Chapter 1013 Griffon (26)
After Ferdinand rescued Avril, he heard a piece of news from her that made him despair. The Ethiopian Empire had announced that Avril and Perseus, the last remnants of the Principality of Flora, had all been executed. Ferdinand had not found them in the corpses before. The young master has probably been bitten by a monster.

The two wandered around Everest for several months before finally encountering humans, but they were robbers who came to rob them.

As a high-ranking swordsman, Ferdinand defeated the robbers effortlessly, subdued them, and occupied Blackwood Cliff. The two became bandits and became one of the gangsters in Mount Everest.

During the period, the two went out once, trying to assassinate the crown prince of Ethiopia, but what they didn't expect was that they received a piece of news that made them feel sad. After the prince's royal highness, Bereromin buried the Principality of Flora, not long after. has been crowned emperor of Ethiopia.

Assassinating the king of a country is almost an impossible task. Avril and Ferdinand, full of hatred, returned to Heimuya desperately and continued to struggle for survival until Li Feng came to the door.

Avril lavigne later, tears began to flow down the cheeks.After a lapse of six years, this strong little girl finally revealed her weakness again, and unreservedly showed her heart surrounded by hatred to the hero she admired and admired in her heart.

Li Feng hugged the delicate beauty in his arms, his eyes were full of pity.

Bearing the hatred of ruining the country and destroying the family, but can only stay in the isolated mountain, silently licking the wounds of the soul, and pretending to be himself, always beware of those robbers who covet his beauty. The proud princess has hidden so much pain and tears under her pungent appearance.

Chapter 300 Huaxia Secret Technique
"Five years..." Li Feng said suddenly, staring at Avril with a surprised face, and said with a smile: "In five years at most, Heimuya will definitely have enough strength to break Ethiopia's palace and take Bailey Find out this devil, Luo Ming, and let you be punished."

Avril Lavigne's eyes lit up, her eyes were full of expectations, and more of them were still hesitant. Of course, she admired the master's methods, and she also saw the changes in Heimuya, but a den of robbers can be strong enough to compete with Da Dao. Do Empires Rival?

Li Feng took a breath and made his face look more serious, "It is undoubtedly a dream to confront a huge empire head-on, but it is impossible for Ethiopia's palace to be guarded by so many masters all the time. , so if Heimuya can organize a team of strong enough air cavalry, and then use some tricks to lure away the masters of the palace, and suddenly launch an attack on the palace, there is a high chance of breaking through the palace."

In fact, if you want to raid the palace of a great empire, even if all of them are empty knights, it is not so easy to succeed, but Li Feng is not just talking big, the pill in his hand is his greatest reliance, as long as the empty knights The strength is strong enough, the number of people is large enough, and there may not be no hope of breaking Ethiopia's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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