Chapter 82 Numbers
The sky was slightly brighter, and Xiaochacha came.

"Your Majesty! Chacha, please see Your Majesty!"

Lili knew that it had something important to report, so she quickly asked, "What are you doing? There's good news again?"

"Yes, yes!" Chacha urged, "Huang Li, please report to Your Majesty that I have good news."

Lili muttered: "Your Majesty is still sleeping!"

Cha Cha thought for a while, and said, "Then you write down a few words, and when His Majesty wakes up, give her the number. It's almost dawn, and I have to go out and continue monitoring."

"Okay." Lili grabbed the limestone on which Dongfang Zi wrote calligraphy and painting beside her, and said with a smile, "Come on, read what I wrote."

Chacha stared at her suspiciously, and asked tentatively, "Are you sure you can recognize the ten numbers from [-] to [-]?"

"Of course!" Lili raised her chin and smiled proudly: "After your majesty finished teaching, I asked a total of 67 times. I wrote it completely yesterday, and your majesty praised me for finally being able to write, and applauded!"

Cha Cha blushed and rolled his eyes secretly.

67 times?You should praise His Majesty for being so patient!
Lili urged: "Quick! You should read quickly!"

Cha-cha read: "[-]."

"Wait! Don't be too fast!" Lili wrote in a hurry, scribbling and drawing, drawing and writing.

Cha Cha read it again slowly.

Lili yelled in a hurry: "It's almost ready! Wait a minute!"

Chacha read it again slowly.

After reading it for the seventh time and personally guiding the six numbers, I finally wrote it.

Cha Cha let out a long breath, and said, "Okay, the sun is almost out, I have to supervise those people quickly. When Your Majesty wakes up, remember to show her these numbers."

"Okay!" Lili waved her hand, "Don't worry, I will tell His Majesty."

Chacha flew away quickly.

Lili looked at the row of crooked numbers on the tree wall, and smiled happily. She picked up the limestone and revised it carefully to make it better.

"Ah! This is too crooked!"

So, she wiped off the penultimate number "[-]", wiped it vigorously, and wiped it again with a damp cloth, thought about it carefully, referred to the previous "[-]", and continued to draw seriously.

"Beautiful! Alright!"


When Dongfang Zi woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

Shen Xi respectfully said: "Your Majesty, last night, the old minister notified you that the morning classes for these few days will be cancelled, and your majesty's demon language class will also be cancelled. In addition, all demon people who can change human form have to walk around in modern clothes recently."

"Very good!" Dongfang Zi gave a thumbs up and asked with a smile, "Is senior Zhu awake?"

Shen Xi shook his head and replied, "No, it's still snoring like thunder."

Lili on the side muttered dissatisfiedly: "That pig is so noisy! The snoring can be heard in the whole valley!"

Dongfang Zi smiled wryly: "Be patient. If there is no accident, he should only stay here for a few days."

She rinsed her mouth and drank water, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a series of numbers written crookedly on the tree wall outside the tree hole.

"Lili, did you practice numbers again today? Not bad, you've made progress!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lili said joyfully, "I like writing numbers very much! Huh?! Your Majesty, I almost forgot!"

Then, she told Dongfang Zi the good news that Chacha came to report early in the morning.

Dongfang Zi quickly took out her mobile phone and recorded the string of numbers in it.

"Okay, I'll find some time later to go out and check the Internet secretly."

Suddenly, a sudden and deep exclamation came from below, instantly breaking the silence of the valley!

Dongfang Zi was taken aback!
Senior Zhu? !

(End of this chapter)

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