At the beginning, the prediction of natural disasters shocked the whole world!

Chapter 101 [101] Terrifying efficiency, overwhelming sense of security!

Chapter 101 [101] Terrifying efficiency, overwhelming sense of security!

Jiang Feng in the study knew nothing about what happened in this short period of time.

He is still slowly narrating, based on the scenes he saw in the prophecy screen, combined with the information he has consulted, to popularize science and explain to everyone how to correctly avoid disasters and how to face various hidden follow-up dangers after disasters.


In contrast, in the studio and live broadcast room, everyone was listening carefully.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that the "Prophet" began to make a declarative summary.

"What should be said, I have already said."

"I hope that everyone will pay attention to it, but at the same time, I also hope that everyone will not panic."

"In the emergency command work report, I have written every important link in detail."

"Next, everyone just needs to actively cooperate with the work of the Temporary Emergency Command Office to ensure that everyone is safe and sound."

"Finally, a word to everyone."

"The dawn is just around the corner, and the darkness will eventually pass!"

Everyone saw that the audio connection displayed on the screen was disconnected and disappeared.

At this moment, Lin Elegy and all the audience in the live broadcast room fell into silence.

Everyone looked at the map marked by "Prophet" on the TV screen in the background.

When recalling the words of the "Prophet" from beginning to end.

I suddenly understood.

Why did the High Council of Daxia Mansion set up a temporary emergency command agency.

Why early this morning, the major emergency teams and groups under the Daxia Mansion set off with great fanfare in cities such as Yexiang City, Liuhe City, Qianjiang City, and Baidao City.


Everything is crystal clear.

Including Lin Zhiping, all scientific research experts in the studio.

When each of them saw the specific parameters and travel path of the doomsday typhoon marked by the "Prophet", and recalled his guiding words, an idea popped up in their minds unconsciously: "It turns out that in the field of science , we are not as good as the 'prophet'!"

Only Qin Wushen stood up with a smile after the "Prophet" hung up the audio.

Walking to the front of the live broadcast camera, he smiled generously: "Just now, the director of our temporary emergency command agency, Mr. 'Prophet' spoke very well."

"I, Qin Wushen, will serve as the deputy director of the temporary emergency command agency."

"I also solemnly remind everyone here."

"The soldiers of our Temporary Emergency Command Agency have already divided the severely affected areas affected by the doomsday typhoon into restricted areas in advance, only allowed to go out and not allowed to enter!"

"You can open the map app on your mobile phone, and check whether you are in a severely affected area according to the map mark and satellite positioning."

"In addition, major supermarkets, chain convenience stores, and major e-commerce platforms in typhoon-stricken cities have already put on shelves family-version emergency kits for people in disaster-stricken areas."

"It contains enough emergency supplies such as drinking water, food, energy, and medical medicine for a family of three for two weeks."

"Everyone can register and purchase with their real names now."

After speaking, Qin Wushen walked back to the auditorium.

After Lin Elegy said a few brief concluding remarks, he gestured to the staff at the backstage of the studio.

The live broadcast signal was immediately interrupted.

"Elegy to See the World" today's audio interview with "The Prophet" live program has officially ended.


The nearly 5000 million viewers in the live broadcast room and the viewers who were watching the TV broadcast were not affected by the speed of the downcast at the speed of light at all, and opened the mobile phone map and online shopping mall in the first place.

No worries about life, no worries about eating and drinking, then the moment of crazy performances of various barrages will follow.

"It's amazing!"

"In the map app, the various areas affected by the doomsday typhoon marked by the boss are really implanted."

"I wasn't sure whether my family was in severe or mild disease at first, but now I open the map and look at it, it's clear at a glance!"

"Let me show you what I took. There is really a joint defense agency pulling the red cordon."

"I went to the supermarket near my home and took a look. There are a lot of backpack-style emergency kits, which are really convenient, and let alone four or fifty catties. The price is only 699, which is really super cheap. No wonder you have to register to buy. , This is no different from giving away in vain.”

"This efficiency is really not covered!"

"The sense of security is overwhelming!"

"Thank you 'Prophet' boss!!!"


Just when the audience in the "Elegy to Watch the World" live broadcast room frantically sent barrage.

Guo Ming, deputy dean of the School of Marine Meteorology at Donghai Institute of Technology, after watching the live broadcast, quietly ran to the Internet and publicly published a long "thousand people" that clearly questioned the "prophet".

"After watching Mr. 'Prophet''s live broadcast, I feel really suffocated and can't vomit."

"First of all, the prediction about the doomsday typhoon that Mr. 'Prophet' said, although based on the various parameters he provided, after data modeling calculations, there is a possibility of occurrence, but after all, it is only a possibility, and probabilistic events are 'predicted' Mr. Jia' said so firmly, isn't it a little thoughtless and not rigorous enough in terms of words."

"Secondly, Mr. 'Prophet' doesn't have any substantive evidence to prove whether the doomsday typhoon will happen. Isn't it a little inappropriate to openly speculate on the road map of the typhoon after it lands and make it public? The resulting panic , who can be responsible for it?"

"Furthermore, Mr. 'Prophet' didn't even show his face. He just provided a report and said a little irresponsible and incitement. Personally, I think it is not rigorous, and it is really a serious waste of social resources! "

"In the end, is the 'Prophet' being the director of the temporary emergency command agency, can he really convince the public?"


Someone took the lead in causing trouble, which naturally attracted the applause of a large number of ignorant black and star fanatics who had died down before.

This "Thousands of People" became a trending search with a lot of discussion at an extremely fast speed.

"I think Mr. Guo is right!"

"It is undeniable that the 'Prophet' has brought a lot of benefits to the Daxia Mansion in predicting the tsunami and earthquake in the Elfa City of the Peacock Mansion, and has made great contributions to the development of the Daxia Mansion."

"But this time, it is unacceptable to publicly use scientific methods to preach his baseless predictions!"

"Besides, I didn't even show my face. Everything depends on my mouth. If something goes wrong, no one can find it. At most, I won't let him play around on the Internet. I don't take any risks..."

"A typhoon of level 26.1, hehe."

"I have lived in Yexiang City for nearly 40 years. I have experienced several typhoons every year, and I don't think there is anything terrible. Besides, before each typhoon comes, it is monitored by the Early Warning Bureau. , will send a notice, you have not written a word about this matter, rely on your "prophet" to give a few data, and then it may happen? Are you crazy?"

"Typhoons are not earthquakes. They come and go quickly. There is a process. It takes a few days from formation to landfall. Anyway, I think the 'prophet' is scaremongering!"

"I really annoy him to death, so that my idol hasn't been in the top few hot searches for several days."


(End of this chapter)

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