Chapter 249 Tracking
Thinking of this, he was both excited and uncomfortable.

He should keep a distance from her, but the moment she appeared, he seemed to forget this idea and acted on instinct.

Seeing that she was injured, he hurried to help her.

Looking at her swollen and bleeding wound, she was distressed and angry.

Hearing that the doctor arranged for them to be in the same ward, he secretly rejoiced, wishing to spend a little more time with her, even though she had already forgotten herself.

Until he calmed down just now, he was annoyed and angry with himself!
How could he get together with her?
He is deceiving himself!

This is deception!
He was angry with himself, very angry, and could only force himself to keep a distance from her as much as possible.

Yes, before the miracle happened, he had to restrain himself and keep a stranger's distance from her.

"Ah! Your bottle is empty!" An exclamation sounded!
He came back to his senses and instinctively looked at her.

I saw her beautiful fox eyes staring at him, her little face was full of surprise, and she shouted: "Hurry up! What are you still doing?! Hurry up and ring the bell to call the nurse over!"

Han Bo hurriedly rang the bell.

Soon, the nurse brought another bottle, "There are only two bottles, and you can leave after hanging up this bottle. The doctor also prescribed medicine for you, and you should take it on time until you stop coughing."

Han Bo nodded lightly with a pale face.

Dongfang Zi on the side whispered: "Well... hello! I'm going to lose this bottle too."

The nurse said, "You only have one bottle, and you can leave when you're done."

"Thank you." Dongfang Zi looked at Zongzi's hands and couldn't help asking, "Then when should I come to change the dressing?"

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning." The nurse replied.

Dongfang Zi frowned and said in a low voice, "I asked for leave today, and I have to go to work next morning. Can I come over during my lunch break? My company is in the information building over there, quite close to here."

"Okay." The nurse said: "There is a doctor on duty at noon, anyway, just change the medicine bag, and it will be done in a few minutes."

Dongfang Zi smiled happily and sincerely thanked her.

Han Bo's eyes moved slightly.

Information building?Isn't that near the information building where he is?That building is quite tall, and there are more than a dozen companies in it. I don't know which one she is in?
Soon, the nurse helped Dongfang Zi withdraw the bottle.

"Your wound must not go into the water. If there are other abnormalities, please come to the hospital immediately."

Dongfang Zi nodded absently, and couldn't help but glance at Han Bo.

He hurriedly lowered his head, pretending not to see her.

Dongfang Zi bit her lower lip lightly, and said in a low voice, "Well... I'm already healed, I'm leaving first."

Han Bo didn't look up, but gave a cold "hmm".

Dongfang Zi was a little embarrassed, said: "Bye!", and then left with a small bag on her back.

Han Bo hurriedly took the bottle and followed behind. Seeing her leave the emergency room, he walked briskly out of the hospital gate.

There were several taxis in front of the hospital, she called one and drove forward.

He quickly got into one, ignoring the driver's curious eyes, and urged: "Follow the car in front! Quick!"

Six or seven minutes later, she got off at the door of an apartment building called "Dongmingyuan" in the city center, and then walked in.

Han Bo felt relieved, took the bottle and went back to the hospital.


At seven o'clock the next morning, he drove to the gate of "Dongming Garden". After waiting for more than half an hour, he saw a familiar figure walking out yawning.

Han Bo frowned: Why don't you wear a down jacket as the temperature cools down today?
Her hands were still bandaged, and she bought a bag and a cup of soy milk at a bakery at the entrance of the community, and after eating in a hurry, she went to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

Han Bo frowned: Why do you eat so little?There are many people on the bus, and it is not safe at all!

(End of this chapter)

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