Chapter 279 [279] Arrival!
arctic region.

After a brief black screen, the screen of the live broadcast room of the Arctic Scientific Research Station began to recover slowly.

In just a short while, the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly increased to more than 10 billion.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also began to increase.

"Wow, finally the screen is back!"

"Where is this at the North Pole? Do you know any big brothers?"

"This should be the North Magnetic Pole. I've been there before."

"Look, everyone, the water is coming, and the ice is starting to melt..."

"My God! The glaciers here have also begun to melt, such thick ice melted into water in an instant!"

"The ice here has melted, which means that a lot of places in the Arctic have melted."

"All the ice in the Arctic has melted, what about the polar bears and penguins?"

"Fool, penguins live in the south, and there are no penguins in the North Pole."

"The Arctic region, I remember it is also inhabited!"

"When I was in school, the teacher taught it, and it seems to be from Asjimo."

"Now that the North Pole is melting, those asjimo people can't survive here!"

"You don't have to worry about this. The Arctic melts, and these places in the northern hemisphere of the Western Hemisphere become the new Arctic. Asjimo people can live there."

"Haha, brother, what a hell joke you are."


Ocean House, Birmingham.

As the southernmost city in Ocean Mansion, it is still peaceful at this moment.

Since the people of Ocean Mansion were all evacuated, the bustling city in the past has been deserted.

Looking at the familiar streets in the live broadcast room, many people in Dayangfu were posting barrage discussions.

"Here, will it really be frozen later?"

"My God, are you still questioning Mr. Prophet's prediction at this time?"

"Hey, it's not that I want to question it, it's just that I don't want our Ocean Mansion to be frozen from the bottom of my heart."

"That building is my home, I really don't want my home to become like the North Pole!"

"Look, everyone, the sea water in the camera is starting to freeze."

"I'm going, what's the situation, why did I blink just now, and the sea water froze!"

"Buildings, trees, streets, everything is slowly freezing. Oh my god, this is amazing. If I wasn't watching the live broadcast, I would have thought I was watching a movie?"

"It's over! The entire Ocean Mansion will really be completely frozen!"

"It's unbelievable that our Ocean Mansion, which has existed for so many years, is completely frozen today."


Great Liang Prefecture, in a shelter in Sicily.

Victoria looked at the frozen Buckingham Palace, her entire face turned pale with fright.

The secretary at the side was also watching this shocking scene, and said tremblingly, "It's a good thing we retreated here early, otherwise we would have turned into popsicles right now."

"Yes." Victoria nodded, and then took a deep breath, "This is thanks to the prophet of Daxia Mansion. Without him, people in our Dayang Mansion might really die."

"Mr. Prophet is so great, he once again saved many people." The secretary nodded in agreement.


Since the entire Oceanic Mansion began to be frozen, the Dafa Mansion also fell shortly after, followed by the Great Dan Mansion, Dafen Mansion and other Nordic mansions, and finally the entire Prussian Mansion was also frozen.

In less than half a day, all the mansions predicted by Jiang Feng had entered the Ice Age.

Bolan Mansion, in Layden's refuge.

Seeing that the Schulenburg he was familiar with had completely turned into an ice cave, Raiden felt shuddering all over.

Before that, he had always been lucky, thinking that the Prussian mansion would not be frozen.

August was full of grief, as if mourning: "It's over, our Prussian mansion is really completely over!"

"In the future, in this world, there will no longer be a big mansion to stop the rise of the Great Xia Mansion!"

Layden laughed at himself: "Even if our Prussian Mansion has not become like this, as long as the Great Xia Mansion has prophets, we will not be able to compete with them."

Afterwards, he continued: "August, your prejudice against the Daxia Mansion is too deep. If there were no prophets this time, we might all be dead by now."

"Don't just think about how to fight against Daxia Mansion. We should be grateful for his life-saving grace to our Prussian Mansion."


Other Prussian people in the refuge also saw the entire process of the Prussian mansion being frozen.

"My God! The disaster just now was too terrifying. Those buildings, streets... were all frozen in an instant, just like watching a movie."

"In the live video just now, I saw the scene of my house being frozen. The linden tree in my house is so pitiful that it turned into an icicle."

"It's terrible, if we are still in our own home now, we will be frozen into ice sculptures like those plants and animals! .

"Thank you, Mr. Prophet, without him, I would definitely be an ice sculpture now."

"And I would like to thank Mr. Layden! If he hadn't forcibly evacuated the people from our Prussian mansion last night, we estimate that many people would have sacrificed in vain."

"Thanks to him. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be in such a mess as last night. Before that, Raiden had been lying to us that the prophet was a liar, and he almost killed us."

"Yes! Although Layden has made amends, but his fault is too great, he does not deserve our thanks."

"The next time the Palace Master is elected, I will definitely not elect him again."

"It's a pity! Our mansion was destroyed by such an indiscriminate disaster."

"Don't be sorry, a disaster of this level is unavoidable. We are actually very lucky. Fortunately, in our era, there is a selfless and great prophet to save us."

"I heard that Mr. Prophet has social media before. Can anyone give me some guidance, let me follow and thank Mr. Prophet!"

"Me too, I also want to thank Mr. Prophet."


As all the predicted big houses were frozen, the people in those big houses were all glad that they were still alive, and thanked Jiang Feng for saving their lives.

The councils of those big houses also had similar ideas. They even held a video conference together and issued a joint statement to thank Jiang Feng.

These news spread to Daxia Mansion, and the Internet in Daxia Mansion completely boiled.

"Dozens of big houses issued a joint statement to thank the big prophet, what is a row of noodles!"

"The big prophet saved them, that's what they should do! If you want me to say, they should give some benefits to the big prophet, this will show their sincerity."

"Upstairs, you obviously didn't read the statement carefully when you said this. The statement is not only thanking the big prophet on paper, but there are also various honorary titles given to the big prophet , such as the Oceanic Mansion, the Prussian Mansion... the duke title given by the big mansion, and the big mansion in the statement, all promised that the reconstruction of the big mansion in the future will be handed over to our Daxia Mansion, and they will also cooperate with our Daxia Mansion. For a [-]/[-] strategic partnership..."

"Damn it, in this era, the title of duke is returned, and the big houses like Ocean Mansion are really sincere enough!"

"All the reconstruction work will be given to our Daxia Mansion. In this way, the business of those infrastructure companies in our Dafu will be able to last for decades!"

"Give us all the reconstruction work, will we be overwhelmed!"

"The disaster-stricken mansions combined are not as big as our Daxia mansion. How can our mansion be overwhelmed!"

"If this is the case, will these big cities take the same subway or high-speed rail as us in the future!"

"An all-weather strategic partnership, what does this mean? Does anyone know?"

"I have learned in school before that only the most friendly government with our government can have this modifier. If I remember correctly, the only one that has an all-weather strategic partnership with our government now is the Great Iron Mansion."

"Damn it, upon hearing this, our situation will be opened at once!"


(End of this chapter)

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