Chapter 83

Another sunny day.

The sunlight is projected in through that side of the window, leaving a beam of oblique light in the dimension.

Lying on her side on the bed, Qing Ling opened her eyes and pictured the person next to her in her heart over and over again.

Even in his sleep, his sword-shaped eyebrows were slightly condensed, his slightly long eyelashes, and his closed phoenix eyes concealed his gleaming demeanor, but it was difficult to conceal his handsomeness.Thin lips are warm and moist, evoking countless youth.And that arm was placed on her body in an absolutely protective posture while breathing steadily.

He hadn't gone to court for many days in a row, and the days seemed to return to the early morning when he went to court for her.When the emperor above the court was noncommittal about this matter, but afterwards sent the chief servant to send a lot of tonics, when the streets and alleys thought that they had frequent qin and harp and chamber music/things, she completely overturned their thinking.

The cold wind was still blowing on her body in a trance, and when he was intoxicated in the so-called gentle country, she cruelly buried him in the hero grave.Without nostalgia, losing the will to live, he allowed his body to run out of blood and was unwilling to use divine power to repair himself.Fortunately, Taishang Laojun and Taibai Jinxing came in time, so she was able to see him again after waiting for more than 200 days and nights, and told him personally that she really couldn't live without him.

Every time there is pain in her body, she always feels that he has slowed down, and the clear plum fragrance is entwined, and his breath surrounds her body, and she asks tirelessly: "Do you regret it?"


She didn't know what exactly he was asking.

Is it the regret of almost killing him, or the regret of giving myself to him without reservation these days?
She lowered her brows softly, looked into his deep phoenix eyes, and responded sincerely over and over again: "Being with you, I will never regret it."

Unknowingly, Qing Ling stretched out her hand, and carefully outlined his sleeping face.

The fingers lingered, so cautiously, extending down inch by inch, never wanting to be grabbed by him suddenly.

But the person who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp, and seemed to look into her heart without blinking.

With that look in her eyes, Qing Ling interpreted distrust.One, his distrust of her.

Her hands and feet were a little cold, she withdrew her fingers from his palm, her tone was slightly astringent: "It's not a show anymore, I will never give you a knife when you are not prepared, from now on, you don't need to be so defensive." Follow me."

Turning her back to him, Qing Ling hugged herself tightly.Her nose was a bit blocked, she knew that since she had chosen this path, she would continue to walk like this in the future.Facing his constant doubts and speculations, his defense was so powerless.

The person behind seemed to want to say something, but only let out a long sigh.

And her back was instantly pressed against a warm chest.Still in a guarding posture, the tight hug, the warm breath, I don't know if it warmed her or melted him.

"Don't overthink it."

Those five words seemed to be his last kindness to her.

But Qingling, but there is a kind of despairing sadness.

What should I do to make her stop thinking wildly?

How could she...

Trapping herself in that warm quilt, she heard her muffled voice coming out of the quilt: "Do you still hate me?" Hate me, did you get aggressive with you because of Feng Tingyuan?Hate me, did you frame you for Feng Tingyuan's enemy?Hate me, did you leave that indelible mark on your chest because of Feng Tingyuan?

"Don't hate." Two words came, almost immediately after her words fell to the ground.Qingling didn't know whether he was crying or laughing on his face at the moment, and it seemed that such a quick answer didn't form a thinking process in his mind at all.Is it true that she blurted out subconsciously like this, or is it purely a comforting word to keep her from thinking wildly?
The person behind him has a comfortable and tranquil air in his chest, and his gentle words reveal an astonishing power that cannot be underestimated: "Don't you believe my words? Since you can forgive me for waving to you more than 3000 years ago Then why can't I forgive you for that sword strike? Just treat it as even, how about it?"

Qing Ling was taken aback, his mind was in chaos.

