. The blueprint for married life set by the CEO himself, how romantic! If I find a super rich man who is as handsome as him and has 100 billion, Then the game will definitely become a reality..."

"Wake up." Dongfang Zi handed her a few drawings and explained: "This is the picture sent by Tengyun, some of them are game pictures, the clarity is not good enough, I think we have to find the photographer Fu Zhong Shoot, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced."

Xiao Miaomiao took it, curled her lips and muttered: "The headquarters is in City Y, so if you want to shoot anything, you can contact me to shoot. If the effect is not good, Sister Chen will definitely scold you to death!"

Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is this animation company in City Y?"

"That's right!" Xiao Miaomiao explained: "A few days ago, when Sister Chen met with the manager of the public relations department of their company, I was there. I heard from the manager that their company's headquarters used to be in Rongcheng, but they moved to Y at the end of last year. city."

(End of this chapter)

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