Chapter 68

This sudden rain was simply unexpected.

No matter how bad the wind and rain were, none of the people gathered together was willing to leave.The only things in their hands had already been thrown and smashed, and some people even brought things that could be thrown and smashed from farther away.However, at this moment, in the torrential rain, the uniform silence was extremely solemn.

"Your left prime minister didn't deceive you, he didn't take bribes and break the law, and he didn't collude and commit fraud. He opened the five granaries of the court and rescued tens of thousands of victims, and those tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives are impossible. Shocking facts. And he later diverted money to fill the shortfall caused by opening the granary. Just because of this, you think he is corrupt and bribery? I can tell you that the shortfall he filled was all his blood and sweat He earned it. Maybe you will say that you can’t earn so much in your life, but he did it easily. He can leap from a commoner to a country’s prime minister, so he uses his brains, knowing that he can’t become a Successful businessman?"

The rain wet everyone's clothes. The winter weather was extremely cold, and people wore a lot of clothes. The clothes stuck to their bodies were sticky, making them extremely uncomfortable.

In the crowd, some people had already shivered from the cold, but no one chose to leave.The old and the weak, the young, just stood quietly, waiting for Qingling to continue speaking.

It seems that everyone has an instinctive expectation in their hearts.I only hope that the belief that has persisted for two years has never disappeared.

"In the past two years, water transport has completely changed the convenience of doing business. For An Lijing who encourages business and industry, do you think that, as an advocate of these measures, he will not have the strength to take the lead in developing business? Throughout the dynasties, one system and one system The implementation of the system always needs someone to try it. An Lijing is not perfect, and he needs to try it himself. Because there is no guarantee that it will be foolproof, he asked the emperor to put more than half of his salary into it every month. After two years , There have long been countless shops under the name of An Lijing, all over the Jinmi country. And the profits created by the border areas in the northwest and southwest are definitely not less than that in the land of wealth."

With earnest words, at this moment, Qing Ling focused on explaining for An Lijing, and there was a voice in her heart that kept urging her to return him justice.

just as...

As if he was protecting her in return...

Yes, it's just a gift in return.

She owes him nothing so that she can kill him without hesitation.

An Lijing seemed to be aware of her thoughts, stretched out his slender hand with full fingertips, and gently wiped away the wet marks from the corners of her eyes that could not be distinguished from tears or rain.

"Ling'er, do you know? You just... cried for me..." The excitement is beyond words.The soft voice is magnetic, as if it wants to penetrate people's hearts, and the voice will last for a long time.And those words were actually a bit like a three-year-old child, whispering like ravings.The joy on his handsome face was hard to hide.He can remain indifferent when facing the abuse and accusations of the crowd, and he can still keep his face unchanged when facing the bloody pain, but facing her, he is just the most ordinary husband.I look forward to my wife being able to be happy and sad for myself.Laugh for yourself, cry for yourself.

She once said that she would never cry again.

Because her tears have already dried up.

In reincarnation, the first time he saw her cry was during the fire that almost killed Qing Leiyue.But this time, she shed tears for him.

How can the shock in my heart be described in words?
The torrential rain has stopped, leaving behind a steady stream of drizzle.The crowd was crowded, and the crowd began to talk.

"This is all your one-sided words, how do we know whether it is true or not..."

"According to what you said, the emperor also knows about this matter, so why doesn't the emperor personally clarify for Prime Minister Zuo and give him justice?"

"How do we know if the two of you are husband and wife?"

"It's just... Although we are a bit closed to the news about the court, we don't believe any news... We don't believe that the left minister will do something wrong to us, but the evidence that comes out is conclusive. We I dare not easily believe in the innocence of Prime Minister Zuo..."


Yes, already trusted once.If you want not to get hurt again, the best way is to carefully seek evidence, speak with facts, and let the evidence go first.

"These are the proofs!" He took out a stack of papers from his sleeve, the clothes were complicated, but the stack of papers never got wet.

