Leopard's Feud

Chapter 23 Jack's Choice

Chapter 23 Jack's Choice

Jack slowly climbed up the baobab tree.

There are always some moments like this in the world, and a momentary mistake will cast an eternal hatred, which cannot be redeemed in a lifetime.Jack's arms trembled, as if he could no longer bear the weight of his climbing body.Perhaps, Jack should never have looked for his own kind, let alone returned to his own family.

For a while, it seems that decades have passed.

Jack stopped in front of the branch where his father Jared was. Jack's whole body seemed to be exhausted, and he didn't want to move any further.Jack raised his head, and the dim starlight shone in his eyes through the dense branches and leaves. The twinkling of the stars seemed to be a tired heartbeat.Perhaps, in the vast sea of ​​stars, there are also stray stars and souls that can never return home.

Jack hung his head weakly.

When Jack raised his head again, he saw a pair of deep eyes.

Jared stayed awake, silently watching his son.Many memories of the past flowed through Jared's eyes. At this age, it hadn't recalled the past for a long time.For some things, it does not know whether it is right or wrong, just like it led the baboon group to occupy this baobab tree.

Jack's arms were trembling slightly.

Suddenly, Jared pulled Jack over, took his son into his arms, and embraced the child who had been away from home for a long time with the deepest father's arms.

Jack has truly come home, and the homestead on the baobabs has graciously taken him in.

On the baobab tree Jack slept soundly and sweetly.It has never slept so soundly since it was born, and it is also dreaming a beautiful dream that it never had in childhood.Until the golden sun shines on its eyelids, it is warm and warm, exuding the smell of golden grass in the dry season.

After waking up from the dream, Jack was still thinking about this rare warmth.

At this time, it was already noon.Jack's sister Yetta brought him a warthog tail with a large piece of flesh attached to it. This is part of a warthog collectively captured by the baboon family today. It exudes the unique aroma of warthog.

Jack took the fat warthog's tail, his hands trembling involuntarily.Jack saw the figure of the leopard sister Carla, his dead friend Tucker the warthog, Ebe, Ella, Dora, Angela...Suddenly, Jack was like Seeing a devil, he quickly threw the meat with the warthog's tail down the tree, slapped the trunk frantically, and let out a long-suppressed wail.

Yeta thought that Jack was angry at himself, but he didn't expect that the food he kindly brought to Jack would make Jack so dissatisfied.Yeta wept, slipped down the baobab tree and ran away.

Jack sees himself as the source of the disaster.He had already killed his closest friends and relatives, and he could not remain in the baboon family, or he would only bring more misfortune to his fellow man.Of course, Jack couldn't and couldn't bear to murder his old father Jared who trusted him so much.

Jack unsteadily climbed down the baobab tree and walked into the distance.Everyone thought it was just looking for food, and no one cared.

Jack wants to leave the baboon family far away and never come back, and he wants to rescue his wife and children from the leopard's den.Jack has made his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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