The wedding in the abyss of the South China Sea ended with a bright red color as an ironic ending. At that time, she was terrified, and she didn't even consider why he, who would never force her, would uncharacteristically speak harshly to her for the sake of other women.Now that I think about it, he lied to her about his identity as the Third Highness of the Heaven Realm, but lied about being the Third Highness of the Fox Clan, just to make her feel at ease with him.And he himself bears a lot of pressure from the heavens.Therefore, his weird behavior on the day of the wedding must be for the sake of the future of the two of them. That's why he ignored her wishes and forced her to shed a tear.However, what he didn't expect was that the jade bone fan that recognized the Lord would hurt her who was pregnant.

Turning around, Qing Ling nestled her body in his arms, did not look at him, but there was bitterness in her eyes.

They were even, but he didn't want to call himself "husband" anymore.Invisibly, the gap between the two has long been formed.

Tusita Palace.

In the alchemy furnace, sandalwood is wafting, the child's hand is propping his chin, the corner of his mouth is dripping, and he is drowsy all over the sky.

A golden light flashed, and An Lijing came out of the radiance, with a jade crown and hair, handsome and handsome, glanced around, but said in a calm voice: "Where is Laojun?"

The little boy was soundly asleep when he was awakened by a steady, forceful and irresistible voice. He rubbed his sleepy eyes with both hands, raised his eyes, and lazily responded: "This fairy friend came at a bad time. Ji Cangsheng has the common people in his heart, and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who was entrusted by the emperor to go to the west to learn scriptures, and his party."

"Old gentleman, you are old and disrespectful, get out of here quickly! Just now I won the flat peach that the empress rewarded me, and I lost the chess game. You are too unkind to be an immortal, right? I get out!"

The voice of Taibai Jinxing moved from far to near, and the anger was obvious.However, as soon as he stepped into the alchemy room, his eyes seemed to blink, and he looked drunk: "Ouch... Laojun, where did you go? You are so old and you are missing all the time..." The body pretended to be swaying, this was the wine gourd who wanted to be inseparable, but he didn't bring it with him at all.

"Where is Xingjun going? I want to find Laojun, why did you leave in such a hurry before stepping in?" An Lijing walked step by step with a lazy voice. approaching, staring closely at the evasive Taibaijinxing.

The clothes were a little wrinkled on her body, Taibai Jinxing's body was crooked, and she stared at the person in front of her with wide eyes: "No, no, no, it's nothing to do when you are old. Boy, when your master comes back, tell him, another day Fight him for [-] rounds..."

"You can still order soberly when you are drunk, Lord Xing is the No.An Lijing faced Taibai Jinxing expressionlessly, and said in a cold tone, "Are you afraid that the palace will ask you to do something risky? Or are you afraid that something wrong with the palace will hurt you?"

With a tremor in his heart, Taibai Jinxing bent down towards An Lijing almost without thinking.

"Shenjun calm down, Xiaoxian absolutely has no such intentions, Xiaoxian just..." How could he have forgotten, the Third Highness is no longer the Third Highness, but Cang Ye Shenjun.

The little boy not far away was still dozing off. He reached out his hand to wipe away the unconscious smack around his mouth, and fell asleep again.For Taibai Jinxing, an immortal who seldom bows to people in heaven and earth, suddenly bowed his head to the third highness of the heaven so solemnly, he had no interest at all.

"Since Taishang Laojun purposely found an excuse to run away, then this hall entrusts a difficult matter to Xingjun."

"The god's words are serious, Xiaoxian dare not, terrified, terrified."

Too lazy to engage in devious tactics with him, An Lijing went straight to the point: "Under the sun, apart from the reincarnation platform in Kunlun Mountain and the gate of life and death in the underworld, is there anything else that can see a person's past and present lives?"

In fact, he could have easily ignored the empress mother's angry words.But in the end, I still don't want to bear such a layer of shackles and be together with Qingling.

