Chapter 31

Since there is no better choice, it can only be strong.

Dongfang Zi asked: "Can you enclose the aura? The monsters in fantasy novels and so on, don't they know how to make enchantments, formations, and enclose their own territory?"

Shen Xi smiled bitterly, pointed out, "It's already done..."

"Your Majesty!" A thick and rough voice came from outside: "Taixiong please see Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Bear too?

Dongfang Zi quickly remembered the giant bear that was as strong as a hill, and couldn't help asking: "What is he doing here? By the way, why didn't I see him just now?"

With his "proud" figure, even if he stood among the thick and thick demon people, he should still stand out from the crowd and be recognized immediately.

Shen Xi respectfully explained: "Your Majesty just arrived in the Demon Realm that day, and that guy was clumsy and did not turn into a human form, which frightened His Majesty a lot. The old minister punished him to go to the border area to build a stone wall for three years."

"Hey! It's just a trivial matter, why should there be such a heavy punishment." Dongfang Zi waved his hand: "I'll spare him the punishment, let him come in."

Now that the barrier outside has been done, she can rest assured.

After finishing all these weird things, she hurried back to the human society to settle accounts with her father who had cheated her for more than [-] years, and happily spent her last summer vacation.

Shen Xie said to Li Li: "Let Xiong Tai come in."

Lili smirked and nodded, and flew out. After a few chirping calls, the tall and burly Xiong Tai climbed up.

As soon as he stood up straight with his huge body, he immediately knelt down with a loud bang!
The tree hole suddenly shook violently, scaring Dongfang Zi to hug the bark beside her.

Xiong Tai bowed, and a thunderous voice boomed: "Congratulations to Your Majesty on his enthronement! Xiong Tai is late, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

After saying that, he bent down and kept kowtowing, the bark floor vibrated and trembled desperately.

"It's okay, it's okay..." The new majesty swayed left and right, and unconsciously followed up with a loud voice: "Excuse me, excuse me! Get up!"

Mrs. Xiong stopped kowtowing, still kneeling respectfully, with a simple and honest appearance.

Shen Xi explained Dongfang Zi's pardon and punishment to him, and told him: "In the future, don't act rudely and offend Your Majesty."

Xiong Taile laughed happily, "Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, I want to knock my head down again——

"Wait!" Dongfang Zi hurriedly stopped him, and said with a smile: "You don't need to kowtow, bowing will be enough in the future. Now is the new society, so there is no need to kneel down so much."

"Your Majesty, you are really kind!" Xiong Tai excitedly laughed and shouted: "You must be the most friendly Majesty of the Yaozu!"

The roar of the bear was as loud as thunder, and Dongfang Zi's ears were buzzing from the bombardment.

She rubbed her poor suffering ears, and smiled wryly: "If you have something to do, just step back."

Xiong Tai hurriedly grabbed a large honeycomb from behind, and said cheerfully: "Your Majesty, just now I heard from the frog spirit that Your Majesty is hungry, so I quickly found this and dedicated it to you!"

Forehead? !

Dongfang Zi looked at the giant honeycomb that was more than one meter high, and a crazy "Mamma Mia" flashed in her heart.

However, looking at the eager and admiring bear eyes of the other party, she had no choice but to take a deep breath and pull out a big smile.

"...Thank you Mrs. Xiong."

So, after Xiong Taihuan, who was forgiven and thanked by His Majesty, stepped on the "earthquake-like" pace and left, Her Majesty kicked the "Big Mac Beehive" away, and her face turned pale and pale with fright.

"It's too scary! Throw it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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