Leopard's Feud

Chapter 25 Surrounded by Hyenas

Chapter 25 Surrounded by Hyenas

Cammy came out of the crypt quietly.

Outside, it was pitch black.The eyesight of baboons is not good at nocturnal travel. In the dark night, it is difficult for baboons to distinguish objects around them.

However, the leopard Kara did not come to stop Kemi.When the leopard Kara was hunting nearby, as long as Kaimi poked his head out of the burrow, Kara would quickly pounce on him, glaring at Kaimi fiercely with wide-open leopard eyes, and uttering terrifying growls from his throat.

It seems that the leopard Kara is not around, and this seems to be a good opportunity to escape from the leopard den.Cammy immediately picked up her son Jesse, and jumped out of the crypt that smelled like warthogs and leopards.

It was dark all around, and I couldn't see my fingers.In the second half of the night, thick clouds blocked the moonlight, and it was a dark and windy night.

Kemi bit the bullet and stepped forward quickly.In any case, this is an excellent opportunity to escape from the leopard's den, and Kemi cannot give up easily.Only by escaping at the fastest speed can it be possible to escape the interception of the leopard Kara.In the past few months, Kaimi and his son tried to leave the leopard den, but they were captured by the leopard Kara without exception.

Although he couldn't see everything around him clearly, Kemi was still moving blindly and quickly.It hugged its son Jesse tightly in its arms, for fear that the son would be separated from itself.

Boom!Cammy tripped over a dead tree trunk and fell hard, sending his son Jessie flying out of its arms.Kemi fell, and a sharp piece of stone sliced ​​through his arm, causing burning pain.It crawled on the ground, groped, and called eagerly for its child.

"Woo—————" Jessie grabbed Mommy's wrist, and there was a low sob in her voice.Cammy put her arms around Jesse's little head, feeling her hands wet.It turned out that Jesse's head had just been broken and was bleeding.

"Gulu, Guru", Cammy comforted Jesse, hugged Jesse tightly again, and stepped forward.Now, it is necessary to leave this place far away before the leopard Kara returns to the crypt.

In fact, Kemi didn't know that it was always wandering around the leopard's burrow, with the crypt as the center, making huge circles one after another.

Suddenly, a strange voice that seemed to be a smile but not a smile came from nearby, breaking the tranquility of the wilderness night.

Cammy's heart tightened.

This is the cry of a hyena.Near the warthog burrow occupied by Kara the leopard is the middle of an open savanna.Here, the hyena's unique sound waves can be spread far and wide, and the cry of any one hyena can attract a large number of companions.At night, hyenas call to convey food information to their kind.

Hyenas have an extremely keen sense of smell.Among them, they are particularly sensitive to the smell of blood.Fresh blood means fresh food, which can make them excited like they have been injected with stimulants.It is generally believed that hyenas are the most typical scavengers on the African savannah, and hyenas are called "grassland scavengers".In fact, fresh meat is the hyena's first choice whenever given the chance.On the grassland, as long as it smells the smell of blood, any hyena can respond at once, and hundreds or thousands of hyenas will gather at the same time.Hyenas have powerful jaws and sharp teeth that can cut bones. They can assemble into huge groups unmatched by any carnivore. They are the most terrifying killers on the African continent.Even lions are in awe of them, and huge groups of hyenas often snatch food from lions.

Hyenas often attack at night.Therefore, as long as night falls, groups of baboons will climb to the canopy where they live.After the leopard hunts at night, it will not start eating until it drags the prey to the tree, otherwise the prey is likely to be snatched by the howling hyena pack.If baboons and leopards can't climb trees, they may have a hard time surviving on the hyena-infested African continent.

Perhaps, the real overlord of Africa is neither the majestic lions nor the majestic elephants, but these hyenas that go crazy when they smell blood.

Howls that seemed to be smiling but not smiling came from afar, one after another.Apparently, it was the smell of blood on Cammy and her son Jesse that drew them in.Pairs of golden lights gathered from all directions, from far to near, especially eye-catching in the dark night, like shining lanterns.

This is the Lantern of Death.

Cammy hurriedly hugged Jesse, and staggered back.Kemi didn't know how to stay away from these terrifying killers. Subconsciously, he could only keep backing away until there was no way to go back...

Suddenly, Kemi stepped on the ground and sank.

A familiar smell of a mixture of leopard and warthog filled its nostrils. It turned out that Kemi had returned to the warthog burrow occupied by the leopard that he wanted to escape day and night.

However, under the current circumstances, it may not be a blessing to come back here.At least, the leopard Kara will not kill their mother and child yet.Their mother and child finally escaped the pursuit of the hyena group, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.Thinking of this, Cammy hugged her son Jesse tightly in her arms.

The leopard cubs were buzzing from the leopard den, and they wanted to play with Jesse again.

However, Kemi obviously underestimated the hyena's ability.

Pairs of golden lanterns were densely lit outside the leopard den, exuding dazzling light.

Here comes the hyena herd.

(End of this chapter)

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