Chapter 63
That night, the little sparrow Zhaza came back.

"Your Majesty, there has been no one on the top floor of the highest floor. I stood outside the glass window, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, my feet were sore from waiting, and no one came to open the door."

Lu Cong frowned slightly, and asked, "Why is there no one?"

Dongfang Zi thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "The big boss and the big boss probably won't live in this remote place. You have to be patient and continue to wait. If someone goes in, just hide and watch and listen. They say what they say, and then report it to me without missing a word."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zha Zha replied obediently.

Dongfang Zi Wensheng: "There is no one going to work at night, you will come back after dark. Be careful on the road, don't let mortals catch you."

"Don't be afraid!" Zha Zha laughed and said, "I heard that mortals don't like to eat sparrows, because sparrows are too small to eat."

Dongfang Zi looked at its chubby figure, and couldn't bear to poke it.

Thinking back, I couldn't make it too careless, so I had to remind: " are not too young, so you should be careful when you go in and out."

Zha Zha is very smart, knowing that his body is more than twice the size of an ordinary sparrow, he immediately understood His Majesty's hint.

"Thank you for your reminder, Your Majesty, I will remember."

Dongfang Zi patted its small head, and said with a smile: "Thank you, you will set off early tomorrow morning, remember to bring some food and drink."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zha Zha nodded and flew out.


Before dawn, Dongfang Zi was awakened by chirping birds again.

"Mrs. Xiong?! Why did you come so early? It's not time for His Majesty to start class! Get out, get out!"

A thick and thick voice: "I beg to see His Majesty for something."

Lili said loudly: "Your Majesty hasn't gotten up yet, so you go back first! You can talk about things after class is over. The old prime minister told Mr. Lu that unless it is absolutely necessary and urgent, no one is allowed to disturb His Majesty's rest."

"Wow!" The deep voice exclaimed: "Huang Liniao, I suddenly found that you speak so neatly! You can say so many words at once, and there are so many 'no' words! Those kind of double negative sentences are the most difficult to learn. , I always get it wrong."

Lili giggled, and said in a low voice, "I read it according to Master Lu's original words."

"Uh... I take back what I said earlier."

"Get out! Get out!"

"Ha ha!"

Dongfang Zi yawned, sat up in a daze, looked at the still dark room, and fell asleep again.

So she fell back and soon fell asleep again.


The surrounding clouds and mist are uncertain, and there is a familiar magnetic voice coming from a distant place, low and unclear, intermittent.



She frowned uncomfortably, and turned over anxiously, feeling that the voice seemed close at hand, yet far away in the sky.

who is it?

Who is calling her?

This voice is very familiar, too familiar...

Suddenly, she woke up in shock!

I saw the heads of a deer, a ginseng, and a bird lined up in a row in front of her bed.

ah? !She patted her chest in fright.

"What are you doing? People scare people—no, monsters scaring monsters will scare monsters to death!"

Lili smirked, and explained: "Your Majesty, you finally woke up. I told you to get up, but you didn't wake up for some reason, which frightened me! I hurried to find Master Lu and the old prime minister to help."

Dongfang Zi scratched her head, and asked confusedly: "...are you calling me? I seem to hear someone calling me, calling me many times."

(End of this chapter)

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