Chapter 252
The colleagues were so enthusiastic, Dongfang Zi couldn't refuse, so she nodded and agreed.

Xiao Miaomiao was even more righteous, patted his chest and said, "I'll help you fix these pictures tonight, and work overtime with you, until dawn!"

Dongfang Zi was very moved, and hurriedly immersed herself in her work.

The sun sets early in winter, and the sky quickly darkens.

Xiao Miaomiao ordered two takeaway boxes, and the two of them continued to work after eating. They didn't finish their work until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Dongfang Zi stretched her waist and said with a smile, "Miao Miao, thank you!"

Xiao Miaomiao snorted: "Don't thank me with your small mouth! Please use your wallet!"

"Haha!" Dongfang Zi picked up the bag and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll treat you to supper."

She found a small cardboard box and packed all her office belongings in it.I have only been working for a few months, and I don't have much stuff, so I moved downstairs in a few minutes.

On the side of the road in front of the information building, a black Land Rover was parked, well hidden under the trees.

Han Bo in the driver's seat watched her walk down with her colleagues holding the cardboard box, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It's strange, she never worked overtime, why did she suddenly work overtime tonight?

Since the day he moved into the complex, he secretly tracked her down to find the small apartment she rented, and then installed a surveillance camera at the window of the apartment he rented, aiming at her side to take pictures.

Although he couldn't see exactly what she was doing, he could know exactly when she went back to turn on the light and when she turned off the light to rest.

He was working overtime in the office, but he found that the lights in the small apartment where she lived had not been turned on, and he hadn't even returned after eleven o'clock, worrying that it would be unsafe for her to go out.

Unexpectedly, she worked overtime so late tonight. Fortunately, she was accompanied by her colleagues.

What's even more strange is that she was holding a small cardboard box with the top open - obviously not a courier!
Han Bo was secretly suspicious, and drove behind them.

After a while, they went into a small hotpot restaurant to eat and didn't come out until after twelve o'clock.

She and her colleagues took taxis and went back to Dongmingyuan in the community.

When Han Bo saw her going upstairs, he parked his car and went upstairs by himself.

The next morning, she didn't draw the curtains for a long time, and she didn't rush downstairs to go to work as usual.

Han Bolei gave her a reward and turned around to go to work.

After he returned to the company, he opened the website of the magazine company, quickly broke through the firewall, and entered the intranet information group.

After a while, he found her information.

Dongfang Zi——resigned
And the day of approval is today!
It seems that she resigned yesterday.

The new year will be in more than half a month. After she resigns, she should go to spend the new year with her parents.

Her work resume lists the cities she has worked in, and she changes places almost every three or four months.

After the Chinese New Year, she probably won't come back here again.

Thinking of this, Han Bo's heart darkened for a while.

There was a huge crowd, and he waited for more than a year before finally meeting her.

After watching her back from a distance for a month, I never thought that we would be separated again so soon.

When will we meet next time?
All morning, Han Bo was in no mood to work.

Liu Qing knocked on the door and came in, handing over a folder.

"Boss, the third issue of the magazine has been finalized, and I think it looks good. This is the most important issue of the new game's promotional work. You can have a look at it, and I will let them publish it if there is no problem."

Han Bo's eyes moved slightly, he scanned it once and then closed the cover.

"Let them send it."


"Wait! You are familiar with me over quietly go over and find out something for me."

"Boss, what news?"

(End of this chapter)

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