Chapter 7
Forehead? !

Dongfang Zi was in a bad mood when he heard it, and retorted: "You can't say that, it's up to everyone to protect the environment. You can make money by mining, but you can't damage the ecological environment!"

She only participated in one society during college - the Green Society.

This association advocates caring for the environment and protecting nature. Every semester, we will organize some activities for caring for the environment, such as cleaning up garbage by the lakeside and seaside in scenic spots, showing love to stray animals and so on.

She is a scumbag in elementary school, and she is usually a little lazy, but she still actively participates in every activity organized by the association.

Just because she likes the concept of caring for nature advocated by the "Green Association"!

The old uncle didn't take it to heart at all, and said: "What are you afraid of?! It will be restored in a few years! The world is so big, this place is destroyed, so let's not come here, or it will be fine!"

Dongfang Zi was embarrassed, no desire to continue chatting at all.

As the car moved forward, mine carts came out one after another on the road, and one could be seen every few minutes.

The old uncle explained: "The mine my boss dug is iron ore, and the storage capacity is quite large! Originally, this place was deserted, but after the approval from the superiors, a freight station was built here, roads were built, and a mine was built there. There are more than 600 workers in a mining village, plus some family members, there are almost a thousand people..."

Dongfang Zi glanced at the phone and found that the signal was gone!

She was taken aback and asked, "Uncle, is the mobile phone signal so bad here?"

"Poor!" The old man explained: "When we get to the mining village, the signal will be better. There is a signal tower over there!"

Dongfang Zi couldn't help being a little worried.

Oops!I don't know if there is a signal over there?
She is a person who cannot do without WIFI 24 hours a day, and a mobile phone that cannot access the Internet is equivalent to not having a mobile phone.

So, she prayed secretly for a long time, until the old man drove the car into a long tunnel with bright lights inside, and she seemed to have returned to the age of civilization, and she was relieved.

"Little girl, there is a mining village ahead." The old man asked, "Let you get off the car over there, okay?"

Dongfang Zi didn't know if she could do it, and was about to hesitate - suddenly, a timid and warm voice that was slightly familiar rang in her ears!

"Little princess, we are almost there."

what! ?

Dongfang Zi was startled, and hurriedly looked outside—but he couldn't see Lu Cong!
"That... please stop."

The old man responded boldly, "Okay!", and then parked the car beside the road.

Dongfang Zi jumped out of the car and bowed respectfully to him.

"Thank you uncle! Thank you!"

Lu Cong and Shen Xi were faster than her, they were already standing at the rear of the car, waving desperately at her.

The old man glanced in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "No thanks! Your friends have also got off the bus, so I'm leaving!"

The big mine cart started again, and the heavy and heavy noise gradually faded away.

Lu Cong and Shen Xi had ugly expressions on their faces, and they rushed over quickly.

"Little princess, are you okay?"

Dongfang Zi shook her head slightly, staring at Lu Cong suspiciously.

"You—were you talking to me just now?"

She intuitively felt that he seemed to be whispering in her ear just now. Could it be that she was too tired and had auditory hallucinations?

Lu Cong's white and tender handsome face was slightly red, and he nodded obediently.

Dongfang Zi blinked her eyes, and asked in a daze, " did you say that?"

Shen Xi laughed, patted Lu Cong on the shoulder, and explained enthusiastically: "Little princess, that's his special skill! Not only can he hear far, but he can also spread words far!"

"Haha!" Dongfang Zi laughed and teased: "Who doesn't understand Bluetooth? You're so talented! You two are so humorous!"

Lu Cong and Shen Xi were at a loss: "..."

Dongfang Zi looked around and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's stop joking. Where is my hometown? Please lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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