The light rain that was originally drizzling, as if it was deliberately trying to restore justice to Li Jing, suddenly stopped, the sky cleared, and the fine sunlight reappeared at an unimaginable speed, reflecting on the black and white paper with the seal on it.

"This is the title deed of the shop under the name of An Lijing. Those of you who know how to write and ink can come and have a look." These were all obtained by her from An Lijing's study.In fact, it is not difficult to find it.He didn't intend to guard against her, and he never asked her when she entered the study.

Originally, she took these land deeds because she wanted to destroy the evidence, so that An Lijing would not be able to say anything when she was accused.But she didn't expect that he never thought of defending himself.She who planned all of this...but instead stood up for him...

Qingling felt that she was really crazy...and, completely crazy...

A few merchants who had studied land deeds came over, they didn't dare to take all the papers in Qing Ling's hands, but just picked three or four at random.Under the magnifying glass that still shows a few traces of water stains, each word is clearly presented in front of my eyes.The faces that were inspected went from being indifferent before to dumbfounded, and finally to unbelievable...all in just a moment.

Let me just ask, Anlijing, which owns the title deeds of many shops, has huge profits from the properties under the name of various towns every month.One of the profits may bear a large part of the tax paid to the national treasury every year.How could he, who is so wealthy, not be able to afford the money of five granaries?The rumors that slandered him for his corruption and bribery were also self-defeating.

The public sentiment surged again, stirring up waves.

And under that excitement, there were those figures who knelt on the ground and kowtowed to An Lijing.

On the ground, there were still traces of the torrential rain that was so swift and swift as before.The ground was slippery, and the water meandered into a ditch.It was a very cold day, and it was very cold, but no one cared. They just knelt straight, trying to alleviate their previous sins.

"Left Prime Minister, we are sorry for you..."

He used all kinds of things to hit him so recklessly before, but he didn't explain a word. It's really wrong for them to doubt him like this with such a big heart and pleading for the people...

The sun shone on the faces of those pious and kneeling people. The simple faces no longer had the previous anger, but had complete reassurance and trust.The sound of kneeling on the ground was so loud, as if he wanted to rely on this kneeling to make up for the mistake that he regretted earlier.

By the window on the second floor of the restaurant, Huai Li took a sip of the strong warm wine, feeling something in his stomach being gently touched.

He had no expression on the fact that the group of people in front of him regained their trust in An Lijing again.However, he didn't understand Qing Ling who stood upright and put aside his past grievances and tried his best to protect An Lijing in front of such aggressive people.

This woman, in order to kill An Lijing, did not hesitate to accept his provocation to marry him.In order to kill him, he did not hesitate to associate with the Empress Dowager Lu and stood in a position of complete opposition to him.

However, when everything was getting closer and closer to that goal, she suddenly chose to give up this hard-won opportunity.

After losing this opportunity to crush An Lijing, it will not be so simple if he wants to wait until the next time.Now the Empress Dowager Lu is suppressed by the emperor and does not mention this matter, but after learning about it in private, she will definitely punish Qing Ling.

At this moment, Huai Li couldn't help squinting his eyes.A few zhang away, under the projection of the sunlight, that Luo Fu, who is already married as a woman, is so graceful and graceful that she has a natural charm.

************************************************** ***************
Saying goodbye to those ordinary people, An Lijing said a few innocuous words and left with Qingling in his arms.

In the eyes of the world, although Qing Ling admitted that she framed An Lijing before.But in the end, An Lijing personally refuted it.Most of the people are emotional people, and they still only think of two people as husband and wife who love each other deeply and share weal and woe.The women smiled and put the eggs, chicken, tea tree mushrooms, etc. that the head of the family quickly brought from home into baskets and sent them to Qingling's hands, and some even secretly stuffed some folk remedies for conceiving children, and blinked to signal : "Ma'am, give birth to a few more fat boys with Prime Minister Zuo, so we can be happy..."

It was already noon, avoiding the bustling streets, the two walked in the long and narrow alleys.

One left and one right figure, for the first time, the distance is so close.

Be it body or mind...

(End of this chapter)

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