Chapter 1017 Griffon (30)
Seeing the disappointment on Avril Lavigne's face, Li Feng added: "Actually, the 'Huaxia Secret Technique' is not as powerful as you imagined, at least in terms of explosive power, if you use all your fighting energy to strike, the power is far greater." I am more than twice as good as me. What I rely on are all kinds of skills derived from the "Chinese secret skills". I have only taught these skills to one person before. The strength of a sword master at the peak is at least enough to compete with a great sword master, and even if he faces an ordinary sword master, he may not be invincible."

Chapter 301 Transformation of Dou Qi Slash
Avril was completely attracted by Li Feng's description, and Li Feng couldn't help himself, so he reluctantly took out his palm, stood up, and demonstrated for Avril.

"The last time I was able to punch through the touchstone with one punch, I used a special technique to accumulate the power of hundreds of punches and release it at once. This technique can actually be done with fighting spirit, but it is relatively difficult." Li Feng stepped off his horse, took a long breath like a whale swallowing, secretly lucked for a while, and suddenly punched down in the air.

Li Feng's fist was surrounded by jumping electric arcs, layers of ripples rippling from the fist, the distortion of the air could be clearly seen by the naked eye, the surging energy suddenly pressed down, smashing a big hole in front of Li Feng, the air The strength erupted in all directions, stirring up countless fine petals, and arcs of electricity flashed away in the air.

Avril was arranging her clothes with a blushing face. Seeing this astonishing scene, her body froze and her mouth could not be closed.

The power of Li Feng's fist may not be as powerful as the Dou Qi Slash, but the Dou Qi Slash relies on the Dou Qi to work, while Li Feng was able to create such a great momentum just now purely by the shock wave on his fist.Avril could imagine that if she was hit by this punch, even a strong sword master would probably have to shed a layer of skin.

Avril's eyes fell on Li Feng's eyes, and she suddenly exclaimed in shock: "Master, your eyes..."

Eye?Li Feng was swinging the thread, when he heard Avril's cry, he was startled, and quickly put up a water mirror in front of him.

Damn, Li Feng felt that he was about to become a monster, no wonder Avril was so strange, there were countless small arcs beating in his eyes, and there seemed to be a thunder and lightning in the dark pupils, which looked extremely weird.

When Li Feng changed his face in the mirror just now, he didn't notice any abnormality. It seems that this strange change only appeared when he practiced martial arts.

Li Feng calmed down the turbulent qi in his body, and sure enough, the beating arc quickly faded until it disappeared.

It seems that this is caused by the mutation of true qi, but fortunately, there are no bad consequences. As for whether there are any benefits, Li Feng has not yet discovered it.

Li Feng broke the water mirror casually, ignored the change in the eyes, and smiled at Avril: "This technique looks very powerful, but it is actually not practical in battle, because it takes too long to prepare. But From this kind of technique, one can derive a method suitable for fighting qi."

(End of this chapter)

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