Chapter 69
In the evening, the street lights in the mining village were lit up, people came and went, and the food stalls wafted out the smell of food.

At the express point at the entrance of the village, cardboard boxes, large or small, were piled up in a mess. The tough, tanned courier rummaged through the pile of cardboard boxes while pinching his mobile phone.

Six or seven people gathered around the outside, holding their mobile phones and waiting anxiously.

A fat aunt in her 50s yelled: "Why haven't you found it yet? It's the 'little bell pepper'! The 'sweet' of Xiao Tiantian!"

"Here! I found it!" The courier tore off a stub, and handed the small box to the fat aunt.

"It's my turn!" A tall and burly man shouted, "My 'little baby', the phone number is XXXX."

Everyone looked at him and laughed one after another.

"Yo! Hardcore baby!"

The stout man smiled heartily, and raised his voice: "What are you laughing at! Who is not a baby at heart! This account was taken by my wife, who said I have to raise her as a 'little baby' for the rest of my life."

"Hey! I still love my daughter-in-law! The daughter-in-law is raised as a baby, and then there will be a girl and a son. What should I do? The family is full of babies."


The courier took a look at "Little Baby", and very calmly found a large cardboard box in the corner and handed it to him.

A chunky young man shouted: "It's my turn! That 'there are several mines at home', the phone number is XXXX."

The courier turned around to search again.

In the distance, on a big tree.

Dongfang Zi lazily sat on the tree trunk, happily gnawed on the chicken nuggets, and asked, "Lu Lu, are there fewer people?"

Lu Cong turned his pure and round eyes back to look far away, and answered earnestly: "Your Majesty, there are three more people, and now it's the turn of a young man named 'there are several mines at home'."

Dongfang Zi gave a low "Oh" and muttered: "Then let's go later."

The appearance of the two is so outstanding that they attract many people's attention every time they enter the mining village.

It was the first time I came out to pick up the courier, and several people next to her chatted with His Majesty the Demon King, asking for Wechat, phone number, and even asking her to have a barbecue at night.

Master Lu Cong is even more pitiful, being pestered by several aunts enthusiastically asking how old he is this year, what university he graduated from, did he buy a house, how much is his monthly income...

If it wasn't for His Majesty at the side to stop him, Mr. Lu would have run away long ago.

The second time I picked up the courier, the situation was still the same. Master Lu Cong's handsome face was pinched by an aunt's "salty pig's hand", which scared him so much that he kept hiding behind Dongfang Zi.

Therefore, His Majesty changed the method in time, and planned to wait for the delivery point to be empty before going to pick it up.

Lu Cong respectfully reported: "Your Majesty, the biggest box in the corner is ours. There is also a black bag with your mobile phone number on it, but the name is—a worm in the east."

"Does it sound good?" Dongfang Zi asked with a smile.

Lu Cong: "...Your Majesty, could this be you too?"

"That's right, that's me too." Dongfang Zi replied with a smile.

Lu Cong: "..."

Is it really okay for His Majesty the Demon King to be so self-deprecating?
Dongfang Zi explained: "I used to have to use my real name at school, otherwise I couldn't get the courier. But I found that I used an account number here. Thinking about it, we don't want to expose our identities too much, so we simply changed the account number and name."

Lu Cong smiled wryly: "Your Majesty's careful thinking is very good. But, can't you use other words with better meanings?"

Dongfang Zi muttered: "This is pretty good!"

(End of this chapter)

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