Chapter 48 Night Detective
The night is dark and cloudy, the moonlight is dim, and the mountain wind is howling.

One person and one deer walked around from one room to another, from the fourth floor up to the top office area.

Dongfang Zi narrowed his eyes and looked around, snapped his fingers, "Light!"

The elk's eyes quickly shot a bright light.

Dongfang Zi snapped her fingers again and ordered: "Half light."

The elk's eyes were half-closed, and the light beam was instantly reduced by half.

Dongfang Zi pointed forward, "Look over there!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the beam of light immediately shone over - I saw two large offices side by side, marked above with "President's Office" and "General Manager's Office."

Dongfang Zi frowned her eyebrows like a caterpillar, "It should be here."

"Your Majesty, what is a 'President'?"

"It's a person who is in charge of a big group and a big company." Dongfang Zi leaned forward and muttered, "It's also the girl's favorite YY object, and now the Internet is full of articles and new dramas about 'the domineering president falls in love with me' .Go back and download a few books so that you can learn the sand sculpture love style of a domineering president."

"Your Majesty, what does 'YY' mean?"

"Uh... I'll explain this to you later when I get back."

"Your Majesty, over there—"

"Can you stop asking for now, now is the tense and tense moment!" Dongfang Zi couldn't laugh or cry: "Assistant Lu, don't be a curious baby, okay? This is trespassing on someone else's place, which is illegal! Keep a low profile and be nervous Come on, okay?"

Such an important moment of exploring the enemy's camp at night and going deep into the tiger's lair is inexplicably dangerous, and it is necessary to maintain a little serious and tense atmosphere, otherwise I will be sorry for this moment.

"Assistant Lu, save some face, okay?"

Lu Cong: "..."

There is no mortal here, and there is no danger at all. What kind of play are you going to play, Your Majesty?
Obviously not nervous, why do you have to pretend to be nervous?
He suddenly remembered that in the collection of typical new online sentences sent by His Majesty Lan last year, there was such a sentence "The concubine can't do it!" Can he say "Your Majesty, the humble minister can't do it!".

However, he dared not.

So, imitating Dongfang Zi, he looked left and right, and approached the "CEO's Office" nervously, then took her hand and passed through the wall majestically, and came to a large room with elegant and antique design .

At first glance, Lu Cong felt that something was wrong, instinctively protecting Dongfang Zi behind him.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Dongfang Zi was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? Is there some hidden weapon?"

Lu Cong was very puzzled, and asked back: "Why is your majesty asking such a question? Could it be that your majesty has already noticed it?"

Dongfang Zi scratched her head and muttered: "It's always like this in movies! When the protagonist comes to the most critical place where the answer is most likely to be found, there will definitely be some mechanism or hidden weapon. Of course, the protagonist's aura will let They have gone through all kinds of difficulties and twists and turns, and finally overcome the difficulties and ushered in victory."

Lu Cong: "..."

Dongfang Zi swallowed secretly, and asked nervously, "Assistant Lu, what happened?"

Lu Cong whispered: "Your Majesty, the decoration of this room is different from other rooms, don't you think it is different?"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

If you have money, you can decorate it into a palace, what's so strange about it!

She looked left and right, and soon saw a huge safe in the corner.

"Assistant Lu, can you open it?"

"Your Majesty! Be careful!" Lu Cong hugged her in panic, and in an instant a white light flashed away from her more than ten meters away.

Dongfang Zi raised his forehead, "Why did you wake up in surprise again? That's a safe, a cabinet for storing valuable and important things, understand?"

"No..." Lu Cong frowned and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, there is a rotten demon talisman inside. If you accidentally touch it, it will corrode your hands and feet and cause extreme pain."

Dongfang Zi: "..."! ! !
Mom!what is that? !

(End of this chapter)

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