Chapter 77 Origin City
Night falls, the moon is bright and the stars are thin.

Lu Cong drove Dongfang Zi to the hillside outside the mining village with ease, put her down, and quickly transformed into a human form, wearing exactly the same T-shirt and jeans as her.

Dongfang Zi has long been accustomed to his "couple outfit", glanced at the signal tower not far away, and happily turned on the phone.

Lu Cong looked around the mining village and reported in a low voice, "Your Majesty, there are many more mortals walking and eating outside tonight than in the past."

Dongfang Zi nodded, and analyzed: "I guess I don't have to mine, I have time to hang out."

Soon, she entered several numbers to search for the area code of that place.

The signal was very good, and hundreds of related search pages sprang up at once.

The first few lines came into view, and she couldn't help being stunned.

——The source city number

Yuancheng, a metropolis located on the southern coast, although she has never been there, she is no stranger to it.

Because her first love ex-boyfriend was from Yuancheng.

He once proudly introduced to her: "Yuancheng is a famous ancient city with a long history, with outstanding people and beautiful mountains and clear waters. Later, after the development of the new urban area, it quickly became a modern metropolis. There are many beaches and silver sand everywhere. It is the most popular in nearby cities. Tourist place..."

He also pinched her face and smiled dotingly: "When you graduate, I will take you to Yuancheng to meet my family. I will also take you to the beach to play, I guarantee you will never want to return!"

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly burst into pain for no reason, and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing her staring at the phone in a daze, Lu Cong didn't respond for a long time, and couldn't help but whisper: "Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

Dongfang Zi suddenly came back to her senses, and smiled wistfully.

"That... I'm fine."

She quietly took a deep breath, calmed down the pain in her heart, and closed the web page.

Yuancheng is a big city, with a sea of ​​people, trying to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

When Zhacha saw the rest of the phone number tomorrow, she would try to find out the real owner of the phone.

She closed the browser, and seeing a lot of unread messages on WeChat and QQ, she quickly clicked on it.

Zhu Xuechang's "fat pig head" is shaking desperately, and the amount of information sent is already [-]+.

Thinking that Senior Zhu should be here in two days, she hurriedly clicked on it.

——Mom!Junior sister Dongfang, after getting off the plane and catching the high-speed train, how far is it from your hometown?Such high-intensity and dense traffic, brother, I can't afford to hurt the fat on my body!

- God!I'm finally on the train!I almost couldn't squeeze in, but fortunately, the buddies behind me were hardcore and kicked my backpack hard, otherwise it would cause a big jam in the car door. (can't laugh or cry)

——Oh my god!My bones are falling apart!Why haven't you arrived yet? (vomiting blood non-stop)

——Junior Sister, I now seriously suspect that you are a spy sent by my mother to force me to lose weight!After several days of tossing on the road, I was so dizzy!Is the Heling Mine Station at the ends of the earth?Why haven't you arrived yet! (I am dead)
--gosh!finally reached!Is this the shrimp place?Xanadu is about equal to the backcountry~!

——Junior Sister, quickly come to the small station on the platform to identify the corpse! (tired and paralyzed)
Dongfang Zi saw this and saw that the sending time was two o'clock in the afternoon, so she hurriedly said: "Lulu! Hurry up! Senior Zhu has arrived! Let's go to the station to pick him up!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lu Cong responded quickly.

Dongfang Zi looked at more than a dozen voice messages and a lot of crazy emojis behind her, feeling so sorry in her heart that she hurriedly typed a line.

"Senior, hold on! I'll come too!"

(End of this chapter)

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