The father opened the reincarnation platform without authorization, and saw that the queen mother was having an affair with others. Once the seeds of doubt sprouted, they took root deep, and the mother queen, who has always been the happiest respected by the three worlds, suddenly fell from the sky to the eighteenth level of hell. One can imagine all kinds of tastes.

Therefore, even if the mother was swearing again, even if the mother was categorical, he took a series of factors into consideration and quickly overturned her conclusion.However, it is useless for him to understand it in his own heart. His father has believed the mother's words, and in a rage he locked her on the Qiankun pillar, let her be exposed to the sun, and ordered the dragon to spread rain as a punishment.The empress mother's affair with others has become an uproar, and the empress who favors the heavens is no longer the empress of the past.

He can ignore everyone in the world, even his own father, monarch, mother and queen, but Qing Ling's reputation must not be slandered.

As a "wild species", he absolutely cannot allow people to play up his identity.

What he has to do is to let the heavens end this ridiculous theory of the direct lineage.

However, since the reincarnation platform was crossed last time, it has already been completely blocked by the father's horoscope.As for the gate of life and death in the underworld, he was unwilling to break through it unless it was absolutely necessary.Because of that door, he still needs to use it for other purposes, and he can't make enemies with Yan Jun for the time being.If he broke in and peeked at the past and present, and Yan Jun destroyed it in a fit of anger, then the plan he had in mind would be in vain.

"Shenjun, this...the old man really doesn't about...or you can ask the Taishang Laojun's old way...he has contacted many times more people and things than me... I... as a Shangxian, I can only be regarded as a dawdler, and I can't get on the stage..." Taibai Jinxing was still struggling, with his beard up and down, and his body moved slowly, as if it only needed one If given the chance, he would jump out without hesitation.

"Since you call me Divine Lord, then you should know who is the real master of the Three Realms, Five Elements, Four Seas, Eight Desolations, Yin and Yang, and the six realms. Now, this hall orders you as Cang Ye Divine Lord, say!"

With a shout, he was no longer as warm and elegant as before, and An Lijing's handsome face showed a stern look that belonged to the superior, overlooking the universe and the world.

The sleepy little boy was awakened, and was looking around in doubt, when An Lijing waved his arm, a plum fragrance wafted in the strong wind, and he fell down again, and this time, he fell into a complete coma.

Taibai Jin Xingxin said that Laojun, you are too unkind, and ran away by himself to let me bear the power of the third highness.Well, at worst, we all die together, who let you slip away so fast, but let me fall into this muddy water...

"Shenjun, the old man has heard of a treasure that can go back to ancient times and spy on the years."


"Fuwei Shangshen's eldest son, Huai Li Shangxian's artifact is a square sky chain. With a wave of the square sky chain, he can easily reach any number of years he wants to stay. But..." After a little hesitation, Taibai Jinxing rarely lost his pair Chaotic, the whole person suddenly became engrossed.

"But what?"

"Shangxian Huaili also obtained the Fang Tianlian from Bodhi Patriarch in order to go back to the past, but he never succeeded. The reputation of Fang Tianlian may be just a legend."

Fang Tianlian...

Silently pondering these words in his heart, An Lijing gradually frowned.

He had heard of the Fang Tian Chain of Patriarch Bodhi, but he never knew it had such a function.If he could really go back in time, he could give it a try.

Just, Huai Li?
He got Fang Tianlian, but he never succeeded in peeking into the past?

Unexpectedly, Huai Li actually had something he wanted to save, but now he wasted his time in the human world just like him.Heh... Yin Cunxie, the young lord of Kunlun Mountain, is not worried about staying in the human world, because his temperament of changing his fate for love against the sky caught his attention when they first met in the Samsara Stage.But this Huai Li is Zhi Ting's eldest brother, but he always worries about it.

Fang Tianlian... It seems that he needs to go and meet this Huaili.

The former God, now the God.

The Right Phase of the Human World...

(End of this chapter)

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