Chapter 99 Full of loopholes
Dongfang Zi raised his forehead and warned: "Deer!"

Lu Cong's pure crystal-like eyes blinked innocently, and said in a low voice, "I...we are familiar with water, and we can just fly down to streams or rivers to wash at any time."

"Oh oh oh! That's it!" Dongfang Zi blocked him, and explained with a smile: "Senior, children in the mountains are familiar with water, and they swim in streams and rivers every day, so they don't need to take a bath at all."

Zhu Feitian suddenly realized, he laughed and said, "So that's how it is!"

Lu Congjun's face flushed slightly, and he didn't dare to speak again.

Dongfang Zi hurriedly urged Zhu Feitian to help quickly, "Quick! Show off your special skills!"

"Just wait and see!" Zhu Feitian flicked the side of the notebook, and quickly typed a command, "Go!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a propeller drilled out of the head of the miniature robot on the wooden bed, circling very quickly, and flew out in a blink of an eye.

Lu Cong stared in surprise, feeling that there might be too many mistakes in what he said, so he didn't dare to ask.

Zhu Feitian turned around the screen of the notebook and raised his chin triumphantly.

"Two, please enjoy Zhu Liuliu's wonderful 666 performance!"

Lu Cong exclaimed: "This is our demon—"

"Ahem!" Dongfang Zi corrected in a timely manner: "That's right, this is the valley outside us. The little robot has a camera on its body, which can take pictures of the places it passes through through infrared rays."

Lu Cong was dumbfounded and didn't dare to ask.

Zhu Feitian explained: "Passing through the dense forest, we are almost at the mountain range outside."

Suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise, and he trembled: "Oh my God! What was that-that-that?!"

Lu Cong glanced at it and immediately recognized that it was a frog spirit.

I saw him lying on the top leaves of the tree, sticking out his long tongue, lazily catching small insects at night.

Dongfang Zi: "..."! ! !
She hurriedly looked at Lu Cong, and whispered: "Transmission! Quick! Transmit!"

Lu Cong immediately secretly cast the sound transmission spell.

Soon, the frog turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the night.

With trembling hands, Zhu Feitian moved back to the camera, only to see that the top of the tree was completely dark, without any abnormalities. He was extremely suspicious for a moment, and muttered: "Could it be... I just saw it wrong?"

Dongfang Zi pretended to be blind, "Senior, what did you see wrong? Isn't it just a big tree?"

"No! No!" Zhu Feitian laughed, and followed the camera of the little robot towards the edge of the valley.

Soon, the little robot slowly flew up the mountain.

All of a sudden, a jet-black head poked out of the soil, scolding and murmuring!
Dongfang Zi was taken aback - she recognized that it was a ginseng!
He was yelling demon language to the little robot in mid-air. Dongfang Zi just started to learn, and he only recognized "Where is the little demon?", and couldn't understand anything else at all.

She hurriedly looked at Lu Cong, who gave her a calm look, indicating that he had transmitted the sound.

Zhu Feitian asked suspiciously: "On the mountain...why is there a sound? It seems to be a human voice? What are they talking about? Where is it?"

Dongfang Zi panicked and explained: "No, it's a bird in the mountains. Its voice is gurgling, very similar to a human voice. It must have been woken up by the noise of the little robot, and it made a cry out of dissatisfaction."

Zhu Feitian suddenly nodded, and pressed a button.

"It's okay, speed up, so as not to disturb the sleep of the little animals in the forest."

So, half a minute later, the little guy flew out of the valley and went straight to the office building at the forefront of the mining village.

Dongfang Zi couldn't help becoming nervous and reminded: "Don't fly too low, there are a lot of surveillance over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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